(Web Blog)


APRIL 23, 2012

In our March 18, 2012 publication Mystery of 322, we shared some prophetic words near the end regarding Solar Space Weather that will be affecting us in May 2012. NASA is now predicting and confirming a strong possibility of what Spirit was referring to and revealing.

The month of May is set to be an awesome month on various levels with world events, but most of all spiritual events. Much of what will be taking place spiritually will not be able to be viewed with natural eye, but it will be felt or sensed by those who are plugged in.

We have been speaking into the events of Solar Cycle 24 since around 2006. According to scientist, the Solar Pole Shift seems to be coming a year earlier than expected and will manifest in May 2012 instead of 2013. With the Pole Shift will come Solar Storms releasing Solar Flares and Winds from various parts of the Sun many scientist believe. This unique shift is expected to result in the Sun having 4 Poles instead of 2. Absolutely amazing!

Here's an excerpt from the prophetic word posted on March 18, 2012:

"This energy will peak again as the Sun moves into Taurus April 20-25, 2012. The Rhetoric of War and the War Drums will begin to pound. At this point we will be on the cusp of an another acceleration of time as we know it which will manifest in May 2012. After May, it will feel like time and all times are merging. What is really happening is the merging and reconciling of the many versions of you; which shall continue until the realization of oneness is completed. It will be like casting off a garment of heaviness; even though the world affairs will appear gloomy. There will be many dynamics working at the same time which seem almost paradoxical. Don't become distracted, see things for what they are as this outer dimensions fades away...There will definitely be a blast and download of Spirit, an awakening. Many will just step over into another dimension. Eye feel this will be preceded by a Solar Flare most likely a high M-class or X-class between April and May 2012. Eye feel this Solar Flare (Solar Storm) will originate from a different part of the Sun. When you see this happen, let it be a sign to you."

Between now and sometime in May (we have not been given dates yet), we expect mystery particles to be released from deep within the Sun as a result of Solar Pole Shift and Solar Storms and Winds hitting our atmosphere. These particles are programmed to interact with the body human and assist with our further evolution and awakening. Absorb them. We will be sharing more in the coming days. For now check out NASA's prediction and the interesting article below that Mary in Ohio sent us.


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