(Web blog)

MAY 19, 2011


In our MAYDAY! Publication, May 4, 2011 - Eye prophetically saw and wrote this: “The seeds of Discord that has been sown in this country shall be uprooted as communities come together to comfort, grieve and pray with each other.

EYE See Christian and Muslim praying together to the One Creator.

EYE See an event that will happen in the near future that will force the arrogant into humility-The Muslim man and the Christian man will repent openly for the Hatred of their religions and seek reconciliation. This will be viewed on TV as a time of healing and restoration beginning after much devastation and death. Eye feel a great sigh of relief as a great burden shall be rolled away from this country.”

The News article below was sent to me in an email yesterday (May 18, 2011), I believe this is partial fulfillment of what Eye was seeing May 4, 2011.

Churches Asked To Share Pulpits With Muslims

Many years ago while speaking at a Conference in San Diego, California I ventured into the downtown area one day. I found myself at the doorway of a used Bookstore. Books were scattered all over and piled high on tables. As I stood in the doorway amidst the hundreds of books, one stood out pass the middle of the room. It was as if it was calling me. Maybe some of you have had a similar experience. I bypassed all the other books to reach this one dark blue covered book amongst the mess of books of all shapes, sizes and colors. As I came closer I could see it was gold and blue, beautiful and looked barely used. I turned it over to what I thought was the backside which was the front side looking for the name. It was the Holy Quran (Koran). Gold trimmed, directly from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with the KSA seal, written from right to left in Arabic and English, calling me.

During those days I hosted a Friday night meeting in my home where 30-50 people consistently gathered for many years in Seattle, WA. This mostly young adult group from various backgrounds and ethnicities were already out of the box, radically Holy Spirit filled and branded by religious people for associating with me. Therefore, it was not difficult to get them to understand the need for “religious tolerance”. I told them that some of my Muslim friends that I occasionally attend Friday afternoon Mosque with when I am in town would start attending Friday night meetings and that I would occasionally teach/preach Christ from the Holy Quran and the Holy Bible. "Kool", was their reaction.

It was summer, hot and sweaty in a packed room after more than an hour of energetic extreme praise/worship session with techno/dance music when I opened the Quran and begin to teach about the Birth of Jesus, and followed up with the Bible. Boy, did we have an awesome experience and all received the Word with joy. We ended the Friday night Party as usual with a potluck smorgasbord of food from around the world. I yet praise the spiritual maturity of those mostly young people.

The last Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) we hosted in Seattle about 6 years ago, I was led of the Holy Spirit to invite a Muslim Imam (Preacher/Pastor) as one of our speakers. Some of the people threaten not to come when they found out one of the speaker was an Imam originally from Iran. Others said they would stay in the hotel room during his speaking and others questioned if this really was of God. My conferences were known to be controversial, not that we planned it that way, but that's just the way it is when you are out of the box or getting out.

Those that came to his session and actually "heard" him were amazed as he spoke on things that ministered to them. Some the "kingdom folk", "sons of God" were baffled to hear some of the same things revealed to them was revealed to this Muslim Imam. Some actually repented for prejudging him based on media bias, ignorance and propaganda. At the end everyone knew it was of God. Was it not Jesus who said, "Other sheep I have who are not of this fold them I must also bring." Absolutely No One can come UNTIL He calls them and when He calls, who can resist?? O' Hallelujah!! Tell me, who can resist His Love??!! [Stop right here and bask in the thought of His Love for a moment. Think of His goodness and how patient He was and yet is with you. Feel His love and send it to others].

There is a conspiracy by those who live in the shadows and govern the planet. They have their stooges in Politics, Military, Banking, Mosques, Synagogues and even in the Spirit-filled Church pulpits of America. Their goal is to Divide and Conquer. If they can keep you fearful, off balance and fighting over religion; they win. They know that if ever people of "faith" (especially Christians, Muslims & Jews) would wake up, start Loving, stop fighting and killing each other-the Kingdom of God would manifest NOW. The so called "gods of this world" would immediately be dethrone and literally kicked off the planet.

When will those that have been given so much actually wake up, shut up and grow up??



Age To Age Ministries Int'l

P O Box 7113

Surprise, AZ 85374
