(Web Blog)


APRIL 22, 2012

The short video clip teaching below was sent to me by Prophetess Darcy Ferneau from Florida. She was often at our annual Feast of Tabernacles Conferences and was one of our speakers. She is not in the video, the video highlights some of the revelations we were sharing with the Body of Christ over 10 years ago that's now becoming more acceptable in Christian circles. Spirituality and Science are destined for an explosive reunion on all levels.

The heavens do declare (prophesy) of the glory and not only that, the heavens sings, makes music and rejoices 24/7. All of creation worships the Creator, it is only the ego of humans, thinking more highly of themselves than they ought that have a problem. We use the terms "worship" and "praise" but I don't think we fully know what they really mean. Yes, it is an act, but also something much deeper that we don't have words to describe. Psalm 148 says the Sun, Moon, Stars (constellations), the animals and even the sea creatures all sing of His goodness.

Louie Giglio does a great job sharing this with an audience that at first seems a bit reluctant to move out of traditional thinking. Experience this:


As much as I love revelation knowledge, the prophetic sciences, the ability to sometime see clearly and relate accurately current or future events; there is nothing that can take the place of His Presence. For me, it is in that Shekinah manifested Presence that I live, move and have my very being. I simply don't think I could exist without the awareness of it and all that we attempt to do comes out from it. Don't limit your experience to an intellectual one, get your E-motions and body thoroughly involved. Your emotions are the atomic energy shaping and manifesting your expectations. "Bless the LORD oh, my soul, and All that is within me, bless his holy name."

While worshiping and experiencing Lyrid's Meteor showers within my being, I found a song I used to sing often. Some of you might know it or like it. I think I listened at least 10x consecutively, experiencing his drunken glory, chanting and declaring "You are Good, All the time, All the time, You are Good."

From time to time we get emails from those of you that read our articles, and that study with us sharing how isolated you feel and there is no place to go for deeper fellowship or home meetings. We want to bring a worship service to you today. (No doctrine or dogma allowed-just celebration of His goodness). Keep in mind how the stars, planets and constellations praise Him. Join in as we pass through the tail end of Lyrid's Meteor Shower song of blessings. "You are Good, All the time, All the time, You are Good." (Click Watch on YouTube to experience it)

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