(Web Blog)
MARCH 14, 2012
Powerful wealth building energy and many other positive energies are permeating the planet this month. The planets are prophesying it, the prophets, intuitives, astrologers and seers are prophesying it and finally God used the Stock Market yesterday to prophesy it. March 13th, the energy (anointing) being released was so strong; I was spiritually blasted most of the day. My wife was laughing at me because the fire/heat of the Holy Ghost was literally making me sweat to the point I had to off clothes. "He shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire."
In yesterday's blog we shared the news of the Stock Market - Dow moving up 218 points, fulfilling the prophetic word that we release for March 13, 2012. in our message "Power of the Seed."
"The Dow Jones industrial average rose 218 points and closed at its highest level since the last day of 2007. The Nasdaq composite closed above 3,000 for the first time since December 2000, when dot-com stocks were collapsing. The last time the Nasdaq composite index closed above 3,000 points, Bill Clinton was in the White House." Associated Press
Eye clearly heard the Spirit say that Eye am to continue to prophesy wealth and prosperity. So we will continue to bombard the atmosphere. Eye feel faith coming alive within many that read these blogs that will produce some life changing paradigm shifts. The Bible gives us many references how the office of the Prophet has been given the ability to create prosperity and wealth by prophesying the creative word of the Lord for those that believe. I have seen the result of this as we have gone from nation to nation in the third world. It does not matter what country you are in, your age, background, religion, non religion, gender, transgender or race.
"Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper." 2 Chronicles 20:20
"And the elders of the Judeans built, and they prospered through the prophesying of Haggai the prophet and Zechariah the son of Iddo. And they built, and finished it, according to the commandment of the God of Israel, and according to the commandment of Cyrus, and Darius, and Artaxerxes king of Persia." Ezra 6:14
Many of you are new to our on-line prophetic ministry, the Spirit impressed upon me to simplify some of the points we made yesterday. In the understanding of Divine Numerology, one realizes that each number has a specific vibration. This vibration can be interpreted to have a meaning or many meanings. There is a positive and shadow meaning to all numbers. The numbers carry many hidden prophetic messages, clues and multiple levels of spiritual insight that's connected to literally everything. In the Bible there is a book called Numbers, it is highly mystical when one learns how to read it, or allows it to read you.
The Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters. The Old Testament was written in Hebrew and some Aramaic. The New Testament was written in Greek. In Gematria, each letter of the alphabet is assigned a number, Aleph=1 or A=1 and so on. The Bible is the basis for all the spiritual work we do. We find what can be called the ancient Hebrew form of gematria and numerology easiest to work with; along with intuition.
When I saw the digits 218, it resonated very strongly in me that there had to be a Biblical reference to confirm it and what we had been prophesying. Let's take a closer look. (The phrase "In his image" also sums up to 218. We will not deal with that aspect of the prophecy at this time).
17 "That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies;
18 And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice." Genesis 22:17-18
Did you catch that? Read it again, open your eyes. Right you got it. Not only is the prophetic clue hidden in the gematria of the verse but the verse number itself. Genesis 2 218 (Even if the exact number was 217.97 - the verse covers it) So you thought the Bible was just a boring ancient book that was no longer relevant, eh? Even the verse numbers are filled with mysteries and hidden messages. It does not matter about the parts that might have been mistranslated purposely, taken out, or added on. Truth can not be destroyed.
How does that work? We will look at each Hebrew letter that makes up the phrase "I Will Multiply" from the Original Hebrew Text, using the whole phrase. Keep in mind Hebrew is written from right to left as Semitic languages are, uses only consonants.
----- I Will Multiply!! - $$$$$$$ 218 = Vav or Waw = 6
= Hey = 5
= Resh = 200
= Bet = 2
= Hey = 5
In yesterday's message, I made the statement something to the effect of decoding a prophesy within a prophesy. In the above illustration of gematria, there are many other prophecies. We could be up til early morning deciphering and seeing the mysteries and yet there would be more. For example, if we applied the astrological signs and planets to the Hebrew letters, that would unfold another level of prophecy. Those of you that feel you can, do it and write it down.
"The Nasdaq composite closed above 3,000 for the first time since December 2000."
In the Book of Exodus, the Torah is given on Shavuot (Feast of Pentecost) before it was really established. Moses had been up in the cloudship communing with God for 40 days and night. He came down to find the children of Israel, yes, they were acting like children; they had gone back into idolatry. What were they worshiping? The Golden Bull Calf. What is the image on Wall Street? Is it not the raging Bull that's worship everyday? It's MONEY, Material things that people worship.
What did Moses do when he saw this childish behavior and Greed. He smashed the 10 Commandments into the Bull. He used the inspired Word to destroy that old paradigm of the financial institution motivated by greed. The golden bull was a religious image. Why? People actually worship Mammon - Money.
What happened next? "...and there fell of the people that day about 3000 men." Exodus 32:28 3000 people were killed that day because of greed and idolatry.
1500 years later to the exact date, 120 people had left the supper room to go into the Upper Room to fast and pray for about 10 days. The Holy Spirit was poured out with tongues of fire, they felt it. They staggered out on the streets of Jerusalem full of the Holy Ghost, talking in tongues, falling down and vibrating. Peter stood up and preached a 10 minute message and 3000 people woke up, came alive - they got enlighten, Born Again - Saved.
"Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about 3000 souls." Acts 2:41
Is there a Scripture that has the numeric value of 3000 in the Bible from the original Hebrew text? Yes!
"And it came to pass, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed: and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed." Exodus 17:11 KJV
"As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning." Exodus 17:11 NIV
We see that the HOLY SPIRIT (Pentecost), VICTORY & SUCCESS are associated with 3000. We will go into more details tomorrow, but I want to challenge you with this. Just RAISE UP ONE HAND Shout, I AM A WINNER!!! If you are really bold, raise up both hands. Shout, I AM A WINNER! I AM VICTORIOUS!
For those of you at work, I dare you to walk around with your hands in the air, your head up and a big smile on your face. While you're out shopping, in your neighborhood, one hand driving the car. Somebody might get healed, people might start falling under the power. Somebody might get enlightened. They are gonna want to know what's wrong with you. What you been smoking? Tell 'em it the Holy Ghost! Do you want some? Tell them, I AM A WINNER, I AM VICTORIOUS!
Walk like a WINNER. Walk like a millionaire, talk like a millionaire, act like a millionaire.
Remind me to tell you tomorrow how you came here a winner. March 11-15, 2012 Most powerful days of this cycle to invoke the angels of prosperity. Get seed in the ground.
Multiply! Multiply! Multiply! Multiply! Multiply! Multiply! Multiply!
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Age To Age Ministries Int'l
P O Box 42383
Phoenix, AZ 85080