THE PATH- Part 6


THE PATH - Part 6

AUGUST 7, 2011

Yesterday we ended with the thought and a warning about Samson and all Initiates on the Path most challenging experience and most redefining moment. Her name is Delilah and she is one of the most horrible experiences that propels you to your finest hour of Enlightenment.


Samson had seen many victories in his public life and many defeats in his private life. He knew all so well that when the Spirit of the LORD (Yahweh) came upon him he appeared invincible. The anointing was something that he cherished. However, he seemed to cherish the company of beautiful women that did not really care about him a bit too much. Samson, the hopeless romantic fell in love with Delilah. This love affair would cost him his life. The Path that leads to Enlightenment is filled with choices. Some of us seem to make choices that render to us more correction or hard lessons than others.

The name Delilah means, to languish, oppress, and dry up. She lives in the metaphysical valley of Sorek, deep within the human experience. Sorek means vine, choice grapevine; root words give the idea, to hiss, entice, and pierce the eyes - as wine does. When one plays with fire they most likely will get burned. Samson is not suppose to drink of anything that comes from the vine, but he seems to enjoy hanging out in the valleys of the vines. The disciple is admonished to shun the very appearance of evil and not to expose himself/herself to unnecessary temptation. "Man born of a woman is of a few days and full of trouble", but lets not go looking for it. In this phase of Involution, the Initiate must lose All to experience the reality of the All in All.


On an astrologically level Delilah represents the Zodiac sign of Virgo, the Virgin. She has a sense of purity, she's cunning, calculating, witty and willing to follow through with her plan. The tribe of Zebulon, which means dwelling place or habitation was assigned to Virgo. Virgo represents the solar plexus (stomach). This is the seat of human desires, however, once desires are balanced; it is the base of power. "Out of your belly shall flow rivers of living waters." John 7

Betrayal is the experience each Initiate must at least once endure before coming to the end of his Path and receiving full EnLIGHTenment. "Samson loved...Deliah." Judges 16:4 The love for purity and righteousness draws the disciple into the depths of testing that he might complete his evolution. It is necessary for someone whom you love and trust to betray you, only they can cause the pain that is needed to completely kill you, the false self that's hiding deep within. Joseph was betrayed by his brother. David was betrayed by his son. Jesus was betrayed by his Apostle, Judas.

As Samson made his dwelling place with Delilah, the dictators of the flesh (lords of the Philistines) sought to afflict him. Delilah, the woman he loved pressed him for secrets daily. Jesus told us, "give not that which is holy (sacred)unto the dogs and don't cast your pearls before swines, lest they turn and use your revelations against. Why dogs and swines? A dog can be the most loyal friend, but in a moments notice he can become a vicious attacker. Swines will take that which is sacred and defile it, using it as a license to transgress, then blame you for their uncleanness. Judges 16:5

Samson said, "If I am bound with 7 green cords never dried, I will become as any other man," verse 7. Astrologically speaking, this refers to the Pleiades (7-stars)in the Zodiac sign of Taurus the Bull. "Can you bind the sweet influences of the Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion." Job 38:31 Pleiades in the Syriac language means Sukkot. Orion means He comes forth as Light. (Remember, Samson means SunLIGHT). Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus which represents Love. The binding and loosening of the Initiate on this level brings him to the complete end of his human abilities as he taps into the unlimited power of Love.

The Zodiac sign of Taurus was assigned to the house of Joseph (Ephraim/Manasseh), which speak of Sonship (maturity), Fruitfulness, and Overcoming the past afflictions.

Many years earlier Samson had placed himself in a similar position with his wife pressing him for the answer to the mysterious riddle. Finally, after Delilah pressed him daily he reveals the secret. This is the last vow to be broken. He has been in the Vineyards of Timnath (wine), and he touched death by retrieving honey from the carcass of the lion. Now he will gets his head shaved. A shaved head is actually a mystical rite used by many Secret Societies on the Path of Initiation. (More younger men are shaving their heads today thinking of it as part of a trend. On a more subconscious level they are actually tapping into Super Consciousness that's preparing us for Planetary Initiation). Samson has never had a hair cut, his 7 Dreadlocks of hair on an astrological level further signifies the Pleiadian Experience which will be revealed and experienced as we enter this new age.

