SEPTEMBER 13, 2012

This is exciting. I love it when Spirit stirs a prophetic message in us and uses the media, world events or science to confirm it in real time. This is just another sign of our inner connectiveness to the WHOLE and that we are on the right frequency.

A Watcher by the name of Rachel sent me this Science News article today. The headlines say, "Mysterious Changes in Ocean SALT spur NASA Expedition." Are you awake yet?!! The National Space Agency noticed a change in Ocean SALT and will explore the ocean? They are interested in SALT?


This little mineral must be very important in the eyes of God for Him to put such emphasis on it. The Salt Covenant is a Perpetual Covenant between God and the Priesthood. A few of the natural reasons God may have chosen to use Salt is because of its Purification and Preservation properties. However, there are much deeper esoteric reasons, we probably yet are not aware of.

The Order of Melchizedek is not limited to planet Earth or our solar system; it's universal and trans-dimensional. Are you beginning to understand the power of the Salt Covenant and how a specific element called Salt was used to seal the deal? This specific element has properties modern chemist and scientist don't yet know about. It is programmable.

"Here mortal men receive tithes, but there he receives them, of whom it is witnessed that he lives." Hebrews 7:8

Somebody had witnessed Melchizedek decades after Jesus' ascension. We are talking immortality, never physically dying and it's connection with the Salt Covenant.

The revelation of the Salt Covenant (Davidic Covenant) reaches way beyond sacrifices, ancient customs, and rituals. This is the Covenant of Life and Immortality, which points to Melchizedek, a kingdom of priest (you and I).

If you have not read THE SALT COVENANT - Part & THE SALT COVENANT - Part 2 the article below may not make much sense.

Read this current news article, released (3) days ago and we will show you a few prophetic clues:

Mysterious Changes in Ocean Salt Spur NASA Expedition


There is so much to be seen in this as we read between the lines and look at the clues. We will only slightly mention a few things. Spirit in you will reveal more. The first thing that jumped out at me was that the scientist call this a 50 year trend. 50 is the number of Pentecost, it is also the number of Jubilee. The Jubilee I am looking forward to is the Release of humanity from the bondage of Corruption, into the glorious Liberty of Incorruption & Immortality, the manifested sons of God.

Here's a quote from the article: "Salinity data is also expected to come from the satellite-borne instrument, called Aquarius, launched about a year ago..."

OMG!!! Did you get that??!! A satellite name AQUARIUS will be gathering the data. There is too much in this for me to even try to share, but I will say this. What Zodiac Age are we entering? AQUARIUS! What's in the constellation of Aquarius? A man pouring water out of a giant urn. It signifies the age of the Outpouring of Spirit upon All flesh and I emphasize "FLESH". It is the Spirit that will quicken these mortal bodies and change them to immortality. Aquarius represents the Age of Immortals or Immortality; among many other thing. It is the Age of Ascension, angelic technology, super consciousness and Being.

NASA's satellite, Aquarius, will be gathering data about the Salt (Salt Covenant), an eternal symbol of immortality, preservation and purification. It is a reminder of the 7th Biblical Covenant- the Davidic Covenant, and the Order of Melchizedek.

NASA says there's a CHANGE in the SALT. This signifies a CHANGE in the PRIESTHOOD. The modern Pharisaic Aaronic Priesthood (Religion) is being phased out and replaced with the MELCHIZEDEK PRIESTHOOD.

They have noticed this continuous Change for 50 years, but they come out NOW and publicize it. WHY?!! They had to confirm and validate the prophetic word that was being released this week. "Certainly, the Almighty LORD doesn't do anything unless he [first] reveals his secret to his servants the prophets." Amos 3:7 God's Word Bible - We released the secret plan (word), we did the exercise of holding the salt. Now this energy is in the atmosphere and will continue to develop. Expect more Salt story over the months.

Which tribe of ancient Israel was assigned to Aquarius? REUBEN! What does Reuben mean? Look, a son. This clue is showing us again the message of Sonship, manifested sons of God; immortality. It's all connected to the Salt Covenant. (I hope you are connecting the dots. If you have not read Salt Covenant Part 1 & 2 yet, this will not make sense. Go back a few days and read them). So much more here you can research on your on.

Ok, let look at the rest of that one quote from the news article: "Salinity data is also expected to come from the satellite-borne instrument, called Aquarius, launched about a year ago, as well as the global network of Argo floats, which measure temperature and salinity.


This one phrase is heavily pregnant and exploding with prophetic insight. You will have to understand who NASA is speaking of when they mention "Argo floats." When one understands that NASA is not just a Space Agency, it become easier to decipher their veiled language and why they used specific names for satellites, and other instruments. The Science of NASA is heavily occultic based and not necessarily the positive side of occult knowledge. What the general public know of as NASA, is a front for the real Space Program that's intrenched in dark occultic practices. My point is, they know what time it is and these names are not coincidental.

Long before there was a story of Noah and the Ark, the stars foretold the story and it was also later recorded in Greek mythology. In the Zodiac sign of Cancer, it's third sub-constellation (decan - face), lies one of the largest constellations. It covers nearly half of the Zodiac in the southern sky. It is called, ARGO, the ship.

Greek mythology tells of Jason and the Argonauts that set out to recover the "Golden Fleece." (This ties into another Biblical hero called Gideon, that puts out a fleece. It is all connected). There were 50 Argonauts or heroes that set sail with Jason. So we see the number 50 again. Argo means the ship, sailors, swift. Argus was the builder of Argo, which is the celestial Noah's Ark, or as the Baptist would unknowingly call it; the old Ship of Zion.

They endured great peril, in search to recover the golden fleece. Gold represents Divinity or the divine nature (immortality). The search was for immortality. NASA has a fleet named Argo floats, searching for data about why there is a Change in the Ocean Salt-the symbol for immortality. It has been the quest of humans since Genesis 3, to find immortality.

How did Jason get the "golden fleece"? An evil king called Aeetes had taken possession of it and nailed it to a tree, it was guarded by a dragon. Does that sound familiar? Wasn't Jesus, the Prized Possession, the God-man, nailed to a tree? What animal did this fleece come from? A Lamb/Ram. "Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world." The wages of sin is death, but if sin has been taken away, there is no more death; that means immortality. Astrologically speaking, the golden fleece came from Aries the Ram.

This rabbit hole runs very deep, so we will stop here for now. As you see, just one small paragraph of the Science News article is filled with unlimited intel of what God is saying, confirming and what NASA is really looking for.

One last mystery for you: As the Salt in the oceans are drastically changing, SO IS THE SALT IN YOUR BODY. Salts make up 0.4% of your body weight, but is increasing. You are literally becoming the Salt of the Earth. You are putting on immortality, now.

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