(Web blog)


MAY 26, 2011

Many years ago I was teaching on the 6 Directions of space that are all sustained from a Central Point being the 7th. I later put this information in our book "Secrets of the Cherubim", (currently out of print) as I shared my encounters with the Cherubim. We will take a look at some excerpts in the book of what I call the 7 Divine Directions over the next 7 days. You will be able to determine prophetically which direction you are in during this phase of your life. Keep in my that this current version of you will change and you will experience all of the Divine Direction multiple times, ultimately becoming one with Center.

The 4 primary directions are East, West, North and South; then there is Up (Height) and Down (Depth) which makes up 6. The Central Point, out of which all directions come is the 7th. The 4 primary Directions are guarded by the 4 Cherubim and their influences in your life at that moment.

From time to time we find ourselves experiencing the energies from one of these divine directions influencing our life. Or, we are feeling that we are being pushed or drawn into one of them. The messages that the Cherubim teach us are priceless. So let hear what the Cherubim would say whose direction is toward the WEST.

The Hebrew definition for WEST is roaring, noisy as in an unsettled ocean; shade, evening, Past or covering. This direction is your 3rd phase of initiation on the path of enlightenment.

The Sun appeared to set in the West on a perfect day, scattering a bouquet of colors across the evening sky perspicaciously revealing tomorrow. In the stillness was an uneasiness that could not be explained. Out of the red setting Sun appeared the OX-Faced One moving slowly toward me. I could not discern if he was exhausted or angry. As his nose flares, he cried in an anxious and suspicious tone, "Do you yet seek more? Are you sure that you want to her the secrets of the Cherubim? Many have come to this point to only lose themselves in the darkness of yesterday.

The Divine direction West may seem to carry a negative connotation. It speaks of a part of your being and expression that's hard for most to accept, thus, they refuse to deal with it. Deep in the crevices of your consciousness are heard the whimpering and sometimes anguish cries of your past. These are the demons that sometime seek to control your present and future; pretending that they are not there will not make them go away. They will only cry louder and pound harder till they are given to attention deserved; only then are they transformed into angels.

Moses led the flock of his father in law Jethro to the West side of the desert during his 40 years of transitioning to become a Deliverer. West is where the Egyptian nature is dealt with, the things that would limit you and frustrate the Grace of God. The Divine direction West is where you are deprogrammed from the brain washing effects of the illusionary world of opulence, power and all that empowers the ego, it is also where you get reprogrammed. The flock of thoughts from your past that would bleat continually to drown out the voice of your destiny must be sacrificed. This is where your past is reconciled, where the foaming seas of regret are calmed and closure can come.

This is also the initiation of what appears as suffering, however, the suffering produces authority. The path of suffering is the path of wisdom and strength. The entrance into the New Jerusalem, the golden city within, is it not through the gates of pearl? Consider the irritation the oyster must endure to produce such beauty and value. There must be a complete death the all resistance and reminiscence of yesterday.

The prophetic promises of the past can keep you from becoming bitter. The power of dreams will catapult you into your destiny. This sacred direction prepares you for rulership which is nothing more than a complete servant to humanity."


POEM Given For This Direction 1999


Wherever I go, there I will be, the heights of heaven or the depths of the sea-

In the deepest darkness to me it's light, even the brightest day can't blind my sight-

The silent thoughts, which no one can tell, my worst action to the lowest hell-

No place to hide, nowhere to run, faced with the good and evil that I have done-

The Sea of Forgetfulness that stretches from east to West will comfort me only when I admit and confess-

Like the ox lowering under the weight, my redemption lies in the service to humanity, which is my fate-

From yesterday I will escape to nowhere, in the mirror I am reconciled there-

My steps are directed in the path to forgive, but it is truly only when I am able to release myself that I can live.

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Age To Age Ministries Int'l

P O Box 42383

Phoenix, AZ 85080