From a Biblical prospective we see Samson's 7- dreadlocks represent the 7-Spirits of God that the Church should be governed by, signifying His Fullness. 1) Spirit of Yahweh 2)Spirit of Wisdom 3)Spirit of Knowledge 4) Spirit of Understanding 5) Spirit of Counsel 6) Spirit of Might 7) Spirit of Reverence for God Isaiah 11:1-2

This deep involution causes vexation to Samson, as he falls asleep he awakens to a new dimension and realizes that he is just like every other man. The pride of being special/anointed has gone. He does his Pentecostal/Charismatic shake the way he was used to doing it, but nothing happens. Judges 16:20 Many of the formulas and method that worked yesterday will not work today. The LORD was summoning him to a yet deeper realm and he would have to learn to walk and operate in that realm.


Our Father loves us so much that He will continue to deal with our lives until every avenue becomes an expression of Him. When the disciple says, "Have your way God," He will do just that. If that means breaking us over and over again, bringing us to the depth of our being he will do that. Samson loses his sight just as a root definition for Sorek means, now he must truly walk by Faith. He is bound with brass, which speaks of judgment/correction to the flesh. He's imprisoned, at least by the physical appearances. He's grinding meal as he demonstrates the law of circularity, the spiral energy that unleashes the supernatural. "Howbeit, the hair of Samson began to grow." Judges 16:21-22

The final stage of Samson's Evolution is filled with prophetic indicators and typology. "Now the lords of the Philistines gathered together to offer a great sacrifice to Dagon their god, and to rejoice. And they said: "Our god has delivered into our hands Samson our enemy!" Judges 16:23

Dagon was the Fish-god, head and arms of a man and body of a fish. The deity of fertility and abundance, worshiped by the Philistines. Astrologically speaking, this is the Zodiac sign of Pisces, the Fishes. The tribe this was assigned to is Simeon which meaning hearing from God. This is also the Zodiac sign that was assigned to the nation of Israel and later adopted by Christianity. (This is why we see the fish on bumper sticker, jewelry, etc).

The disciples who are progressing on the Path of Initiation will be seen as a threat to the worldly and religious system of the Piscean Church Age. They wont understand your commitment, dedication, and willingness to sacrifice ALL to win Christ. Forces within and without will try to make you conform the status quo, and what is perceived as normal. Your ability to see by Faith what other can not and hear what others will not intimidates them. verse 23


"So they called for Samson from the prison, and he performed for them. And they stationed him between the pillars. Then Samson said to the lad who held him by the hand, "Let me feel the pillars which support the temple, so that I can lean on them. "Now the temple was full of men and women. All the lords of the Philistines were there-- about three thousand men and women on the roof watching while Samson performed. Judges 16:25-27

Samson's soul has now been purified, all the involutions necessary for complete evolution are accomplished. Out of the darkness of the prison (physical-soulic realm) comes Samson (SunLIGHT) This is indeed the coming of Christ in man or the Christ Consciousness. The Initiate at this point is not walking his own path, but he is led by a lad (child). Jesus said, "Except we humble ourselves and become as a child, we can in no way enter into this kingdom within." A young child shall lead them, this is indeed the Man-Child of Revelation 12. Samson is no longer immature and childish, playing with the religious harlots, their limited doctrines and confusing dogma; he has put away childish things. However, he is child-like; open, ready to learn and believes all, sees the good (God) in all.

Religion and mass consciousness will always want a performance. They will say, "If you're really a Son of God give us a sign, work a miracle." Samson said let me feel the two pillars which supports the temple. Astrologically speaking this is the Zodiac sign of Sagittarius, the Centaur. The Centaur has 2 natures, half man and half horse (symbolically human & divine). The 2 pillars figuratively have been the support of the Piscean Judeo-Christian Age of duality. The duality must be merged into Oneness, no longer drawing from the sense of humanity but rather the divine. The tribe Asher which means happy, blessed was assigned to this Zodiac, representing the Thighs (pillars of the body temple).

