SEPTEMBER 12, 2012

Another Israeli Zionist plan has been hatched to create Chaos and Carnage in the world. Sam Bacile, Iraeli-American Real Estate Developer raise 5 million dollars from 100 Jewish donors that he's not naming to produce the low budget film, "Innocence of Muslims". Misusing our wonderful right to freedom of speech; this satanic inspired film portrays Prophet Mohammed as a homosexual among other things.

The infidel Sam Bacile knew this would inspire global violence and fan the flames of World War 3 that Israel is desperately trying to pull America into. I can not say in this writing what I really think should happen to psychopaths like Sam Bacile and many other Zionist that purposely sow seeds of discord and hate. I only wish that Americans, especially Christians would wake up and create an atmosphere where people like him would have no place to hide. At the least, he should be kicked out of the country, his wealth confiscated and put on the NO FLY LIST as a TERRORIST. Sam Bacile should be held responsible for the death of the Ambassador in Libya and everyone else.


(We do not condone the murders of any "unjust war" or promote violence).

I decided to listen to Zionist controlled FOX radio this morning, just to judge the level of stupidity, hate, Fear and manipulation being spewed. I was not surprised.

Because of this Zionist attack on America, that's exactly what it was. This is part of the retaliation against the Obama Administration's strong stand against the world's #1 psychopath, Benjamin Nethanyahu. As a result of this reckless act, radical psychopathic Muslims could feel they have to retaliate, by killing Christian missionaries throughout the Muslim world or burning the Christian churches. Or, possibly Zionist disguise as Muslim could do this to further create tension.

I have served in Muslim countries for years as a missionary. Would Muslim disrespect Christianity the way most Christians disrespect Islam? NO!! The places where I have been, they actually defend Jesus.

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