AUGUST 12, 2012

August 11th is filled with prophetic clues and messages- actually so is everyday, however, some are more evident than others.

The Sun is in LEO the Lion and he's roaring. The Perseid Meteor Shower will reach their peak on the night of the 12th and will dwindle until around the 22nd of August. This meteor shower comes with a conjunct of Venus, Jupiter and Moon. We have been blessed throughout the year with Venus and Jupiter conjuncting; we have been receiving the powerful and prosperous influences from them.

The constellation of Perseus belongs to the Zodiac house of Aries. As we often say, nothing on Earth happens without the celestial Prophets prophesying it. We want to just touch on a very few points and show you what the heavens are prophesying.


In order to better understand the present and future, we need to know more about the past. In Greek mythology, there is a character name Perseus. Perseus means, the Breaker, he who fights and overcomes.

Perseus, the warrior was challenged to cut off the head of Medusa. He was given a sharp sword and a bright shield to see her reflection to avoid looking into the face of Medusa while cutting off her head. He entered the cave of nymphs where she and her sisters lived and took her head; Perseus used the head of Medusa to turn his enemies in battle into stone. Thus the heavens in the Zodiac Sign House of ARIES depict Perseus holding the head of Medusa in his left hand with his sword held high.

May 25, 2012, we posted a detailed Prophetic Blog of things that would shortly come to pass called, THE EVIL STAR- ALGOL. Also, in that message we explain that the unusual triple star group of Algol represents Medusa and her two sisters. Four days later, May 29th, we also posted a follow-up blog, as the prophetic words were fulfilled, EVIL STAR - ALGOL VALIDATION. Then 2 day later, the Yahoo Headline News confirmed Algol, the Evil Star with an article echoing what we had posted. In that initial prophetic word, we predicted the soon coming increase of violent acts and murders that have filled the evening and morning news. However, the purpose for this article is not to further deal with further future violent events.

There's a little more to this story of Perseus. In the Bible, Micah 2:3 there's a prophecy parallel to this so called Greek myth. "The breaker is gone up before them; they have broken forth and passed on, by the gate, and are gone out thereat; and their king is passed on before them, and the LORD at the head of them." Who is this Breaker, the warrior that breaks through and breaks the yokes of bondage by the anointing? It is Perseus, the son of God (Zeus/Jupiter). Perseus means the Breaker, he who fights and overcome. Perseus is also a celestial type of Christ.


Eye prophesy that there will be Financial Breakthroughs. (Eye am seeing a serious over payment someone made and are not aware of-Spirit says watch the mail over the next 10 days-unexpected return). Just as you see the showers of meteors seemingly falling from the sky, so shall you see the showers of blessings, abundance, opportunity and favor. The Breaker is gone up before you, you will not need to fight, struggle or use your strength. It is by My Spirit say the Lord. Just expect and receive.

This sign manifested 2 days after posting this prophecy. HOMEOWNER BILLED 25 YEARS IN OVER PAYMENT FOR ELECTRICITY GETS REIMBURSED $10,500.00

The Breaker is gone up to break the yoke of poverty and lack, yes, even in this time of recession and depression. Those that know My name, those that call upon Me shall see that Eye Am yet the God of Breakthrough. Venus and Jupiter has aligned for a short time with the Moon- Eye will do a quick work. Eye will make things happen fast, your efforts that seem to have been in vain will suddenly fall into place. Angels are working on your behalf behind the scenes.

Exercise your faith. Visualize the areas in your life where you need a Breakthrough as Done - Finished. The energy of Perseus is filling the atmosphere now and showering down on you. He has warred on your behalf and cut off the head of the demon. Recognize the One power, the All power that's within you.

The influence of Leo is assisting you. Rise up Judah in celebration and praise. Let your mouth be filled with words to create new experiences and prosperity. Let your mouth be filled with words to uncreated what was ignorantly created. Do this with words of repentance and reconciliation. Undo that which has been done, take back that which has been taken. Use your shiny shield of Faith to see and quench all the fiery darts projected from within and launched from without. Allow the Breaker to rise up in you, as you. Know When To Sow!

