3 - Fold Cord of Religions


SEPTEMBER 20, 2012

Do you see what Eye see?

Several years ago, I learned of some writings which were first published around 1902-1903. The publication was sent to me to confirm some things we were speaking. The writings laid out an ingenious long-term plan of some wise men that came together in Europe. This is not something that the average person would have thought of; especially in the early 19th century. It was even more than the work of highly intelligent psychopathic minds conspiring together, this work-plan was inspired by what is referred to as the supernatural. It was a purely Satanic inspired plan of genocide, degradation, death, and destruction. It is the blueprint for the domination of the world by a Secret Satanic Brotherhood.

The internet is filled with pages of people trying to cover it up, calling it a fraud, and accusing people of being anti-Semitic for discovering and uncovering the truth. There is a great war of disinformation being waged to detour people from reading this information. We will only be dealing with one of the protocols in this writing from "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion." Our contention or rebuke is not toward a race or religion, it is the ungodly system called Zionism and the Zionist that run it. Here's a more than 100 year old excerpt from the Protocols of 33rd degree Jewish Masons: The word "goyim" is Hebrew for animals; referring to non Jews (Gentiles, Christians, Muslims, etc).


2. WE HAVE LONG PAST TAKEN CARE TO DISCREDIT THE PRIESTHOOD OF THE "GOYIM," and thereby to ruin their mission on earth which in these days might still be a great hindrance to us. Day by day its influence on the peoples of the world is falling lower. FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE HAS BEEN DECLARED EVERYWHERE, SO THAT NOW ONLY YEARS DIVIDE US FROM THE MOMENT OF THE COMPLETE WRECKING OF THAT CHRISTIAN RELIGION: as to other religions we shall have still less difficulty in dealing with them, but it would be premature to speak of this now. We shall set clericalism and clericals into such narrow frames as to make their influence move in retrogressive proportion to its former progress.

5. But, IN THE MEANTIME, while we are re-educating youth in new traditional religions and afterwards in ours, WE SHALL NOT OVERTLY LAY A FINGER ON EXISTING CHURCHES, BUT WE SHALL FIGHT AGAINST THEM BY CRITICISM CALCULATED TO PRODUCE SCHISM . .


In these blog/messages, our intent is to basically give you prophetic snapshots or frames of what is and what is to be. In the theatre, they give a preview in out of sequence frames and clips of the coming movie.

One of the plans that the Learned Elders of Zion (Zionist) has had, is to destroy Christianity. This is not a new plan, it is old and a part of a long list of things they have planned for America and the world in their quest for world domination. To be fair, it is not only Christianity, they seek to destroy, but all of the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity & Islam).

We have no problem with the destruction of greed motivated man-made religions, and its control over humanity, that has created wars, division and hatred. However, we do take issue with Lies, Deception, and Manipulation that serves the ultimate purpose of destroying Faith in anything or anyone outside of the Zionist led New World Order plans.

They have targeted the "religions" which are the most powerful and would be a threat to the NWO. Most true Believers that actually practice Christianity, Islam or Judaism would not go along with the NWO agenda. So they have Divided us and now planning to conquer.


"And if a man prevail against him that is alone, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken." Ecclesiastes 4:12

Eye saw this many years ago and have sounded the alarm. There is a 3-fold cord of "religions". They are the (3) world religions that sprang from the Abrahamic Covenant; whether you like it or not, it is True. The 3-fold cord is also a metaphor for JUDAISM, CHRISTIANITY & ISLAM. The evil ones know the promises that were given thousands of years ago and have literally hi-jacked them in every sense. They have disguised themselves as being heirs of this covenant to "rule" serve the planet. Instead, they want to control, commit genocide and turn the planet over literally to a Luciferian Agenda.

These master manipulators are successfully unbraiding the 3-fold cord, thus, reducing the energy and power to totally put down this evil. And you say, How?

They have done a pretty good job of demonizing Islam and the Arab Muslims (seed of Abraham) over the last 11 years; making them all look like deranged psychotic terrorists. They have literally made over 1 billion people on the planet, abominable and despised in the eyes of those that can not see or refuse to see. They have planted seeds of prejudice, superiority, discord and every evil work. It has been a well thought out plan, to show images on TV and the internet of ONLY what they want you to see to create FEAR and further Control you. Sadly, most blind, undiscerning Christians have fallen into the trap and will not get up. I probably seem harsher on Christians, because more is expected of us, since so much has been given. Jesus' first warning of end-time events, "Take heed that no man deceive you." DECEPTION! This is not the time to be separating from other sheep, which are not of this fold in faith. We should be finding ways to come together, we have a common enemy and it's not each other.

So now we have (1) of the 3-fold cords unraveled and dangling alone - Islam. The other (2) cords will be much easier. The evil Elders of the Protocol thought that overcoming Christians would be harder-but I am not so sure at this point. Why? Western Christians and "real Jews" are not as committed as Muslims are to FAITH or what they believe in. 21st century professing Christians, for the most part, are more committed to Football, Shopping, Sitcoms, self and Pro$perity.

