Jesus told us that, everything which has been hidden would be revealed, that which is covered will be uncovered. We are in the time of full disclosure of All things.
It was June 26, 2012 that we reported in our Blog on the discovery of a Giant Crystal Pyramid sitting on the ocean floors of Bermuda. This is the area where airplanes have disappeared out of the sky and ships have vanished without a trace from the ocean for many decades. The area is believe to be some type of portal to another world or another dimension. Where would humans have gotten the technology to build a giant pyramid made out of crystal underwater. Where would we have gotten the crystal?
In the last month there is a lot of talk about a Giant Pyramid under the city of Nome, Alaska. It is called the "Dark Pyramid." The government has tried to keep this secret for many years, knowing that it could cause alarm and panic. This would only feed into the many alien abduction and documented sightings in the area. We are expecting more things to be uncovered on that soon.
A few years ago I watched the film, "The 4th Kind." It is alleged to be a documentary of actual accounts by actors relating the stories of strange anomalies and "negative alien" abductions. Guess where? Nome, Alaska. I emphasize the phrase "negative alien" because we are aware that not all encounters are evil; however, there are some that do have a demonic or evil agenda. The film is very intense and the aliens are recorded speaking in an ancient dead language called Sumerian. This language was spoken in ancient Sumer, today called Iraq. According to ancient history that predate the writings of Moses, cuneiform and art found in Sumeria tell the story in ancient Sumeria of beings coming to this planet in spaceships - flying machines- the Bible calls them the "chariots of the God". (Read Ezekiel)
I find the story exciting of possibly pyramids beings exposed by the melting ice of Antarctica for several reasons. One is because, I have long believed, since reading stories as a child; that there is yet a civilization existing inner earth near the South Pole. Could it be a civilization from a distant planet that have the technology to live "inner earth"? Could it be remnants from a more advanced civilization that was created prior the Genesis chapter 2 Adam and Eve? For sure we know that civilization and the planet Earth is more than 6000-10,000 years old. One problem with Creationist belief is, they don't realize that the Genesis chapter 2 Adam, WAS NOT the first creation of the Elohim (Gods)- it was the last - so far, on this planet.
A team of researchers are claiming that they have discovered three ancient pyramids on the ice covered continent of Antarctica. Exact details are sketchy, but the team have released three intriguing pictures of their discovery.
The international team comprises researchers from the United States, and several other, are from various European countries. Two of the huge pyramid structures were found approximately 10 miles inland, the third one not far from the coastline, clearly visible from ocean.
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