Without The Anointing…Or With The Glory? Linda Pankretz

Without The Anointing…Or With The Glory?  Linda Pankretz


Did Jesus say, by their revelation knowledge, prophetic abilities, gifts of the Spirit, abilities to articulate messages intellectually in modern contemporary language… you will know them? NO!! (All those things are wonderful)  He said, “By their fruit, you shall know them.”  The kingdom of God is not in word Only, but in demonstration of the Spirit and power.  If there is no fruit or manifestation of His Glory – Presence in our life; we might need to re-examine ourselves closely.  Eye felt led to ask Linda, whom I have never met in person and knew very little to share something for our reading Body.   You will be thoroughly blessed to hear of the Move of God taking place in a prison where she ministers, as you join her on this glorious journey and adventure in Spirit.


I find myself in a very peculiar (to me) place this year, 2015. How about you? Although it is feeling and looking PECULIAR, I believe that is EXACTLY where Father wants us……..Our journey of faith/trust in Him is unknown and peculiar and exciting and wild and yet somehow FULFILLING.

I will give you a little background (very little) before I enter into the good stuff!


I was raised in a military cop family who had no interest in God or religion. My form of rebellion at 14 was to go to Catholic Mass which was spoken in Latin! It did accomplish what I set out to accomplish….assert my separateness and individuality and tick off my parents. Many years go by and many sins accumulate until 1 day I was asked to go to a protestant church service. I was feeling pretty low, so what did I have to lose?

This church was HUGE for the time (1970); it was a Sunday evening service and not quite as rigid. Not knowing what to expect….I was quite surprised that the music and singing was quite enjoyable…and I could understand the prayers because they were not in Latin! But then….things started to get kind of eerie…….I felt a strong PRESENCE begin to fill the place and “things” started to happen. People were beginning to fall down; people were getting healed; people were getting LOUDER. The PRESENCE began to get so HEAVY that I became scared and YET STRANGELY DRAWN TO “IT”. As the night progressed my shock and wonder increased, but my fear was still there.

Even though everything was PECULIAR to me……somehow I knew that THIS PRESENCE WAS GOD!

(the person who invited me did not explain anything…just invited me and sat there with me. Never discussed anything or explained or even asked me questions)

After I went home that night, these peculiar things rolled around in my mind…..but the FEELING I FELT FROM THE PRESENCE stayed with me…..as a matter of fact …….I NEVER FORGOT THE FEELING……45 years now.

My sin life and the destruction that is reaped from sin increased of course. About 3 years later, I was calling out to that God…..but no answer. Until a neighbor invited me to the VERY SAME CHURCH! I was ready this time…..but to my dismay…..the pastor had died and been replaced and the church congregation did not sing and pray as they did that night……AND WHERE WAS THE PRESENCE? I returned to that church with the EXPECTATION OF THE PRESENCE!

Well, my life was such a mess by then, that I continued to attend that church and I followed all their directions as to how become a “christian”. I learned a new lifestyle and new ways of making decisions, BUT my actual situations, relationships, and inside of me were still the same. Actually getting worse.

When I asked questions or went for pastoral counseling I was told to pray more, read the bible more, go to this seminar, that workshop, this bible study, read this book….etc etc etc. I was basically taught that I had a lack of KNOWLEDGE/EDUCATION…..that was my problem.

I looked around at the “christian” families and I saw happiness, comfortable lives, financial prosperity…..etc. I cried out to God ‘WHY NOT ME?” “I am DOING EVERYTHING I’m SUPPOSE TO DO!”

Well, the more I read and studied, the more DIS-SATISFIED I became with life and especially with church! I began to FLOAT around from church to church and from denomination to denomination. Not really knowing what I was looking for and settling in a spot because it felt HOPEFUL.

For 30 years!!! I hungered for an answer or something that would make a difference in my life. The questions began to change over the years. I started narrowing down the questions to “WHERE’S ALL THIS LOVE THAT YOU TALK ABOUT? WHERE’S ALL THIS LOVE THAT THE BIBLE TALKS ABOUT?” “BECAUSE I’M NOT FEELING IT! I DON’T FEEL IT FROM YOU GUYS AND I DON’T FEEL IT INSIDE OF ME”

My life became unbearable so many times during that 30 years that I attempted suicide….often. At the end of 30 years I said……”TO HELL WITH GOD, TO HELL WITH CHURCH, AND TO HELL WITH THE BIBLE. I GUESS I AM NOT ONE OF THE CHOSEN, BECAUSE THIS IS NOT WORKING FOR ME”. I hated God just

as my parents did. I hated church just as my parents did. I turned my back with anger and bitterness and disappointment.

