DECEMBER 20, 2012

As they are laying the children of Sandy Hook to rest, there are many more questions yet be answered about this tragedy. Theories, conspiracies and facts are giving more life to this story as each day goes by. Is information and disinformation being fed to the public that's starving to know the reason why and how could something like this happen?

One thing that I am seeing is, the energetic ties that bind us all together to everything are tightening. Maybe not in the sense of humanity appearing to come closer together, but on a much more subtle level. There are (2) dynamics in place. Those who consider themselves to be in power and in control of everything, they feed Hollywood writers and producers with material that they want to psychologically condition the public with for whatever reasons. The images are flashed onto the silver screen in frames that we see, but are not consciously aware of until after a similar event takes place.

This type of programming and brain washing has been done for many years to condition the mind to accept possible hidden agendas. Plus, as we have stated in the past, they (TPTB) are bound by an unwritten law - they must let the public know before they act. However, most would have to understand "sign language" or the clues to see the big picture.

Every event is prophetic and normally layered with further prophetic clues. The second dynamic at work that shows me that the energetic ties of humanity are tightening is, when life imitates art. As we continue to awaken and are drawn closer together; we will have more experiences of tapping into mass consciousness. What I mean by this is, realizing that, what one knows all knows. What we know of as time is being meshed together; past and future is being realized NOW.

A script writer, author, or artist, etc. can create something, an inspired idea from mass consciousness. Because he or she tapped into mass consciousness; the inspired idea can be scenes, impressions or events of something that has not happened as of yet in what we call the present. Therefore, it becomes an unconsciousness prophecy and must be fulfilled.

Lets look at some more clues of the Sandy Hook massacre. A Watcher name Darrel sent me this: Have you heard of the film called the Hunger Games, based on a book? You can find the film on DVD now, I think. For sure you can research it on line. I found this interesting:

'Suzanne Collins is the author of "The Hunger Games".

Suzanne Collins resides in Sandy Hook, Connecticut, with her husband and their two children.

This horrific crime was perpetrated at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newton, next to the town in which the author of "The Hunger Games" lives.

This appears to be a deliberately chosen place and symbolic false flag – a child sacrifice ritual that the Illuminati love so much.

You can read the remaining portion of AVM's observation here in the comments section.

Here are some facts: The ritual sacrifice killings of 23 children are portrayed in the book "The Hunger Games". On Friday in Sandy Hook, home of "The Hunger Games" author, 20 children were murdered making it the worst mass school shooting of children in U.S. history. At the very least, this is one deeply disturbing coincidence.'

(We know that there are no coincidences. Did Suzanne Collins unconsciously prophesy this)?


From the Dark Knight Rises press kit, sent out last year.

This is the map of Gotham City - Dark Knight Rises

Sandy Hook is one of the wealthiest communities in the USA. In our prophetic posting n December 15 SANDY HOOK PROPHETIC CLUES, we shared many clues. We pointed out, the slashing and stabbing of 22 Elementary School students on December 14, 2012 in China - was no coincidence. It happened on the same day 20 Elementary School children were killed here.

Because Beijing, China is 12 hours ahead of Sandy Hook (EST), the tragedy in China happened first. Here is an excerpt from one of our clues we saw. "This tragedy in China happened in the HENAN Province. Henan means South of the River." This clue was pointing to a place of prosperity, but also the place of a similar tragedy.

Now look at the map above closely. What is below Downtown on the map? CHINA Basin. What is South of CHINA Basin? A River, Queen's River. What is South of the River? SANDY HOOK (Newtown, CT)- one of the wealthiest communities in the USA.

This is just another clue showing the ABUNDANCE & Wealth that's about to be turned over into the hands of the righteous to establish the Kingdom of God on the Earth.

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