There will be signs in the Market over the next 10 days, before the Sun moves into Virgo. There will be more upsets in the Financial World. A royal or elite person will fall soon - Eye can't see if it will be within this 10 day window or not.


A 6.4 and 6.3 Earthquake struck 11 minutes apart in Northwestern Iran on August 11, 2012. Six villages were destroyed, so far at least 250 killed and 2000 injured. TWO EARTHQUAKES STRIKE IRAN

Was this an act of God, a natural Earthquake? NO! Just 2 days ago we reported on "Iran's Secret Weapon" in a blog on August 9, 2011. Several days ago, Dr. Keshe, an Iranian scientist that some believe is more brilliant and advanced than Nicoli Tesla was, gave a stern warning to the USA, Israel and the West against attacking Iran. Dr. Keshe disclosed that Iran has advance space technology that could easily defeat the West.

The area that the 2 Earthquakes struck happens to be where Iran's Nuclear Research and Spaceship Program is located. It was not by accident. This was the effects of the Earthquake weapons meant to destroy the nuclear facility and space research technology.

The evil ones do nothing haphazardly or on a whim. Every action is surrounded with symbols, messages and clues. Why did they use the Earthquake weapon today? Before 1932, Iraq and Iran was called PERSIA, it was the remnants from the ancient Persian Empire. The Iranians are Persians. Where did they get the name Persia or Persians from? It comes from PERSEUS, the Breaker. Tonight starts the highlight of Perseus Meteor Shower.

The attack on Persia today - August 11, 2012 with the Earthquake weapon is a message from the West stating that Persia (Iran) will fall just as the meteors fall over the next 10 days in Perseus. (We are not saying Iran will fall in 10 days) I would not be surprise if there is more provocations over the next 10 days. The evil-doers behind the scenes understand clearly the power and effectiveness of timing events with the movements of the heavens. However, they may not be aware that there are enlightened ones that know how to reverse in the influences of the heavens to ruin their plans of evil.

There is a level of intercession that can connect us with the constellations, the myths, and the ruling angels through sacred inspired incantations that will cause immediate manifestations or signs. (Example: Remember June 20 article- within less than 24 hours-fire storms hit Colorado) Allow the Breaker to rise up to reverse the evil plans to destroy Persia (Iran).


I clearly remember reading about the first Harmonic Convergence, I was in Billing, Montana. Although, I did not know anything about this stuff- Spirit within me told me I had to join in with the meditation and focus. In 1987 Jose Arguelles inspired and coordinated more than one million people to gather to initiate the final 25 year cycle before the end of the Mayan Calendar on December 21, 2012.

Many scientists believe that focused energy and thought can create change in the material world. This focused harmonic convergence accepts this as a possibility and encourages each participant to focus on being the most joyful and complete human being they can be in harmony with all of nature and humanity as a whole.

Harmonic Convergence August 12-16 - a Worldwide Event of Light & Love. Let's continue to change our world. I am suddenly reminded of the angels that came to Abraham. Abraham interceded for Sodom, Gomorrah, and his family Lot that live there. According to the angel, if there had been only 10 people that were not consumed with greed, selfishness and lust; those cities would have been spared. Genesis 18

Are there a million out of over 7 billion people, or a hundred thousand that are filled with love for their neighbor as themselves? Are there enough to fire up the grid and create a global paradigm shift? Are there enough that can put aside their religion, doctrines, hatred, intolerance, pride and selfishness today? I think there's enough.

Between August 12-16 - join us in random acts of kindness, love, extreme joy, swimming in the river of laughter as we focus on unity and creating heaven on earth. This is a highly energetic time and the summer games will be nearing the end. Capture this energy and use it over the next 10 days.


A match planned for failure, to fall as the meteors. It was announced today as the Perseid Meteor Shower begins. Plus, many other astrological events. We shall see.

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