OCTOBER 2, 2013

First time in 17 year our nation has experienced a Government Shutdown. As my baby Jeremiel would say, "What's the big idea?!" I suppose there was some type of "system failure". The world will go on. Aren't you glad that the Government of God can never be shutdown, break down or have "system failure"?

We have been referring back to the word of the LORD given me at the beginning of the year about the month of October for the past few months. I suppose we are seeing the word of the Lord come to pass. Here's an excerpt again, "Eye see around October 2013, there is a possibility for a crash or "system failure" - As the Sun moves from Libra to Scorpio - there seems to be some major challenges on the planet." From Year of the Black Snake part 2 [Soon coming extreme weather disasters can be very deadly - pray and change it].

People are worried and afraid because their trust is in the people that work or hang around the White House or the Congress. On September 28, 2013 we posted a prophetic message called MEGA MONEY MOVEMENT. At that point I had not heard that there was a potential for government shutdown (thank God), but here is an excerpt of what Eye felt.

"We have been in meditative intercession over the past week, we are feeling subtle changes in the consciousness on the planet and in this country. We will yet be experiencing financial transition during the month of October and while the Sun is in Scorpio. Everything that will be happening will not be seen by the public. However, at this point the impact of what has been planned may not be as powerful as some would have liked. We do have the power to stand in the gap and Creator God is gracious."

Eye had felt that there are those in high offices and behind the scenes that had planned this "system failure" to take a huge toll on the American people. They had planned for events to cause lots of unnecessary pain and suffering to further rip this nation apart. But during my intercession time, Eye felt the prayers, meditations of the righteous rise up causing subtle changes in the consciousness of many, thus, disarming the plans of the wicked. The transition that's happening behind the scenes will be much smoother now.

Could it also be that this government shutdown or "system failure" is also being used as a smoke screen to better the lives of people not only in this country, but the world? Spirit spoke to us in January about the finances in October. Could this be preparing for the Global Reset? (We are only asking questions, not giving dates of what many are expecting). Money is Moving, (digits on the computer screens) as we announced September 28, based on the movement of the heavens."We have some heavenly assistance coming up next week that gives us another Opened Window for Financial Prosperity...This is a period where MEGA MONEY will be moving worldwide."

Have you noticed all of the unannounced comets, and a close asteroid over the past 4 days? These events are confirming the word of the Lord and declaring the global transition that's taking place. It's close to full manifestation.

Let's look at the prophetic word of the Lord closer and see how it does not make sense in the natural. The prophetic word is a creative word coming out of the mouth of the prophet or being written by the prophet. The prophetic word can manipulate-affect world resources, finances, etc ie Elijah, Elisha. When the government decided to "shut down" - it would be logical that the Stock Markets would be affected and crash. The true Prophets do not operate in the realm of logic.

Here's an excerpt of the prophetic word posted September 28 -MEGA MONEY MOVEMENT. "Major Movement of Money. Actually, the build up will start around the 29th of September. The Financial Markets Global will began to react to this starting late Sunday to Monday in Europe and Asia then here. The reactions will increase and be strongest between October 2-4, 2013, as the energy increases. WATCH YOUR NEWS FOR CONFIRMATION."




Our point is to show you that Father is in control and He enjoys doing what seems illogical and impossible to man. The Spirit said MEGA MONEY IS MOVING!! I believe it. Capture this financial energy that's permeating our environment, absorb it into your being and become it. Expect to see the manifestations of it. Re-read the Mega Money Movement prophetic word.

We do not look to gold, paper money, the stock market or anything beside Him. However, the Spirit does sometime allow us to see what shall be and sometimes what's going on behind the scenes. If by Friday (October 4) the Stock Markets decides to take a dive, it will rebound by early next week according to the word of the Lord and as a sign of what Eye see taking place.

Here's another excerpt and testimonial from the September 28 prophetic word. "If you are in Sales, Network Marketing, trying to sell something or anything of that sort-use the energies of the next 7 days. Your phone should be ringing off the hook. People will ask to take a second look at what you are trying to sell. Products should be moving. This energy is what we call the anointing, it has to be directed. It is waiting to be directed."

This Testimony comes from Sherwood Y. in Iowa, sent to me today - October 1, 2013

The sale we took items to on 9/13/13 were "paid" on the checks we got from the mail last night after our return from Kansas City. The sale wasn't in this "correct" timing. Even the opening the checks came a little early, but, one item was a real the nick of time.

I was using a Parker Gravity Wagon to deliver the last of my corn crop from last year to the elevator. Because the price had dropped so far from last spring, I didn't sell, but put it into storage believing the price must go back up into this winter. I worked really hard that week and finally finished hauling in time to get the wagon to the Auction Yard Wednesday evening for the Friday auction.

The auctioneer told me it wouldn't sell , until the very end of the all day auction...maybe between 10 and 11 pm. But in faith, I took it anyway. I paid $5500 for it last year, so put a protection price of $4800 on it, below which I would get it back. It did sell, for $7400! That's a $1900 return to faith. Thank you, Father. You will be multiplied!!!

Hallelujah! God is faithful and we rejoice with Sherwood and Peggy. Sell, Sell, Sell.

So the government is shutdown, I think most of us have not noticed anything different. One day the government as we know it will completely shutdown and stay shutdown, as the increase of Yahweh's government fully manifest to never end. Until then, in the spirit of what the heavens are declaring, the spirit is confirming, lets agree and sing, Money is Coming to Me. Money is moving, so get up and move with the music and direct it toward your way. If you call it, it must come.



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Phoenix, Arizona 85080


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