I began to live for ME and only ME….ridding myself of everything and everyone that caused me pain or aggravation. My life got better! I was actually happy! But there was still something missing…..LOVE.

Then one day…..12 years ago….THE PRESENCE ENTERED MY LIVING ROOM AND KNOCKED ME TO THE FLOOR. I was afraid for my life! I remembered this PRESENCE and knew it was God. The God that I hated and want nothing to do with.

3 days and 3 nights went by. God was giving me a re-run of my life WITH the added knowledge of what my REAL motives were behind my decisions AND the wounding that my sin did to others. The things I said and did that I thought were love for others, proved to be SELFISH AND SELF-PROTECTIVE.

I wailed and wailed and cried the entire time….never running out of tears.

The PRESENCE kept pressing me to the floor….never letting up on me until after the 3rd night.

I heard a VOICE that shook me even more and the VOICE told me to “GET UP”.

I knew this VOICE was God…..it was filled with so much authority and power that I jumped up and obeyed immediately. The VOICE began to teach me in the scriptures and in ancient Hebrew and Greek languages.

The VOICE would fill my mind with so much teaching and pictures I thought my head would explode……I was on the extremely FAST TRACK of God’s REMOVAL OF ALL LIES AND THE FALSE AND REPLACING IT WITH HIS TRUTH and with UNDERSTANDING.

I went through a lot of emotions….I felt betrayed by the ones who were supposed to know the truth and know God. I was angry, and then I was sad because I repeated the lies to my children as they were growing up in the “church”. But I began to experience FREEDOM….TRUE FREEDOM inside of me.

I began to have HOPE, and I no longer felt EMPTY.

I asked this VOICE, “What is this called? What is happening to me? Why do I hear God’s VOICE when I never heard anyone else say they hear Your VOICE?”

The VOICE said to me “YOU ARE BORN AGAIN NOW.” I was shocked…..I thought I WAS born again for 30 years! The VOICE said “DO A WORD STUDY ON THE WORD REPENTANCE”.

As He had taught me, I began to study in the Hebrew and Greek every single verse that had the word repentance in it…..which led to more verses where the English word was NOT repentance, but SHOULD HAVE BEEN.

To say it was a “mind blower” would be insufficient. I began to call my friends and family to tell them that I was never born again. They did not believe me. They just thought that I had a life filled with trials. They actually said that if I wasn’t a Christian, then who is! I was amazed….I had believed that my life looked way worse than theirs did!

After a year of being alone with the VOICE, He had taught me how to have all the wounds of my soul healed and the memories that went with them. 55 years worth of wounds healed permanently in 4 months.

He taught me how to walk in His Holy Spirit; He taught me what sin is; what faith is; why He created humans at all; the difference between religion and the Kingdom of God; the truth about the earth, hell, and the heavenlies; the hierarchy system of the kingdom of darkness and the Kingdom of God; How the Kingdom of Heaven operates with the Kingdom of God; etc etc etc….He taught me so much…that my bible has nearly all verses highlighted with bright orange!

The VOICE began to teach me how to have intimacy and trust in Jesus Christ first. Then after healing the wounds of my soul He taught me intimacy with the Holy Father. And then finally….and to this day! He is teaching me about having intimacy with the Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit brought me to John’s website ATAM  about the year 2007. I was 3 years old. I was SHOCKED by what I read, but yet, Holy Spirit was urging me to keep reading. My religious brainwashing was being SHOCKED over and over again…..but I kept obeying. Holy Spirit kept connecting the dots between what I read and the opening up of the scriptures to me.

That was the year that Holy Spirit also instructed me to begin watching science fiction movies and shows. This is not me at all….as a matter of fact; I was no longer interested in TV or movies. But even before I was born again…science; science fiction, and math were not my thing! I use to love murder mysteries!

(Well….loving mysteries and desiring to know things that are hidden….is a very good start!)

As God revealed more of Himself to me….His thoughts; His ways; His feelings; His plans……my intimacy with Him grew deeper; my trust in Him grew stronger; and my love for Him took over.

Holy Spirit used ATAM to instruct me in the deeper things of the Kingdom and He also used ATAM as a place for confirmation. But most importantly, ATAM gave me assurance that I was not ALONE in this type of journey.

I REALLY needed to know that I was not “the only one” on this type of journey because I live in a very small community of 5,000 total people; with very few churches or Christian groups of any kind; and in a county that is not very populated.

When the Holy Spirit instructed me to return to the church buildings…..I was REBELLIOUS AND ANGRY. But His Love melted me into submission. He was teaching me another facet of His Kingdom, now that I was grounded in Him.

And along with this new facet of His Kingdom came the new instructions about the Holy Spirit.

Many people go through their lives using words that they really don’t know the true meaning of.

