(Web Blog)


APRIL 13, 2012

Yesterdays' message, we ended by making some statements that for some sounded really weird. We made statements that the governments of this world have known for some time that there are HMO's = Heavy Mass Objects; other planets, satellites and possibly red or brown dwarf stars moving into our inner Solar System. Since the 1980, they have admitted to knowing about Planet X. In 1992 here is what NASA said,

"Unexplained deviations in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune point to a large outer solar system body of 4 to 8 Earth masses, on a highly tilted orbit, beyond 7 billion miles from the sun." - NASA Press Release, 1992

In 2011, they admitted there was an object about 4 times the size of Jupiter in the Oort cloud (Cloud of Comets) on the edge of the Solar System. It could fit 5300 Earths inside it. They renamed it Tyche (tea-key), we wrote about it-check near the end of ANOMALIES publication. (At the end of this writing are some very current News clips of the government acknowledging preparation is being made for a possible Alien Invasion).


Little by little the public is being prepared for some very interesting events. Hollywood has been used of late to give us movies that most people think are only for entertainment. Unbeknownst to most, our minds are being prepared for soon alien encounters. Here is one movie designed to make you ask questions, "Transformers - Dark of the Moon."

Why is the Moon the ONLY object in the known universe that Does Not Rotate on an axis? It spins once per year So That No One on planet Earth can ever see the far side of the Moon as Earth travels around it. What is on the far side of the Moon? Who built the Space Stations, domed cities and Towers more than a mile high on the far side of the Moon? Why were the astronauts warned not to return to the Moon? How will the truth about this affect "religion?" Is the Moon artificial?

Then there is the movie released late 2010, "Skyline." It is filled with religious overtones and actual reverse quotes from the Bible. "Don't look up." "Don't look at the light." The soon to be released, May 18, 2012 - is "BATTLESHIP." This is another movie about a hostile Alien Invasion. We are not saying that events in these film will be played out on Earth the same way. We are only showing you, that you are being warned and prepared for some unbelievable events in the near future.


There will possibly be several events and one of them could very well be a False Flag. It could be used to bring the nations under the control of a New World Order controlled by satanic humans and their other worldly controllers that operate from the 4th dimension. "The very elect will be deceived if possible." (Or, they could create a test, to see how humans will react).

For several years, I have been sharing that, Eye heard the Spirit say, "Prepare for a family reunion." These are not family member from across the country or overseas; they are from much farther away and some look nothing like me (us).

There will also be battles in the heavens; we are not talking about the spiritual one in your mind. Many of you will see literal battles with high tech weapons and spaceships. This is made very clear in Revelation 12. The Scripture interpretations are multidimensional; literal, prophetic, historic, astrological, figurative (spiritual), etc. Christians must learn to redefine certain words in order to grasp "present truth."


What is an Extraterrestrial? A being not native to this planet; an Alien. If I went to Jupiter for whatever reason, maybe as a missionary, would I be considered and alien or extraterrestrial there? Yes! Because I am not from there. Would Angels then be considered Extraterrestrials or Aliens since they were not created or born on planet Earth? Uuhh...Yes, I guess so. Should Christians be offended or afraid to use the words "Alien" or "ET" when discussing "angels," since they actually are extraterrestrial? We see from the Bible that there are "good" angels/aliens and there are "evil" angels/aliens.

Now go back and study Revelation 12 & 19, see it with contemporary eyes. There is an Alien Invasion coming that will destroy the Old World Order disguised as the New World Order. Then God's New World Order will be established. However, there are those evil rulers that don't want to give up their power. They will seek to make war with the Lamb and the saints. The heathen world leaders are raging and preparing for battle against the LORD and his anointed ones. But He who sits in the heavens is laughing at them. Alien technology from fallen angels/aliens and other Alien races used by the governments of this world, will be no match for the LORD and his Christ. Psalms 2 Nothing can prevent this appearing on many levels - the kingdoms of this world must become the kingdom of our LORD and His Christ (Anointed Ones).

Do you realize that you are spiritually seated in heavenly places now? Begin to laugh at everything that rages at you. Sickness (hahahaha) Mortgage (hahaha) Car Note (hahaha) False Accusations (hahahah) Depression (hahahaha) Family Problems (hahaaha) Whatever, laugh at it so hard until you get falling down dizzy. "A happy heart does good like a medicine." Sarah and Abraham laughed so hard her brain produced enough endorphins to heal her barren womb and she got pregnant and gave birth to Isaac (laughter). Genesis 17:17, 18:12


Click in the link below and watch a "real" News interview given just a few days ago. The military is preparing.


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