MAY 15, 2012

In yesterday's blog, MYSTERY OF INA R. DREW, we shared a prophetic parallel with Elijah confronting the False Prophets and how we are confronting the False Profits and Fraudulent activities of the Banking system today.

After Elijah exposed and destroyed the the False Prophets, the long awaited rains (blessings) came. The oppression, drought, famine and debt caused by Ahab-JezeBEL occultic political-financial system of False Prophets was finished. It was the False Prophets that had turned the hearts of the people from the One True and Living God, Yahweh. This is the reason Elijah (EliYah) was called. His name means God is God, Elohim is Yah (Yahweh). Each time his name was called, it was a reminder, that Baal nor the JezeBal cult was the real God.

We are exposing and destroying the False Profits of the corrupt Financial system (money created out of thin air - digits on a computer screen and the reality that there is no money) by the prophetic word. Also, there are those chosen to legally challenge them. As it was in the Biblical parallel, so will it be today. There is nothing new under the Sun. The current False Profits system has deceived humanity into serving MONEY and becoming a Debt Slave to Mammon.

They have been profit-sying daily, on the TV, radio, internet, the ads that come to your home. The billboards liter the freeways with their profit-cies that have lead to a nation and world of robotic Debt Slaves, that can barely pay their lenders working 2-3 jobs. Their Bank representatives (ushers you into the sanctuary) hold the doors open and invite you in with a smile assuring you and catering to the greed and materialistic nature. Of course you can afford that extra vehicle, a bigger house and many other toys; they assured-while thinking of their commissions and kick-backs. The material things that were thought to be blessings to many, have become a curse and destroyed many families and lives. Their Profit-cies have lolled many to sleep while encouraging them to pursue the "American Dream" that turned out to be a nightmare.

Thankfully many are deciding to wake up. Elijah challenged the 850 False Prophets and defeated their system. The Banks and Financial Institutions (False Profits) that received the $850 Billion dollar Bailout will soon be completely defeated. Humanity will turn to the True and Living God and worship Him. They will turn from the false sense of prosperity based on DEBT.

" It is the blessing of the LORD that makes rich, And He adds no sorrow to it." Proverbs 10:22

We got several emails in response to yesterday's prophetic message. Some people actually heard the Sooouuuuuuddddd of Rain and had an experience while reading the message. Hallelujah! We give all glory to God for what has been happening with these blogs. May 17 will be one year that we have been writing almost daily. Several of you all had encouraged us to do this for some time and I just did not see how it would fit into my schedule. I am yet amazed how the Spirit does it. We will continue with the daily writings as long as Spirit allows and inspires.

Margie thought of this song after yesterday's message. "LISTEN TO THE SOUND." Experience this powerful song. Hear the Sooouuunnddd of Abundance of Rain - Change is Here.

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Age To Age Ministries Int'l

P O Box 42383

Phoenix, AZ 85080


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