(Web Blog)
FEBRUARY 22, 2012
"O LORD, I beseech thee, SEND NOW PROSPERITY." Psalms 118:25 We stand in agreement with this 3000 year old prophetic decree released by King David. "Believe his prophets and you shall prosper." 2 Chronicles 20:20
We want to use this blog to revisit some of the recent important prophetic words we have posted and their fulfillment or validations which are relevant to current events being reported. There seems to be another acceleration taking place in the Spirit. The dark side knows it and are doing everything possible to create as much negativity and carnage on the planet as possible in the short time they have left. Those of us that have read the end of the Book knows that Light will prevail. Choose to be Light and remain in the Light.
"The restrictions have been removed, the delays have ended; by the end of the month there will be a major shift in finances. All the hindrances and Delays are gone. Removing Daley is a sign in the political world of what I AM doing on every level... The transitioning from the old order to the new order will present a challenge for many, while a blessing for others. Resources and finances that have been tied up or delayed can now be released. No More Delay!! You are about to see your Political system change and there wont be constant delays to the Initiatives that I have ordained. This year you will see major Political and Financial people, household names removed suddenly; through deaths, disasters, questionable accidents, scandals and resignations. The Financial and Banking system is due for a major overhaul that shall appear to happen suddenly."
Those of you that have read the Blogs for the past few days or other reports can clearly see that we are in a very crucial time in human history. We are on the verge of humanity's liberation. Many that have been in power and loyal to the House of Rothschild, the Illuminati and evil Reptilians are being forced out of power (Resigning) globally. This is not only CEO's of World Banks but also Political Leaders.
For the past year and a half, we were informed about stolen monies, direct descendants of Dragon Emperors, and Elders of an ancient Dragon Society. Now it has been made public that Mr. Riyadi (Indo-Chinese dragon bloodline royal descendant) is at the center of this almost science fiction, thriller drama. It's the year of the Dragon. (If the whole truth ever comes out, it will be far stranger than fiction and unbelievable by most). We have been receiving information for some time regarding the amount of money involved. The amount has been from $15 trillion, $36 trillion, $47 trillion to figures that have more zeros than I can even name an amount for. Now it seems like the intel which we believed was accurate.
Since 2010 we have stated that the timing of many things had to come together, all the pieces of the puzzle had to fit. There is a Global Economic Restructuring taking place. Once all the pieces fit and all those are out of the way that would hinder it or steal it have been removed, it will manifest. NO MORE DELAY!! the Spirit shouted. Send now prosperity.
After William Daley former White House Chief of Staff was officially out of the White House at the end of January-Global World Bank CEO's and Political Leader were given a choice to resign immediately or go to jail. This is what we are seeing globally. Hallelujah!! We are also hearing reports, which we can not yet verify that Federal Reserve Offices and Banks are being closed down presently. We hope and pray it's so. Maybe some news in a day or so will confirm this.
[We realized in 2010 that Global Settlements, Prosperity Packages, Humanitarian Projects are timed to happen at the same time the Iraqi Dinar RV and other currencies is announced. All of the prophetic pieces of the puzzle are falling into place]. Send NOW Prosperity!!
Eye see the Economy improving and growing through most of the year until toward the last few months, in spite of the fluctuations
throughout the year. Around the 4th week of January, when the Sun moves into Aquarius, the Markets should reflect a positive change. (We will soon see a complete change in the World Economy & Currencies).
Dow Rises Above 2011 Peak - 1/27/12
Dow Breaks 13,000 For First Time Since '08 Crisis - 2/21/2012
Eye see Abundance coming for the people of God; those who practice spirituality, there will be many innovative opportunities opening up. You must
be willing to Think outside the box. Many of you that have been faithful and consistent in sowing "seed" giving, are about to be rewarded. Eye see
Harvest. Eye see a flow of creative energy released upon the planet that will benefit whosoever is willing to embrace it.
"Eye shall place within the hands of those that dare to Wake Up the wealth and resources of the world. As the world system is crumbling and falling apart, Eye have a plan that the world has not seen before. The resources that Eye shall release shall rebuild nations and even create new nations. It is not over for those that trust in Me and call unto Me. It hasn't even yet begun. Many of you will be divinely positioned; even in the places where there has been turmoil - to rule. Even in the places of your personal struggle, you will find strength to rise up with authority.
You will see the breakdown of societies, cultures and nations, but at the same time you will see the uprising of an eternal kingdom of love, power and prosperity through the awakened ones. Was it not so in the time of Joseph, the 11th son? Was not the world experiencing famine, distress upon the nations and many earth changes? But those that believe the words of Joseph ate and were filled, abundance was their portion. Believe the prophets and you shall prosper, say the Spirit of Grace. This is your activation code for Awakening to Abundance in the times of great tribulation in the days ahead. You will be given the Eyes to see where the blessing is and where to be a blessing."
Continue to pray and release decrees for the complete dismantling of the Babylonian system and for the Kingdom of God (Light, Love & Prosperity) to be manifested and firmly established.
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Age To Age Ministries Int'l
P O Box 42383
Phoenix, AZ 85080