JANUARY 5, 2014

Eileen in Washington State sent this wonderful testimony that really touched me, I think it really going to minister to you. This was in response to our Pluto Rising - 2014 Prophecy.

John stated, Pluto in retrograde offers us the opportunity to "Know Thyself".

Here is my most recent experience in regard to what you wrote above. In early December, I got really mad at my sister over something that was really small, but it festered, and I waited a week to confront her, and she didn't respond for a week, so I wrote her again, and finally we had some words about it, and I finally realized I was really angry about the past, not the present. I thought I had released all the anger I could find within me from the past, but apparently I overlooked the very earliest period of my life. We did not have a good relationship in childhood. Whether it was my fault, or her fault, or a combination, I don't know, but there was nothing we liked about each other, and there was a lot of mis-treatment of each other, especially on my part because I was the older sister, yet nothing was ever said about it over the last 45 years since we both left home. We treated each other normally on the rare occasions we saw each other, and emails were civil. Never did we ever have a meaningful conversation about the past, even though I had brought it up in the past, only to have her dismiss it as inconsequential. I wanted resolution, and she said there was nothing to resolve, that she had forgotten about it.

I know better, because I know that anger is never resolved until it is consciously recognized and released, and for the most part, old anger is not recognized until it is re-experienced, so I am thankful that I did get angry at her, and that I did recognize it was really anger from the past. All our emotions reside in the cells of the body until released, so if we deny the anger, it just works to make us sick, and we both have had joint problems, which is where anger resides and does the most damage. I just recently heard that every emotion carries with it a chemical reaction in the body, and anger releases a poisonous chemical. (Thus, joy would also release a good chemical; I think I read it increases the amount of DHEA in the body.)

I could not get through to her, but I did my own soul searching, and released my own anger, going all the way to childhood, and then more soul searching, and released the need to feel guilty and unworthy over how I had acted in the long-distant past. Finally, I decided that if I really felt a need for her to forgive me, there must be some deceptive reason for it, such as just to make myself feel better, so I released the need to be forgiven. As said, the heart is deceitfully wicked and would have us believe all sort of reasons that cover the real reasons for our feelings, and we need to confront the truth and not believe the fantasy reasons that sound good and make us feel good about ourselves.

Releasing has made my hip, which has been afflicted with bursitis and Lyme disease for the last 5 years, feel a lot better, as releasing buried emotions brings healing. Any time one is bound up and ailing in the body, you can know there is an emotional reason for it which needs to be released -- anger, resentment, bitterness, feeling betrayed, and a multitude of other emotions. If that does not bring immediate healing, then at least you know the healing will progress as the cause is being released and the body is given time to heal. I have been searching for the emotional cause of my hip problems since it started! Unfortunately, I have very little contact with my sister, and so seldom have a reason to get upset with her in order to have triggered a reaction big enough to cause me to investigate the cause.

I don't know why I let a little thing upset me this time, but thank God I did allow myself to feel the anger, thereby triggering my memory of past anger and resentment. Just now mentioning the word resentment caused me release the resentment I have felt for her. I realized there was resentment there because I had a really hard time when releasing the anger; I almost didn't want to do it, but I can't afford to carry that baggage around with me. Anger is okay as long as you do not allow it to take up residence in your body. Deal with it immediately. Be willing to let go of whatever God shows you, when he shows it to you.

Yesterday, after some releasing, I told the Father that I wanted to know him better, and that day I was directed to some YouTube videos, one of which was Gregg Bradon and the other was Mark Passio, and both of those speakers referenced a quote that said "Know thyself, and you will know the universe and the gods." I took that as a double witness, and now you have said basically the same thing, to know yourself.

One other thing I learned from those two videos, as they both said the same thing, was that "Consciousness is the coming together of our thoughts, feelings and actions." If we want to manifest something in our lives, whether it is world peace or an immediate need, these three have to work in unison, which I had learned before, but repetition is the key to learning.

So there is my experience and witness to what you said in the Pluto Rising publication.

The one thing I would add is in regard to forgiveness. Most of us are quick to forgive, but what I have come to realize is that our forgiveness is, for the most part, only on a mental level. Mentally we agree to forgive and try to forget, but we don't really know how to forgive, nor do we know the real purpose of forgiving. We get some mental relief by saying "I forgive," but there is a deeper level of forgiveness that goes clear to the bone, which does not happen until we clear out the corresponding emotions that are residing in the cells of the body, and that takes effort and the knowledge of how to do it.

Forgiveness is not for the other person, it is for us, so we are cheating ourselves if we neglect to release the negative emotions to clear the body of agents of disease. We cannot release emotions we are not aware of. Unfortunately, what we usually do is put a lid on our emotions and forget about them, and we think that is forgiveness. We don't get the full physical release we need by doing that. I forgave my sister years ago, just as she forgave me, in the only way we knew how at the time, meaning we put it out of our minds and did not hold a grudge, but I didn't know how to release the emotions I had experienced all those years ago, and it was not until the former anger rose up in me that I realized it was still there, dormant, and severely affecting my health. So just because you forgave something years ago, don't think it is really gone until you deal with the buried emotions.

I believe in healing by the laying on of hands, but I have not experienced such healing in many years. I believe those are for newbies, for the most part, but as we mature, we are expected to learn the ways of God, and walk in those ways, and that is how I have experienced healing over the last 10 years or so, by seeking to know what is on the inside of me, and release it.

For every dis-ease in the body, there is a corresponding negative emotion that needs to be released. Sometimes it is difficult to know exactly what emotion is bothering us and why, but God will answer our inquiries. I once suffered sciatic pain for six months, constantly seeking to know what emotion was causing it so I could forgive and release. In fact, John, you laid hands on me and prayed for this condition during this time. It did not go away, but you told me it would, in time. This was while I was learning how to release, so this was part of my training. I listened to several teachers on healing, and finally, I heard a teacher say that sciatic pain could be caused by feeling betrayed, and sure enough, it took only a moment to identify with that feeling. I had already "forgiven" this person whom I felt had wronged me, but I had never released on that particular emotion -- wasn't even aware of feeling that way. I immediately released the need to hold that feeling, and the pain went away that same hour. Now, on the two occasions I've had sciatic pain since then, I reflected on what had been going on in my life to see who or what was causing me to feel betrayed. I released the emotion and allowed myself to forgive, and the pain was gone immediately. Has saved me some money on chiropractic bills!

The mind-body connection is very real, and it is one of the laws of nature we have to learn to deal with to keep our bodies clear of dis-ease, and to raise our consciousness level to where we can function according to the laws of the Spirit of Life.

Eileen ---

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