One of many words that I knew, but didn’t really KNOW was the word ANOINTING.

I loved living in the Spirit 24/7, once I got to that point. It wasn’t much fun getting to that point, but afterwards….it seemed the only way to live! It was like living in a bubble…or like Star Trek…living with “shields up” and walking through this earthly realm without really being OF this earthly realm.

But Father was telling me to keep hungering for more…do not settle in any one place in this journey.


Holy Spirit showed me that settling for walking in the Holy Spirit bubble was SELFISH. I was keeping all of the Abundant Life for myself and that is only PART OF MY PURPOSE AND DESTINY.

So then began the NEW AGE study that the Holy Spirit led me on! LOL I found out that I STILL had religious brainwashing inside of me….because once again I was SHOCKED at what I was reading. Holy Spirit and I turned another corner in my journey…..about DIFFERENT LEVELS OF FREQUENCIES, ENERGY, VIBRATIONS, LIGHT, SOUND, COLOR, and NUMBERS.

OH my, I am beginning to think like John of Age To Age Ministries!!  Father’s visions and dreams were increasing as I prayed and hungered for HIS INCREASE IN ME. Holy Spirit connected the dots between levels of frequencies and levels of FAITH, levels of GLORY, levels of AUTHORITY, levels of POWER, levels of ANOINTING.

As I fasted and prayed for being raised up to higher levels of all of these gifts of His Kingdom…..He showed me in the scriptures that it is the HIGHER LEVELS that bring the Kingdom of Heaven to the earthly realm in signs, wonders, healings, miracles, new birth, but ALSO VERY IMPORTANTLY, these higher levels of HIS GLORY flowing from us is WHAT CONSUMES THE KINGDOM OF DARKNESS. This world we live in IS the kingdom of darkness! This world is not a NEUTRAL PLACE to live in while we choose sides. We are physically/naturally born into the kingdom of this world/darkness whose god is Satan….Satan is the god of this world and the prince of darkness….if you live on earth, you are living in Satan’s kingdom. But we do not have to be a citizen of his kingdom while we are on earth, nor do we have to be influenced by his kingdom; buffeted about by his kingdom; or suffer at the hands of his kingdom.

Light consumes darkness. Darkness does not consume Light. OUR WATTAGE NEEDS TO INCREASE IN ORDER TO MAKE AN IMPACT (overcome) IN THIS DARK WORLD. Not our knowledge or education, BUT OUR WATTAGE. Our FREQUENCY needs to ascend to higher levels.


So how does Holy Spirit increase our wattage?

By becoming empty vessels for Him to fill and become Holy Spirit CONTROLLED. What does that mean? When we live in His Presence, the Holy Spirit will shine His Light in the darkness of our souls for the purpose of REMOVING that darkness. What is that darkness? It is our unregenerated soulish mind, feelings, and will/decision maker. The SIN NATURE RESIDES THERE. Our idols reside there and our soul wounds from the past reside there.

This is where most people stop listening! Because they think they become a puppet or robot. No. We WERE a puppet and a robot BEFORE we were born again because we had no POWER TO CHOOSE RIGHTEOUSNESS, GOODNESS, OR HOLINESS.

But now that Almighty God lives inside of us, we have HIS POWER TO CHOOSE RIGHTEOUSNESS and to OVERCOME the world, the devil, and the flesh/sin nature/soul.

It is your choice to become HOLY SPIRIT CONTROLLED….that is not a puppet or a robot. You can REBEL against God’s will at anytime!

The more we surrender to the Holy Spirit’s purification of our souls (emptying; sanctifying; transforming), the more that leaves vacant areas for Almighty God to spread Himself into…..thus increasing His RULE AND AUTHORITY OVER YOU…..but also increasing that beautiful Abundant Life that we all enjoy!


Now that our wattage is increasing…..His Presence flows more powerfully because there is less of “us” to hinder or cover His Presence. With His increased Presence, comes increased divine fruit of the Holy Spirit; increased divine power; increased divine authority; increased divine anointing; increased divine Glory.

As in a light bulb…the same amount of electricity is available to every home, but the wire and circuit breakers and even the conductors in the light bulb determine how much of that electricity flows into the dark room.

We never hear how VITAL the increased flow of the DIVINE FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT is. We like experiencing it for ourselves, but Father has said in His scriptures that it is HIS DIVINE LOVE FLOWING OUT IN POWER from those who follow Him, that SWITCHES ON (ignites life) THE SEED OF FAITH THAT HE IMPLANTS IN EVERY SINGLE PERSON CREATED.

These increases affect the atmosphere around us (the kingdom of darkness). The lower level demonic spirits FLEE from Him in us without verbal warfare. But the upper level demonic rulers and principalities still stand their ground and laugh at us beating the air……UNTIL Father has raised us up HIGHER INTO THE FREQUENCY LEVEL of THE THIRD HEAVEN.

