(Web Blog)
JULY 14, 2011
(The message below is an excerpt from a publication in February 2011, "Prophecy In Motion", - with some future watch dates given at that time. Last Fall we were given by Spirit a Prophetic Calendar for 2011 of Shift Dates which we also posted this year. This Calendar of Dates are of dates that Major Events (earthquakes, volcanoes, disasters, political, etc) would be happening on the planet this year. The green font is events that have come to pass on the dates. Several people have sent me video clips of people and astronomers tracking Comet Elenin, a Brown dwarf, or Niburu recently. Some pointed out to us that many of the alignment dates matched our Prophetic Calendar or were near the dates. We are posting some video clips at the end. Compare with the dates we posted and decide if this is something you should be concerned about: http://www.atam.org/Shiftdates.html )
"In 1998 I saw the movie "Deep Impact", a good science-fiction thriller disaster movie. When I watch a movie, I watch it for entertainment but I also look for clues and hidden messages because I know that the Spirit is ALWAYS speaking through everything. Hollywood is often a tool for prophecy unconsciously and sometimes they are consciously trying to prepare the public for major events. Just before you think I am way off, consider this and read further. In the Bible God spoke through Balaam's ass (donkey); so why could He not speak through the jack asses of today?
[After reading about Deep Impact on Wikipedia, names jumped off the monitor as the Spirit connected the dots- I was forced to watch the movie again at 3:00 AM.]
In the movie Deep Impact it was discovered that a giant 7 mile wide comet was on a collision course with earth. It was discovered by a teen-age amateur astronomer name Leo Biederman on May 10, 1998. He alerted professional astronomer name Wolf in the film, thus the Comet was named after them, Comet Wolf-Biederman. Morgan Freeman is the African American President in the film, he has been preparing for this event. The Russians and Americans planned a mission to send astronauts to intercept the Comet, plant nuclear warheads on it and blow it up. By the way, the spacecraft is called, "Messiah". About 30-31 minutes into the movie during the Press Conference a journalist, Jenny Lerner makes a statement to the president which is one of my favorite lines. "Not everyone is convinced that Messiah will save us". The secret code name for the event is Ellie, or E.L.E. Before the whole truth was known, ELE was thought to be a mistress of the Secretary of State or the President by journalist. E.L.E. stands for EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT.
The plan to destroy or change the trajectory of the Comet fails. Messiah is damaged, the explosion splits the Comet into 2 pieces, and both Comets are now headed for Earth. The President is forced to make the announcement and discloses Deep Underground Military Base (DUMB) are being built by the world governments and some that can house up to 1 million mostly randomly selected people for 2 years. The deep underground bases are set up to be like an underground Noah's Ark. The remaining (5) crew members of the Messiah decides to sacrifice themselves on a suicide mission to Save The World from total extinction, so they blow the larger Comet into pieces. Messiah saves the world. Millions are destroyed by the first Comet impact, the East Coast was wiped out, and Western Europe, but the world is saved and humanity goes forth to rebuild. (That's art, a film from just over 12 years ago, not real life and prophetic info, Or Is It)?
On December 10, 2010 a Russian astronomer discovers a Comet, we are told. His name is Leo or Leonid Elenin. He discovers it remotely at the International Scientific Optical Network's robotic observatory near Mayhill, New Mexico, U.S.A. Both astronomers in the movie and real life are born in January. The government has been very quiet about it and down playing the affects of it coming very close to Earth in 2011.
As in the movie, we have an African American President, Barack Obama. We have this Russian & America interest in the Comet. They want us to believe that Leo-nid Elenin discovered the Comet December 10 near MAY-hill, NM. Leo-nid in Deep Impact discovered the comet MAY 10. The acronym E.L.E. was a secret code for Extinction Level Event in the movie and in real life Leonids last name is ELE-nin. Leo in the movie is actually ELIjah Wood in real life. He has the word NINe tattooed on his body. The journalist Jenny Lerner in the movie real name is T'ea Leoni. In the movie the Comet devastated the East Coast and parts of Europe. If Comet Elenin impacts with Earth the East Coast and Europe could be devastated. ARE YOU AWAKE YET??!!!! This is no coincidence, Leonid Elenin could just be a code name put out there for those that have ears to hear and eyes to see.
