10:10:10 Initiation

10:10:10 Initiation

October 6, 2010

Greetings fellow Galactic Brethren, what an extraordinary time you have chosen to manifest in. We are rapidly approaching the next Code that unlocks yet another phase of our Being and destiny. Many of these Codes are set forth in numbers that interact with the consciousness on the planet as well as the vibratory frequencies of the body human. Most of the numeric codes are accompanied with astronomical events as a double witness to the portals being opened as energy from the heavens assist in our evolution and ascension. These Universal Laws and the understanding of them is what will release you from the limitations of the body human into the body of Light that you really are.

October 10, 2010 serves as an important date for all humanity. A gateway is opening filled with possibilities for those that dare to enter. Due to the vast amount of people on the planet operating on the Gregorian Calendar; mass consciousness has help to create this Gateway, vortex; a door that has to open in the heavens.


Prepare yourself for the next big Shift in Consciousness with the Initiation of 10:10:10. October 10, 2010. 10:10:10 is your access code to the next level of your initiation into deeper levels of Spirit. Does this mean that you will feel a dramatic change? Not necessarily, but you can.

The very truth of who we are is ascending and expanding from the depths of our being as each shift takes place. Soon this human costume will not be able to contain the Light within, it will be swallowed up into Life and the masquerade will be over. Don’t fall asleep, unless you choose to!! The “real party” is about to begin as heaven and earth join together in a new creation dance.

10 is the number of Divine Order, Divine Laws, and Completion.

10:10:10 is about getting your house (spiritual house, family house, emotional and financial house)in order and being led by the Spirit instead of the ego. It is about expressing the Divine Laws that’s been written on the table of your heart by the finger of God (Yod). It is also about Ending previous Cycles of failures, misfortune, distress and Delays.

In Genesis Chapter 1 creation story, God (Elohim) spoke 10 times to bring Creation into manifestation. “And God said…”

Use the energy of 10:10:10 to accelerate and magnify your creative abilities. Decree and Declare what you want to Be and it shall be established in the earth. It has to manifest just as the Creator spoke and it did. Align yourself with the seasons and times as the Prophetic Sons of Issachar did and prophesy over yourself, your children, family members, spouse, your boss, job, house, car, church (place of worship), that sickness, your pets and everything. Prophesy to the nations, prophesy according to the proportion of Faith you have with Boldness, Intent and Knowing that it is already done.

Prophesy means to Speak by inspiration, using God’s divine breath within you, to declare before it manifest; the bubbling from within. Speak from your Belly (Solar Plexus), that is one of the Creative Power Centers in the body.

Operating in the Divine Law of the Spirit of Love fulfills the 10 Commands and brings ones life into Divine Order and Completeness. What shall it profit if we prophesy and create “things” and “toys” in the material world and have not charity?

The 10th letter of the Hebrew alphabet is YOD, from which the name of God is derived Yahweh, Yah, YHWH. Yod means the hand, power, to exist. Yod is also an astrological symbol meaning the Finger or Hand of God, the finger of Fate.

With Access Code 10:10:10 the Creator is affirming that He is in control, the name/nature of God (YOD)is manifesting on 3 levels, through your spirit, soul and body. Yahweh within you has all power. Use your God power to extend your hand especially on 10:10:10. Stretch forth your God hand to heal, to give, to touch, to comfort and be the Solution to someone’s problem. Point someone in the right direction. The Yod is the smallest of the Hebrew Alphabet which symbolizes humility.


The Tabernacle in the Wilderness where the Shekinah rested had 3 compartments with specific mystical measurements, as humans are 3 part beings. The 3rd compartment was called the Holy of Holies (represents the spirit of man), this is where the Ark of the Covenant rested and the Shekinah manifested when the High Priest went in once a year. God and man met and communed.

The mystical measurements of that realm was 10x10x10 cubits – a perfect cube.

** Eye can see another dimension of His glory opening to bring us to another level of perfection in Him. Eye can see supernatural illumination, drunken revelation to produce manifestation being released. The insight and truth that’s about to be revealed will create major paradigm shifts forcing many to make quantum leaps in spirituality in a very short time because time is short.