We need to always be hungry for increase and ascension…..SEEK YE FIRST the Kingdom of Heaven and His righteousness.

When we walk in His Holy Spirit, His presence is radiating from us and well, ……people like us. We are likeable. We pose no threat. We are “nice”.

But when His Presence INCREASES….. People think we are PECULIAR.

And when His Anointing is upon you…..people are either attracted to you or afraid of you.

And when His Glory is manifested in you and around you……PEOPLE ARE CHANGED FOREVER.

With His increase in us comes increased gifting; mantles; anointings; promotions; increased territory; increased number of angels that minister to you, with you, and for you. We are more faithful, so He entrusts us with more of His Kingdom.

Don’t get me wrong….ALL OF GOD DWELLS IN A BORN AGAIN NEW CREATION. Always communing with our new holy, pure, and sinless spirit.

When I say HE INCREASES….I am referring to Him consuming more of US than only our spirit. I am referring to Almighty God not only consuming our spirit at new birth, but consuming and TAKING COMPLETE POSSESSION and DOMINION of our soul (mind, will, feelings, and imaginations), our body, and our life.

Just as a demon possessed person is completely consumed by the demon….the person has no mind or control of his own….so should we followers of Jesus ……no mind of our own, but possessed by the mind and will of Jesus Christ.

As Father has granted increase in me over these years….His anointings first brought physical and emotional healings to other people. Father used me to teach what He has taught me…but many were not willing to give up ALL to be a son of God….an OVERCOMER. I am sad about that….very sad. Because those who count the cost and consider the cost TOO HIGH are missing out on the greatest Life they could ever live on this earth….and will miss out on some REALLY great promises for our Heavenly life.

Continuous increase of His Presence and anointings has brought me greater INTIMACY with God; more prophetic revelation; greater physical healings; out of body traveling; more open eye visions of: heaven, His angels, Jesus Christ, and the Ancient of Days.

But most importantly….Father has allowed me to participate in some pretty important Kingdom battles over the globe and the global population. All these things MANIFESTING in the natural for natural eyes and ears to see and hear.

Father has led me to minister in many areas of the community, but His greatest work is being done in the county jail and the Youth correctional facility. In the jail I minister to the women and in the Youth correctional facility I minister to young men aged 12-24 years who are sex offenders.

Under His anointing only, Father sent me into the women’s jail to minister and He has birthed and allowed me to baptize 60 plus women in 2.5 years. That is more baptisms and new births than all the churches in the county reported in that same time frame.

What is the missing factor in those churches? HIS PRESENCE…..HIS ANOINTING…..HIS GLORY.

It is not me that is missing in those churches, it is HIM that is missing in those churches.

The men’s side of the jail has no revival, even though I pray for them according to the Holy Spirit’s directions.

Male volunteers go into the men’s jail weekly, but I know these men and they do not go IN POWER AND GLORY AND ANOINTING. THEY DO NOT BRING THE PRESENCE OF GOD AND THE GLORY OF GOD, which is the NEED of ALL people. We were created to be THE CARRIERS OF HIS PRESENCE AND HIS GLORY. Like the priests carried the Ark of the Covenant into the world/land/battlefield.

His Glory has been showing up with me since January……I am back to PECULIAR once again. YAY!

His Glory is greater than His anointing. With His Glory…it is not necessary for me to lay hands on people….His Glory does it all!! It is not necessary to pray for each individual…..His Glory touches each individual uniquely.

The people are able to see His cloud of Glory with open eyes and feel His Wind….and they are not even born again…yet!

Since His Glory has been manifesting….I have had several ladies in the jail and out of the jail ask to be filled with God and be baptized by me, WITHOUT ME SAYING A WORD ABOUT HIM. All I did was introduce myself and ask them their names and a few introductory questions.

This was soooo PECULIAR to me that I hesitated to follow through on their request! How could this happen….without any teaching? Or preaching?

Ahhhh Father said. “Just some more of that religious brainwashing that has to go!”

This is way longer than what I ever expected to write…and I still have not written about OUR FUTURE.

May His Glory SATURATE you and your family!

(Find Linda’s contact info below)

Linda Pankretz…Tillamook, OR…      happytrails11@centurylink.net

Order of Melchizedek


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  1. This is a very satisfying testimony. It encourages me to keep getting more of God in me . . . to stir us the gifts God has given me. Thanks

  2. MORE!!

  3. Who will believe for the removal of reservation boundary lines to set the oppressed free

  4. Thank you everyone for your feedback. I am blessed that you have been blessed by this testimony. Grace and Peace to you all.


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