JOURNEY - Part 8

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JACOB'S JOURNEY (Feast of God) Part 8

JUNE 18, 2011

“And Jacob went on...and the angels of God met him.” Gen.32:1 Have you decided to "Go On" no matter what comes your way? Help is on the way. The angelic hosts are waiting to assist you.


On this sacred journey back to El Shaddai’s /Wisdom’s house, where the 7 Pillars, 7 Eyes, and 7 Spirits of God are; you walk right into your destiny. The word of the Lord becomes even more clear and frequent. Revelation knowledge, the supernatural and prophetic insight are no longer a struggle, it flows. Jacob called this experience Mahanaim, meaning two hosts or band of angels. The word angel means messenger, a messenger must have a Message. This is the 2-fold trumpet message from without and within sounding and preparing to bring Redemption for the whole man (inner-outer), Whole Eye ness (Holiness) and Immortality. Deut. 19:15, Isaiah 58:1, Exodus 30:12-16

The trumpets were also sounded to proclaim the new year, we call it new because we don’t yet remember it all, although we’ve lived it on another plane. I believe the more whole (holy) we become, the better our memory will serve us. The thief on the cross asked Jesus to Re-member (put me back together) me. It is also the proclamation of a New Age, the beginning of another Great Year that will last 26,000 years.


“And he rose up in the night..and passed over the ford Jabok (emptiness)..And Jacob was left alone: there wrestled a man with him Until the Breaking of the Day.” Gen.32:22,24

Now that you have heard the trumpets (message), more is required of you. At this point on your journey there is a sense of restlessness, you have tasted of the powers of the ages to come and NOTHING else can satisfy you. You are re-membering, flashbacks of the prior versions of yourself and a time when you were not limited to the skin you are in. Somehow you just don't fit in with the old crowd anymore, the things that use to work don’t anymore, your real friends are very few. That restless, dissatisfaction and emptiness you feel is GOD, His coming in, as and though you.

AT-ONE-MENT, also called Yom Kippur was the Holiest (Whole Eye is/Am) day of the year. The is the 6th Chakra experience -6th Feast on the Hebrew Calendar as we discussed earlier in this series. This is the opening of the 3rd Eye, the Pineal Gland that enables you to see and become divine. Here oh Israel the LORD your God is ONE... This is the realization that there is only ONE. The Holy One and you are that wholly one.

Each year in ancient Israel the scapegoat typified as Azazel was driven out from amongst the people to the wilderness. It symbolized driving out sin and negativity. Azazel, the scapegoat or demon of your wilderness must be driven out in order for the 3rd Eye to become fully open. Leviticus 16:20-22 "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall SEE God". God is all there is, therefore, God is all you will see. This ritual took place before the high priest went to meet with God between the Cherubim (left and right brain hemisphere) in the Holy of Holies.

Jacob wrestled during that dark night inward, outward, upward and away. He wrestled with a man, he wrestled with the ego, he wrestled with the message (messenger) that would cause a great paradigm shift for him. He wrestled until he overcame, his nature (name) was changed and he was able to see God at Peniel. Jacob called the place Peniel which means, I have seen God face to face; or I have seen GOD IN MY FACE. Peniel is a play on words, a clue for Pineal Gland.

[Some of you are grappling with attitudes, habits, ego, religiosity, and behavior patterns, etc that's keeping you from seeing God in your face. Jacob said, "I will not let go until you bless me." Sadly, so many today like to make excuses and frustrate the grace-we only deceive ourselves. We must Overcome!! If someone tells you there is no effort (work) involved in developing "real spirituality," run like hell the opposite way. There is work (effort-travail) in developing and giving birth to anything. Use His strength to do it].

After the all night wrestling match of Jacob, he was prepared to meet his brother Esau whom he had feared for 20 years. When he saw Esau his once perceived enemy he said that he saw Esau's face as the face of God. Once the journey within takes you to this level, even your enemy will look like God. In Christian terminology, you will thank God for the devil.

On a much deeper level, this is where all the versions of you and all the past lives are integrated and reconciled into the One (At-ONE-ment). All Karma is transmuted in the Glory. There is no more running, Transformation has come. In the physical body something spectacular and unusual will begin to happen as the kundalina fire (Holy Ghost fire) races up your spine into your brain. The Pineal Gland will began releasing explosive amounts of the chemical Dimethyltryptamine (DMT)which will bring a type of complete death to the false self and a union with all that IS. This is where the EYE becomes single (whole-holy, healthy) and the body is filled with light. Forgiven, Forgiven, Forgiven - No more Sin Consciousness. A new day breaks within our soul as we are trance-formed

“And Jacob journeyed to Succoth..” Gen.33:17-20

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