Muslims will actually DIE for what they believe in, even though it might not be the whole truth. Look at the Palestinians, they have no weapons, food, homes been demolished, vineyards confiscated - they are confined to a large concentration camp right before the world. Almost 70 years later after being illegally occupied and massacred, they are yet defying their Zionist oppressors and throwing stones at their tanks and made in USA military hardware every chance they get.

Now that they have turned most of the Christians against the Muslims; Christians encouraging the bombing and raping of their sovereign lands - GUESS WHOSE NEXT??!! Karma can be a bi@#*.


Relax, we are only sharing snapshots of what we see, not just what they show you on TV. The campaign against you started long ago, they have been chipping away at your faith and rights while confessing to be born-again and smiling in your face. They have lulled many of you to sleep with materialism, promises of the American dream and all the filth of the world. Holiness is a bad word and it would take a high level of discernment to identify the people of God from the world. The supposed "pure" and the vile are almost inseparable. You have been Set-Up and Used by your favorite Zionist controlled religious and political leaders; you are soon to be discarded and kicked to the curb like yesterday's trash.

Eye saw the acceleration when the Israeli Jewish Lawmaker openly ripped the Christian Bible on camera for the world to see on July 18, 2012. Of course, most have forgotten about it, that was nothing - he's God's chosen person and is allowed to have a bad day. And the zealous unenlightened Christian says, How many more tours can we book, funds can we raise, books can we write on behalf of, defending God's murderous chosen people?

Then the recent anti-Islam film, with a major shift to Christians involvement, while they hide those who orchestrated and financed it. This is the next stage of build up against Christian Terrorists. It wont take 11 years to have the world hating you, just a short time and the beastial system will totally turn on the great whore. Revelation 17

The way that most of the world has been manipulated to feel about Islam and Muslims, is how they are being made to feel about you (Christians). Do you see what Eye see? There goes the 2nd cord of the 3-fold cord. It is much easier to unbraid than Islam. After all, most blind Christians are in full support of unjust wars against the Muslim countries. They are addicted to Faux News and other media tools of hate, division and propaganda.

By the way, here's the latest test of the waters. "JESUS SAID TO THEM, MY WIFE." ARE YOU AWAKE YET?!!!!! Are you connecting the dots yet? Are you seeing these snapshots and previews?? Nobody's rioting and protesting in the street, not even about the Jesus homosexual film/play. They are testing the waters.

Just a week ago the anti-Muslim film went viral, they created and staged protest worldwide to make the Muslims look like psychotic fools that everyone loves to hate. A week later, by the way; we found ancient text that says Jesus had a wife. The second cord is being unbraided quickly right before your eyes.

Watch this. Next they will Fabricate or Provide resources, tools, weapons or whatever is necessary to create a Terrorist attack - False Flag. This person or people will be white Republican "Christians." Sadly, there are many willing volunteers, making themselves open targets for deception and manipulation. They have misplaced patriotism, trying to protect laws and rights that really only exist in their minds and others that believe that. Restore America, I don't think so.

Listen closely to the words in this short video clip. I actually thought this was a good job. Remember they are just testing the waters. The Serpent that seduced Eve was very subtle.


I suppose we could say that God has a wife. The Bible does say that and he actually Divorced her and remarried her; violating his own law. Go figure! Plus, there is the Bride of Christ and a lot of men are claiming to be the bride of Christ. We wont get into the "same sex marriage" metaphor here, coming soon.


Judaism will be very easy. Why? The Zionist hide behind Judaism and have hi-jacked the promises claiming it for themselves. Many of the sincere people that practice Judaism worldwide and the many living in Israel, thinking they are Semitic Jew and are not, have been greatly Deceived also. This deception has come from within.

They have also been campaigning to set up the people occupying Palestine, called Israel. They will be hated for all the atrocities done to the Palestinians for nearly 70 years and other Arab nations. They are being prepared to be the giant Luciferian bloody Barbeque Sacrifice, by their own cold hearted Ashkenazi people and their Zionist globalists. Burn Baby Burn.

The greed, materialism and lust for power have already corrupted the minds of most that practice Judaism. They are being led like sheep to the slaughter by Netanyahu and other Zionist.


In spite of all the factual gloomy prophetic snapshots of what is and what is to be - The Creator God is yet in control. There will be and is a "remnant" out of Islam, Christianity and Judaism, that will not bow. They will not become entangled with the affairs and deceptions of this world system. They will walk in respect and love for each other and all humanity.

Just when the arrogant Luciferians think all of their protocols are fulfilled and they get ready for global take over - they will be unseated and uprooted out of the earth. Eye yet believe in Joel's army doing exploits, Daniel's Rock Group rolling down through Babylon, Obadiah's saviors ascending on Mt Zion, Ezekiel's company of intercessors standing in the gap, Apostle Paul's manifested sons of God and John the Revelator's Overcomers.

Eye yet believe that there will be and is a people that choose to live "holy" and will not defile themselves with this world in disGrace. Eye yet believe that ultimately, No Weapon Formed against the people of God (Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu, etc) will prosper, Eye yet believe in His promises and the power of LOVE, don't you?

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