October 16 it will be closest to the Earth. November 8 an Asteroid will pass close to the Earth - Meteor Showers should be visible November 11, 2011 (11:11:11)
Why is FEMA as of this year preparing for a CDE = Catastrophic Disaster Event inland from the East Coast near the New Madrid Fault? They are preparing for Emergency assistance for 7 million survivors, the food (3 meals a day) and water can last for 10 days. Also the order included an unspecified number of "under water body bags". After it became public knowledge of their preparation, they issue a statement saying they were canceling the order and it was much ado about nothing. (yeah right)
It has been 200 years since a Catastrophic Disaster hit the region in 1811. The states where practice drill will commence are Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee, Indiana, Arkansas, Illinois and Missouri. Exercises are scheduled for May 2011 (the next article below shows interest in May 2011 also). As you read further, realize that we Only speak what we see or feel-we are totally aware of the power of prayer and meditation that can change what we prophesy or forewarn about. I feel the Spirit many times gives us the news beforehand to allow us to accept it, change it or lessen the impact.
EYE Do Not See a "deep impact" situation in the near future. However, EYE do see Earthquake activity and further Pole Shifts related to Comet ELEnin. (We have spoken about the region listed above in other writings over the past several years and encouraged intercession).
Early March between March 6-11 are Highly Vulnerable dates for Earthquake Activity, Volcanoes and Natural Disasters that can cause great loss of life.
EYE see lots of Earthquake Activity in the Southern Hemisphere & South America affecting several countries.
October 12-17 are also Highly Vulnerable dates for Natural Disasters and great loss of life.
November will be very busy with people "crossing over" globally as a result of many events happening on the planet Natural and Man-made Disasters. I am sensing lots of panic and anxiety but also a deep peace.
All of these things that may seem so bad are necessary and are a part of the Shifting and birthing the planet into the 5th dimension. A miscarriage or still birth is not an option."
I heard a guy on a video the other day say ELENIN was an acronym or secret code for: E.xtinction L.evel E.vent N.ibiru I.n N.ovember -- We realize there is a lot of Disinformation on this subject and that NASA seems to be very silence lately. We also are aware that there is a lot of fear-mongering. Trust the Holy Spirit in you for clarity. We know by Spirit that we are coming to a very challenging season starting in early Fall but we do feel it will be partially brought on by celestial bodies arriving into our Inner Solar System.
Just looking at the name ELENIN again this morning along with the names of characters in the film, I discovered another interesting point. NINurta - in ancient Sumerian text is one of the Gods that caused the Flood was along with EA. The journalist Jenny Learner in the film Deep Impact real name is T'ea and actually spelled as it is written.
(One last thought before the videos- Could the name Leonid be a clue to the time of the Leonids Meteor Shower? - November 17-18, 2011-add these dates to your watch & prayer dates).
IN THE PHOTO BELOW - CHINESE SCIENTISTS SAY COMET ELENIN HAS A MASSIVE UFO FLEET FOLLOWING IT. They are in formation. (No Joke- 8 huge objects can be clearly seen) Read below. Very exciting and interesting time. Earth is expected to pass through the tail filled with debris in November that could cause major devastation on the planet. Will the Fleet somehow deflect the debris from Earth and prevent an Extinction Level Event?
May 3, 2011
Based on reports published by China's space agency, Sergio Toscano, director for Astronomical Research in Missions, said that behind the comet Elenin could be approaching a UFO.
"Behind the comet, discovered in December last year, Chinese scientists say that is something they called cluster, which means globular cluster, or perhaps alien spacecraft," said Toscano.
According to the report quotes the astronomer mission, the space body would be found in the comet's tail and was analyzed after the mysterious signals that came off of an unknown formation "strange and obscure."
In the words of Toscano, the Chinese have said that the spacecraft is stationed in the same place for ninety days, "before that looked like it was coming from an extraterrestrial civilization," said Argentine scientist.
According to the Daily Chronicle, this phenomenon was corroborated by Rosie Redfiel, the new director of the Program of NASA's Astrobiology. "But when NASA began to make calculations and projections of orbit of the comet, they realized that something was wrong and the first thing they did was remove the website which provided information on this issue," said Toscano.
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