THE PATH- Part 7


THE PATH - Part 7

AUGUST 8, 2011

The Philistines wanted to know what made Samson so different and successful. They found out the secret with Delilah's help, they shaved his 7 dreadlocks; and they blinded him. The gift of sight is one of the most precious gifts given to us by the Creator. However, sight without foresight or insight can also render the disciple on the Path blind.

In the illusionary world of show business and celebrities, people are pumped up and made larger than life. While they are performing and living the illusion of a perfect life (cars, houses, wealth, women, men, fame) everyone in that world seem to idolize them. People actually live their fantasies vicariously through the mega-stars, distorting their reality day by day. However, once their idol shows frailty and humanness, the media and their fans are quick to abandon them. The praise turns to persecution, the adoration turns to accusations as they wait daily for the next piece of gossip about their falling star.

Why is that so? What make humans react that way? On Palm Sunday they will shout "Hosanna to the King" and on Wednesday they will shout "Crucify Him". Humans like to identify with what is perceived as greatness, a sense of success, status or perfection. To acknowledge or be loyal to others that are experiencing difficulty without judging or gossiping would mean one would have to look at their own weaknesses. That is very scary for the most that's yet trying to live the illusion.

Samson lost his 7 locks for a moment, he lost his sight, they seem to have taken everything from him. There is something that can not be taken, it the anointing-the energy, the inspiration or essence of the Almighty. In this age where many are on the verge of losing everyTHING (material possession) due to the inevitability of global Economic Collapse-the Initiate must detach himself/herself from the material world. Some of you reading this message have already lost nearly everything, some have even lost their health.

They thought Samson was finished, nothing more than a joke. They did not realize how fast the seasons come and go and that the season for Samson's finest hour was just ahead; in spite of what appeared as his failures. The disciple on the Path of Enlightenment must never forget that Spring will always come just after Winter.

"Rejoice not over me, O my enemy; when I fall, I shall rise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD will be a light to me." Micah 7:8



We mentioned in Part 3 of this series that we would bring out a few points showing the mythology of Hercules-that he was indeed the Samson of the Bible. The Greek mythology was a part of the Greek religion, the stories were used just as we use the Bible stories today. As we continue to progress in our spirituality, we will come to understand more and more that the many stories we once thought were myths; were indeed actual accounts with some distortions of our history from the distant past. The so called myths set forth in Greek and Roman mythology of a large family of Gods (Elohim) and demigods that ruled and oversaw the planet are also mentioned in our Bible and all Holy Books by different names. Not only do we have the same records in mythology and holy Books, but the heavens also bear witness and tell the same stories. The stories had to originate somewhere, since the heavens are the oldest record given, we know this is where they came from.

The Biblical story of Samson was recorded about 1100 BC, The Greek Mythology version of Samson was recorded around 600 BC. I think the Creator gave pieces of the humongous jigsaw puzzle of history and life to all nations. Once we realize that no one group, nation or religion has all the pieces; we will be able to better understand the mysteries of life.

Lets look at some similarities in the Bible version with the Greek version. In Greek Mythology the most favored hero is Hercules. He was a demigod, his father was Zeus, the God of gods and his mother Alcmene was human. He was the only demigod to become a full fledged god at his death. This is mythology, but we have Scripture in the Bible that tell basically the same story of the "sons of God" coming to Earth and producing children (demigods, hybrids, half human- half god) with human women. Genesis 6 (Keep in mind we are ONLY observing similarities).

Hercules was the strongest man to ever live in mythology. Out of Hera's (Zeus' wife) jealousy she made Hercules go insane for a short time. During that time he accidentally killed his wife and children. He sought forgiveness from the Gods, the Oracle told him he had to perform 12 almost impossible tasks. These were called the 12 Labors of Hercules. We will look at a few of the labors of Hercules and experiences to see if there is a Biblical hero story which is similar.

Hercules had a supernatural conception, his mother was visited by Zeus. Samson's father was visited by an angel and told of his conception and birth.

Hercules had a connection with people called Danioi. Samson was of the tribe of Dan.

Hercules was the strongest man to ever live. Samson was the strongest man to ever live.

Hercules first Labor on the road to Redemption was to slay the Namean Lion with his bare hands. Samson's first feat, he killed a Lion with his bare hands.

Hercules escapes from the symbolic woman called Pleasure. Samson escapes at midnight from the harlot's house in Gaza.

Hercules had to capture wild animals. Samson capture 300 foxes.

Hercules, was betrayed by his wife Deianara and given a poisonous tunic at death. Samson was betrayed by his lover Delilah and handed over to the Philistines.

So it seems as though the foundation for the Greek version is somehow tied to the ancient Scripture of the Bible - Judges 13-16. However, a more ancient story is recorded by the heavens in the Zodiac Sign of Scorpio where Hercules and Ophiuchus face each other. Ophinuchus, the 13 Zodiac has Serpens coiled about him faces upside down Hercules with his club in a cosmic interchange.


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