NOVEMBER 10, 2011
Greetings All. You survived the Asteroid near fly-by. You protected your ears from possible encoded frequencies. All is well in the Kingdom of God, Truth and Exposure of the lies will completely dismantle this present system of things. The Old World Order disguised as a New World World must give way to the true New World Order of God's Kingdom. That's when the "real Party" begins- all invited. Somebody shout, AMEN!!
The war drums are sounding louder and louder and Nethanyahu is pressuring Obama almost daily to start another unjustified war, this time with IRAN. Obama said it himself, that he has to deal with Nethanyahu daily, after French President Sarkozy called Nethanyahu a Liar. (The mics were on and they did not know anyone could be heard or was it a seed being planted to further expose something)?
Why would the American President have to "deal with" Israel's leader, Nethanyahu "daily"??!! What type of pressure and power does the Israelis have over the American government that we would have to succumb to their greedy, irrational, murderous and selfish demands repeatedly?
Of course, unenlightened deceived Christians would step right up and say, "Because they are God's chosen people." (Wrong answer, to the end of the line until you get a clue). What will it take to break the strangle hold that Israel have over America and her foreign policies off? How long will the Christians in America support Israeli inspired wars that cost the death of our innocent but naive young men and women who are deceived into thinking they are fighting for America's freedom; but in reality are fighting for Israel's interest, the greedy Oil Companies and the Bankers?
Here are (2) videos below that everyone in America should watch; especially Christian Conservative Republicans and those that take this political process seriously. Why especially Christian Conservative Republicans? Because the powers that be seem to feel it is easier to deceive them and to get them to support murdering countless innocent people in the name of God and war, easier than most Democrats. Sadly, it happens to be true, (no condemnation) recent history agrees. That can change if people decide to reexamine "the true teachings of Christ". What ever happened to the basic teachings of Jesus, "Love thy neighbor as thyself?"
We are of no particular Party, Republican or Democrat Party. Never have been, never will be as long it is controlled by outside interest. We fully realize there is really only One Party and none of us are invited. The illusionary 2 Parties (Republican/Democrat) that appear to be opposite are bought, paid for and controlled by the same European Zionist Bankers. You that vote and take pride in your make-believe political Party are only needed for your emotional, financial and religious rhetoric; to make the game look more real. They laugh at you while you get worked up, patriotic, teary eyed and fight the supposed opposite Party. Well, they need you to cast a ballot toward someone, a contestant that has already been pre-qualified, indoctrinated and chosen to further their goals or else. The ballots are subjected to be torn up, thrown out or the rigged machines you stood hours in weather to use may not give an accurate reading.
Then the Party really begins, but keep in mind you are not invited. You can read about it, see them enjoying on TV; living the lifestyle you only dream about if you dare. You are only need to fund their Partying with your taxes, social security, labor and IRA's, etc that will eventually evaporate overnight. For the next 2-4-8 years, you live with regret, you defend, denounce, change Parties that you never got invited to, experiences moments of joy and pray for your hero to fulfill his promises. But these are promises he or she could never fulfill.
Okay, I am getting carried away. We are sure some of the politicians really do have a heart for their supporters. But Eye see many of you take this political junk too seriously-Spirit is wanting you to unplug. The garbage and all the negative emotions and fears it is designed to stir up is unhealthy. I hear the Holy Ghost saying, "Chill out." (That's really the Word of the LORD for some of you-My plans were to just post the video. Free you mind).
Don't believe Fox, CNN, ABC, CNBC, etc - Forward this blog and videos to at least 10 unenlightened people.
GENERAL WESLEY CLARK REVEALS THE PRE-PLANNED WARS TO TAKE OUT 7 NATIONS. Don't believe the lies they told you about Iraq, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Somalia, Sudan and Iran. Much of what you have heard or read about Al Qeida, Taliban or Islam is to promoted fear also.
So, it wasn't WMD's, dark hairy scary Muslim terrorist, Taliban coming out of their caves getting on camels to board airplanes to kill innocent Americans, Al Qaeda sleeper cells waking up and all the other none sense. They have had a plan for years to invade these sovereign nations. They staged events, lied and sold it to the American people and most bought it hook line and sinker and some seem to be anxious to buy more.
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