DECEMBER 20, 2012
Over the past week or so we have been sharing that the 3rd sub-constellation of Sagittarius, DRACO the Dragon is rising. Draco rises from December 12-21. We have shared how it is parallel to Revelation chapter 12 - and the dates of this month the 12th month- each verse represents a prophetic date.
In our December 15 article Sandy Hook Prophetic Events - we stated: (Read Revelation 12 - in correlation with the month December dates. A clue is given in verse 17 that relates to our article posted 12/8/12 on CERN & the Ancient Mayans - Rev. 12:17 = 12/17) Now we know that CERN fired up the LHC, but not as long as they planned to. It was running for less than 24 hours. However, based on the signs; they were successful in bringing something through.
Nearing the end of the year of the Dragon, the Draco energy is manifesting many ways. The Powers That Think They Be are even giving us clues, they are well aware of the negative influences of Draco and are putting it into the airways. We are also aware of it and the positive influences - the Seed of Christ prevails. Watcher Ray Walter sent me this: They have started to name Winter Storms and this one is name DRACO, some of you are experiencing it now. Dated December 17, 2012.
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Phoenix, Arizona 85080