DECEMBER 22, 2012

If you are reading this article, it means that you did not get caught up in the Rapture yesterday, there was no literal appearing of Jesus, the Aliens didn't abduct you and the outer world did not end. You made it!

I was busy on the phone today trying to find "End of the World" sales for some car repair service. People were laughing at the idea, but I could not persuade them to give me a break.

I went to the Department of Motor Vehicle, because my Tabs were expiring and took a brother name Terry N. aka Apostle 411 with me. I asked the middle-age Black lady at the front counter, approximately how long did she think I'd have to wait, seeing the place was full. I told her I was concern about the "end of the world" and I did not want to be stuck in the DMV when it happens. She looked at me over her reading glasses that were barely hanging on the end of her nose. I repeated my concerns about a long wait due to the world might end while I am waiting at the DMV.

She said, "Honey, you don't have to worry about the world ending today." She leaned in and softly said, "When you get home read Matthew chapter 24." I excitedly said, "You're a woman of the WORD - Praise God!" We gave each other hi-thumbs and had a Hallelujah moment in the crowded DMV.

By this time, the Holy Ghost was hitting Terry aka Apostle 411 and he starting laughing uncontrollably as the lady and I held our thumbs high at each other. I was able to get Terry to our seats while he was yet experiencing "holy laughter" - and it's contagious, so there we both were filled with the joy of the Lord and laughing like we were high on something and nothing was funny.

What might have made people even more suspicious is Terry's hippie appearance - Long hair, beard and he had on a psychedelic long sleeve shirt that read, "I AM NOT DRUNK YET, I AM STILL DRINKING."

My number was J644, so we played around with the number messages as we waited and shared other things. When I was finally called up to window 7 (Eye had already heard it would be window 7) out of over 20 windows - it was discovered that I had not paid tax on the vehicle from another state and my small affordable amount I had been excited to pay for the Tabs/registration now drastically increased with taxes. So I decided to look serious and ask for an "End of the World" waiver of the taxes or have it heavily discounted.

The representative took me serious and disappeared for nearly 10 minutes. She came back with a sad expression and explaining how she tried, but they would not go for it. I was surprised that she even went to her supervisors with that request. She gave me some options, I told her it was ok, I would pay it now.

She tried to comfort me by saying, "Look at it this way, now you're gonna be soo legal, even though you'll be soo broke for Christmas." We both burst out laughing out loud uncontrollably. Her face turned bright red, we both laughed so hard, we had tears coming out of our eyes. (It wasn't that funny, it was just the Spirit). She was trying to get back to being professional but couldn't.

The joy of the Lord filled the crowded place. People were watching and hearing us laugh and started smiling - even though they did not know what we were laughing about. It's contagious! Eye know some of you reading this have a big SMILE on your face and are about to burst with holy laughter...Go ahead it's ok. It's the End of the World (age), those who sit in heavenly places laugh. Psalms 2:4 hahaha hehehe hohoho

Turn Your Volume Up Loud & Move Some Divine Energy Around, that means DANCE - as we sing this powerful Mantra. WAHE GURU WAHE JIO this is Sanskrit for Wonderful Teacher - Great God of Wisdom Beyond Description. (Performed by SEAL & Guru Singh) - Lift your hands, sway, dance, twirl and experience the Living Loving Wahe Guru Wahe Jio.


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Age To Age Ministries Int'l

P O Box 42383

Phoenix, Arizona 85080


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