(Web Blog)
FEBRUARY 17, 2012
Alan N. sent me the video clips below. First of all, I was shocked that there was a sane and sound thinking person on the FOX Network. Secondly, I could see why the Zionist controlled media would fire Judge Napolitano - they fear their mostly comatose angry audience might wake up. Who would stand to gain from a war with Iran? Israel and Saudi Arabia.
At about 4 minutes in the video, very important information is disclosed. To my knowledge this was not a part of the Judge spill, but it is truth. People are waking up.
Judge Napolitano.How to get fired in under 5 mins
What if these videos went viral and millions of American had an epiphany and actually woke up; especially the Christians. What if they did realize who the enemy is, of not only America but the world, and demanded that something be done about it immediately? Can you image a world without the current Zionist state in power? Can you imagine real "fair and balance" news reporting? Can you image peace and love?
Are the Saudi royals crypto-Jews (Jews pretending to be Muslims)? If so, why would they be perpetrating this $cam on the world? Do your own research and you might find out that the Matrix is everywhere. Everything you see is not what it appears to be. However, there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed. Truth can not be fired, silenced or destroyed; it will resound again and again from a new package.
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