Minding Your Mitochondria

(Web Blog)

Minding Your Mitochondria - Dr. Terry Wahls

DECEMBER 28, 2011

During my late teens I had many visitations. One of my most profound experiences that affected my life until this day was when some things were revealed to me about food. Being the typical teen-ager with bad eating habits; I had no thoughts of making a radical change in my diet. I had never eaten a salad and would take the tomatoes off my hamburger.

To make a long story short, Eye was shown the Genesis chapter 3 scenario from the perspective of diet. Eating the wrong food was what caused the death process in humans, fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Eye was shown that enlightened humans would return to a vegetarian lifestyle as it was before the so-called fall and flood. Eye was also given the phrase, "return to the perfection of Eden".

My last "meat" supper, on that Sunday evening after Church was Roast Beef and Spaghetti with huge Spicy Meatballs. After that heavy meal, I went upstairs to my bedroom to "lay before the Lord" and meditate. Actually, I was so stuffed I could barely move. While lying there, I had an experience that changed my life. I was given the grace and unction to never eat dead animal flesh again; not even sea food or poultry. By the grace of God and learning to actually listen to my body (it will really talk and tell you what it needs), I have enjoyed most of my life with very little sickness. Eat to live, don't live to eat.

Dr. Terry Wahls in the video clip below does not promote vegetarianism, but she brings up some very good points and she shares how she cured herself of MS by changing her diet. Watch this inspiring video clip. If you know someone suffering with MS or any other debilitating disease, share this with them.

PS For excellent quality All Natural Food Supplements, contact: Mary Sue Whatley at - SUEWHAT55@aol.com --- Ask her for information about VIVIX and how it promotes longevity, preserves DNA, the solution to chronic pain and much more. Here is her webpage, copy and paste it: www.Shaklee.net/BuildingHealthyBodies ---- Get your health back in 2012!! (At this point Mary Sue knows nothing about me suggesting her as a contact. I just now felt inspired, that her information and products will be the answer for some of you that are suffering. I will email her to alert her after I post this).

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