DECEMBER 25, 2012

"The heavens declare the glory of God...Day unto day gushes forth with speeches and night unto night displays knowledge." Psalms 19:1-2

December 21, 2012 has come and gone. Are you ascending? YES! If you are connected to Spirit there is an ascension in consciousness taking place. The heavens are filled with energy bombarding the planet and we are moving into a new cycle of what we know of as time. All of the ancient prophets, shamans, sages and wisdom people eagerly longed for the awesome day that's breaking upon and within us.

The heavens are shouting again and we are listening and interpreting their celestial messages. Christmas evening at sunset, we are being treated with a rare conjunct of the Moon with Jupiter at less than 2 degrees - that's really close. Another exciting point is, this amazing sign will be seen worldwide. Look up and live.

Moon is in Gemini and Jupiter is in Gemini. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system-it is the planet of ABUNDANCE. Let's take a closer look at Jupiter.


Jupiter is the 5th planet from the Sun. It is the planet of good luck, good fortune and blessings. In Roman Mythology Jupiter is the same as Zeus in Greek mythology. Jupiter is the happy (joyful) god of Abundance, Wealth and Wisdom. He is called the God of Gods or King of gods. He is known for giving a double-portion blessing in mythology. Jupiter is the Sky-god that sends the rain that produces the harve$t.

Melchizedek, Priest of El Elyon- God the Most High met Abram before he became AbraHam, while coming from the war with kings of the nations (united nations) and defeating them. Abram gave a tenth (tithe) to Melchizedek and he blessed Abram. After Abram met Melchizedek and was blessed by him, he had an experience with Yahweh - Genesis 15. After this his name was changed, he got Sarah pregnant and produced the long awaited Promised Seed, Isaac (laughter, joy, bliss).

Malki = King, Zedek is the ancient name for Jupiter. So Melchi or Malki Zedek is King Jupiter. This is the way it is written in the Masoretic (Hebrew) Biblical text.


The Moon is in Gemini, the Twins - Jupiter will be stationed there until June 2013. In the Bible, the tribe of Benjamin was assign the Zodiac sign of Gemini. Most people don't realize that Jacob's youngest son Benjamin had a twin, or shall we say, another side of himself. His mother Rachel, dying from child birth, breath out a name in her last words; probably while starring into Jacob's eyes. In her dying breath she moaned, call him Benoni, son of my suffering, conflicts and sorrows.

Jacob, having insight and foresight, would not allow his youngest son bear that type of burden. That name (nature) was attached to all the negativity and strife that had been created in his large family over the years. Jacob said, his name shall be Benjamin, son of my right hand, son of authority, prosperity. Genesis 35:16-29 Herein we see the dual nature, opposites, or twin nature of the Gemini or Benjamite personality.

You will show me the path of life: in your presence is fullness of joy; at your right hand there are pleasures forevermore. Psalms 16:11


There are many messages in this celestial sign, but we will prophesy into the one which is most relevant for now. The Celestial News Network (CNN) is prophesying ABUNDANCE, Prosperity and Wealth is coming.

Eye see this as another sign to confirm the time frame that we had given many months ago - October - January 2013 to see a clear sign or manifestation. Eye feel Jupiter is prophesying of the soon release of Abundance. This can manifest in many forms corporately and on the individual level; career change, investments coming through, settlements, Dinar RV, Global Collateral Funds Release, Prosperity Packages, etc.

There seems to be a double witness to a soon coming Economical Event that will affect the whole world. (1) - This unusual celestial event on Christmas evening (during the season of gift-giving) will not just be seen only in the northern hemisphere or only the southern hemisphere; it will be visible world-wide. Thus, the strong prosperity influences of Jupiter will affect the world.

(2) - Gemini was assigned to Benjamin, which means son of my right hand, prosperity. Again, we have this energy prophesying prosperity as it conjuncts with the Moon. But wait a minute, what about the Moon? (This looks like a triple witness or 3-fold cord) It is a waxing Moon, it is getting stronger. Here is only one point I will make, lest we veer too far off.

Moon rules the Zodiac sign of Cancer, and Cancer was assigned to the tribe of Issachar. Issachar means REWARD, a reward for hire; a payment of something owed to you. How many of you feel like it's about time you get Paid??!! Jupiter conjunct with waxing Moon in Gemini = Soon coming Pay Day.

Sounds exciting, feels great, but here's the caveat. Just something to be aware of and praying about. GEMINI'S element is Air (Wind). This airy sign is about Choices and events can change at a moments notice. You must realize we are dealing with various forms of energy manifesting and human consciousness, thought is the main driving force of it. We want to hold the frequency (thought, attitude, action) of Abundance. We want to feel the emotion of Love, while visualizing Abundance and how good it feels, when we will use our blessing to bless others. Feel it! Maintain this frequency daily in exercises, with visualization until the middle of January. Holding this frequency will help trigger other events that will ultimately lead to full manifestation of what has been set in motion.

The waxing Moon will be Full on December 28 & January 11, 2013 there will be a New Moon. Eye feel these dates should serve as Watch Dates - on or about these dates, there should be some interesting Economical/Financial News or interesting sign that will have to do with the Economy. WATCH! (Keep in mind, we are only reading the energy in space and how it will affect the Earth. We are saying nothing more).

Jupiter has been on display throughout the year, foreshadowing what is to come. On a deeper and spiritual level, Jupiter is prophesying the Melchizedek Priesthood. This holy Order will come forth to manifest God's Kingdom on Earth and bless the nations.

If you happen to live in an area that might be overcast, here is a video of what will take place in the heavens. If you have binoculars or telescope, you might see 4 of Jupiter's Moons also.

Thanks for the video Watcher Antonio C. in Australia

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Phoenix, Arizona 85080


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