The pillars also foreshadows Samson's or the Initiates final Initiation. In all the ancient Mystery Schools (Schools of Prophets) there were the 2 Pillars. We also see this in Solomon's Temple, they are called Jachin (He shall establish)and Boaz (In His strength). They represent the 2 elements of Wind and Fire as was seen on the day of Pentecost, however, at this level it is intensified.

Samson called to God and said "Re-Member me..." verse 28. This is the call for restoration of human to the divine, the putting back together and release of who you really are. In this re-membering, flash backs of your pre-existence, purpose, and position is fully realized.

There were 3000 men and women upon the roof. These are similar to the 3000 encountered before, only now they manifest out of a highest place (rooftop) of soulic consciousness. To add to this mockery from the soul and outward forces, there is contrast and contradiction (male and female). They also represent the religious realm of the Piscean Age.

Samson was more successful in his death than in his life, the 3000 were destroyed and Babylon fell. The infrastructure of our belief system based in the Piscean Age (Dagon-the Fish-god) must come to an end. Christianity as it has been express with it's limitations, control, self-righteousness, and pride will never produce mature Sons and Daughters of Light. Samson brought an end to the Age of the Fish (Dagon). Dagon and his temples in many Canaanitish cultures were in most instances built near a dung hill. Much of what we have seen in the modern day Piscean Age of Dagon religions is crap. Many of the leaders are full of it. The stench of doctrines and traditions of men pollutes the airwaves and most places called houses of worship.

"Samson judged Israel 20 years." Judges 16:31 This is symbolic of 2000 years of Christianity. At the end of 20 (2000) years, the temple of Dagon was destroyed, Babylon is falling internally and externally. We have come to Age of the Outpouring (Aquarius) of God's Fullness. We must shift from Church mentality to Kingdom Consciousness.

Judges 13:25" And the Spirit of the LORD began to move upon him at times in the camp of Dan between Zorah and Eshtaol."

Judges 16:31 "Then his brothers and his father's whole family went down to get him. They brought him back and buried him between Zorah and Eshtaol in the tomb of Manoah his father. He had led Israel twenty years."

Samson the bringer of Light had come full circle, as the movements of the starry heavens travel, and the universe in the spiral of life. He had overcome the power of death in Zorah (Scorpio), which is transmuted into Life and Creativity. He is released from the Scorpion to become the Eagle he always was. In Eshtaol (Leo) the searching of the heights and depths are satisfied. The emotions and matters of the heart are healed. There are no more adversaries to roar against him, instead, he has become the king of the beastly nature, Judah's Lion. So it is with every disciple on the Path of Initiation that leads to LIFE. Listen to the eternal internal Voice of the Christ shouting, I AM the Way (PATH), that brings Truth, and Life.

Scorpio is the 8th Zodiac sign of the heavens, 8 speaks of new beginnings, resurrection and immortality. Leo is the 5th Zodiac sign, 5 speaks of Grace, the gifts. 8+5=13 This wonderful gift of Immortality has been given by the Grace of God, not of our works, righteousness, or religious persuasions.

Earlier we dwelt with the negative connotations surrounding the number 13 and Samson being the 13th Judge, coming forth in the 13th chapter. Now let look at the positive side. The number 13 can represent Overcoming,and Mastery. One who has mastered the 12 phases of Involution and Evolution as portrayed in the life of Samson, the tribes of Israel and the Zodiac constellations comes to the number 13. 13 or 1+3=4. 4 is the number of material creation, or overcoming the material plane, thereby, becoming Whole. There is then no more judgment (judges), only Kingship authority. Samson was the end of the Judges as Israel prepared to receive a King.

Evolution is the power to change and to change is to die to all that is considered real. This figuratively death and burial brings the Initiate to the Father, wherein is REST (Manoah, means rest). Samson was brought to the resting place of his father Manoah. verse 31

"There is a path which no fowl knows, and which the vulture's eye has not seen..." Job 28:7


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Age To Age Ministries Int'l

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