(Web Blog)


AUGUST 21, 2011

We live in a world where so many look for negative things to criticize. It can sometimes be challenging to see the best in others and even ourselves. I read in a psychology magazine many years ago that for every (1) "yes" or positive thing we have heard, there have been at least (25) "no's" or negative things spoken to us. This starts in infancy. The build up of negativity in the subconscious mind that acts as a recorder often rewinds and play back the negative data on a loop. The voices and images of those that said "no" will be projected onto the screen of the conscious mind like a horror show; especially in your down or depressed moments.

Flashes of that Employer that said no, that Bank Manager that denied the loan, the Car Dealer that said you did not qualify,or that person that rejected your love interest. It may be that parent you could never impress or please no matter how hard you tried or maybe you did not get the parent of the year award. The recorder rewinds and plays the voices of that teacher, neighbor, minister or so called friend that underestimated you and discounted you. The "No's" and rejections far outweigh the "yes" and approval.

I also remember hearing that it can take as little as (6) times hearing something for it to be stamped onto the brain cell; you then own it. It becomes your reality on some level and the subconscious will do its best to convince you that it is real, even if it is a lie. This is why the Scripture says, "Faith comes by hearing..." Whatever one is hearing and hearing, a person will eventually believe it, whether it is true or false. Faith will be produced to grow that seed and bring materialization to it.

It seems to be encoded into the human psyche to seek approval or validation from our peers or those we care about. On some levels there is nothing wrong with that as long as one realizes that humans can be short-sighted and hardly ever can see who you really are. Human nature will magnify what appears as weaknesses and short comings, thus, misidentifying who you really are. Sadly, we often misidentify ourselves. People will often remember the one error in judgment, poor choice or fault; while forgetting a lifetime of good works. NEVER ALLOW ANYONE TO DEFINE YOU!! Don't give them that much power.

How does your Creator, heavenly Father see you? Does God approve of you? YES!! Does He accept you? YES!! Do you realize that you don't have to live under condemnation and the religious bondage of trying to please the psychotic angry God that religion portrays? Do you realize and know that you are the visible image of the Invisible? You are the visible likeness of the One who is like none other. Have you learned to love and accept yourself, even the parts of you that appear as weaknesses? The rewind loop will continue until you do.

"Having predestinated us to the adoption of sons by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will. To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he has made us ACCEPTED in the beloved." Ephesians 1:5-6

"All of His promise are YES and a resounding AMEN." 2 Corinthians 1:20

When the Creator looks at you in the mirror or any other way He can only see Himself. He sees the best, the best, the best in you and sees you for who you are (I AM).

Stop the inner recorder, take it out of loop mode and began to ERASE all the untrue and true negative data of the past. Every time the voices of those that said "NO" come, replace them with at least (6) loud "YES" and "AMEN". This is deprogramming and reprogramming the years of negative brain washing. Forgive those that discredited and rejected you, they knew not what they were doing. Some meant it for evil but God turned it for good. Some of those "No's" and rejections were the best thing that could happen for you even though it hurt and might still does. Judge yourself and others righteously, not by appearance or even past events. Realize you are a success in life. There is no failure in God, there can therefore never be any failure in you.

EXPERIENCE this powerful message in song by the one and only Marvin Sapp. Point at yourself and shout, THE BEST! [Mack in MN - remember this]

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Age To Age Ministries Int'l

P O Box 7113

Surprise, AZ 85374


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