(Web Blog)
FEBRUARY 10, 2012
This is the Year of the Dragon and the energy is very strong to bring things spoken or thought into manifestation very fast. So be careful what you think on or speak about; it might manifest sooner than you realize. Only think on and speak about what you want, not what you fear or don't want. We have the ability to call and summon things and creatures into manifestation from this realm and other realms. As we fill ourselves with love and gratitude, that ability is becoming more fine tuned and powerful.
Ok people, here we go again with a possible weird validation to the prophetic word. Keep in mind, we only prophesy what's going to be in the news as directed by Spirit. These things are to build our faith and make us aware that God will do absolutely Nothing except he reveals it first to his servants the prophets. Amos 3:7 A prophet somewhere must connect with Spirit and speak it or write it. Once it is revealed and spoken or written; it has no choice but to manifest. It is literally birthed out from the unseen realm to the seen realm by the creative prophetic ministry. It does not matter what IT is; healing, health, finances, activation of spiritual gifts, romance, creatures and strange things, etc. Thanks to cell phone cameras, videos and modern technology; we are able to show the fulfillment and accuracy of the prophecies that Eye see.
I don't need to remind most of you that read these blogs daily of our "Dragon" teaching series, and the things we have been speaking since the beginning of the year. We are only sharing what is being reported in the news as of yesterday. The testimony and photo looks genuine to me and fascinating, but we are no experts. Below will be the English translation in this report where a Dragon and possibly (2) Dragons were seen in the sky over China on February 9, 2012. "There shall be signs in the heavens above." Just a few days ago the Water Dragon-Giant Sea Serpent was seen in the waters of Iceland. That's (2) witnesses, confirmations to what the Spirit has been saying.
I also take these incidences as confirmation that the ruling Dragon Families of China will be successful in their effort to put an end to those that have enslaved humanity through the corrupt banking system and demonic means. The Dragon has been seen. Are You Awake Yet??!!
Nek mo�ki iz mesteca Fuzhou iz vzhodne kitajske province Jiangxi trdi, da je na tej sliki videti letečega zmaja. Guan Mulin je dogodek dokumentiral s fotoaparatom na svojem mobilniku. "Vozil sem se domov in naenkrat sem opazil, da vsi ljudje na cesti strmijo v nebo. Parkiral sem avto in preveril kaj se dogaja. Na nebu sem videl podobo dveh zmajev, ki letata med oblaki. Lahko pa bi bil tudi eden zmaj in njegov rep, ki moli ven na drugi strani oblakov," je povedal Guan. Nenavaden pojav je trajal nekaj minut, nato pa je bitje ali stvar na nebu nenadoma izginila.
ENGLISH translation from another news thread below:
One man from the town of Fuzhou in East China's Jiangxi Province claim that, on this picture you can see a flying dragon. Guan Mulin has documented the event by a camera on his mobile. "I drove home and suddenly I noticed that all the people on the street staring at the sky. I parked the car and checked what's going on. In the sky I saw a picture of two dragons, which flown among the clouds. It could also be one dragon and his tail that peeks out of the other clouds, "said Guan. An unusual phenomenon lasted several minutes, then the creature or thing in the sky suddenly disappeared.
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