Eye see amazing levels of communication with what is call the “spirit world” or other dimensions and realities is being made available. You are being summoned yet deeper into the Holy of Holies Experience that shall become trans-dimensional. You will walk as Enoch walked and was not, but will be and always is. And as Elijah who floated through space time and time space to disappear and appear at will. You are being initiated and prepared for the next level of encounters with the unseen that shall be seen and the unknown which is already known. New technologies, spirit angelic technologies shall be given to lift the planet and solar system into a 4th & 5th dimensional reality. The Holy of Holies within is the portal to other worlds, star systems and multi-verses. It is just a thought away. HHmmmmm HMmmmmm

10:10:10 is Only the Activation and Access of what shall be manifesting over the next 1000 years. For as the mystical measurements of the Holy of Holies 10x10x10 cubits equals 1000 foreshadowed the coming Golden Age, Kingdom Age, the Age of Light and Shekinah Glory – so does 10:10:10 signify and prophesy of the Coming Age of Light and Glory which has already begun and shall last at least 1000 years.

Eye feel a force, anointing being released now as I write this and can barely sit on the chair and as you read this – it’s coming all over you. It’s coming all over you. Receive it!! Take a moment and Soak in it. Tilt your head back and drink it in. It’s Shekinah!! It’s Glory!!

Oh but so many are afraid to step in fully, they peep in and quickly back away. What will my family say? What will my congregation think? What if I lose control? What if I get deceived? Eye hear all the Fear driven questions as the Holy Spirit is wanting to set you FREE from people pleasing. Don’t miss your visitation.

Take a Selah (pause, meditation moment and re-read the previous paragraphs. It is not just the “words” but the Spirit of the words that wants to minister to you).


[About a month ago I had an experience-I can only share part of it: It felt as if I was literally physically taken. I was taken into what appeared as deep within the earth by my angel/guide. He showed me a stone, it was glowing, but not extremely bright. As I touched the stone volumes of information immediately filled my being and I was transported yet to another place that also appeared as inner earth. My experiences there seem to last in my thinking a good portion of a day, many hours. After I had received and experienced all I was supposed to received I was returned to the stone and then to the surface of the planet. I was ecstatic, filled with joy and Spirit. Suddenly my joy turned to a mixture of sadness. I looked for people I knew and could not find them. It was the year 2055. 45 years had passed and I appeared exactly the same on the outside. My mind was being challenged trying to process how 45 years had passed. I kept repeating, “but I wasn’t even gone a day.”


** 1). There will be some that will be taken to another dimension and taught what we could call the Secrets of God and the Universe and given amazing technologies and powers that we have not seen or even thought of. (Of course there will be others that will not physically go to a place, but shall go deep within). Some have agreed to penetrate the thinning veil while yet alive in the physical body to interact with and learn from other civilizations existing in what we call the “spirit realm,” however, they are very much flesh and bone, similar to us. Your time in these wonderful classes of experiences is short or will appear short in that realm. Information, knowledge and wisdom that it would take possibly hundreds of years to acquire will be attained in hours or days.

** 2). The Earth as you see it now from the realm of illusion will continue to go on as long as there is enough of the ego and fear driven elements of mass consciousness to generate the energy for the non-existing deceitful images that most accept as reality. However, there is another world operating almost in the same space, if not the same space that can only be seen by those who have plucked out the eye of offense that sees and recreates the illusion. Nothing of the old familiar paradigm can be found there. You may look for it, but it can not be found. You may grieve for it, but it can not be found. This is where the future become the Now and all things appear new. (I hope to share more of my experience in future publications).


On 10:10:10 – At 10:00 AM and 10:00 PM your time zone take 10 minutes if possible to align your spirit, soul and body with the consciousness of millions of others and all that IS. Spend time in Meditation, or Prayers, or Making Prophetic Decrees, or speaking in tongues, singing or twirling in wild dances, or rolling on the floor. Whatever you do, do it with emotions and passion. Many of you will be in Church, just start praising God. If you are at work, take a few moments if you can not take 10 minutes. If you are driving or walking down the street assume the posture. Repeat the exercise @ 10:00 PM – Set your alarm clock if need be.

If you happen to forget or can not participate at the “set times”, realize at the moment you are available that There Is No Time in Spirit and you will immediately join us as if it was the “set times”. I will be there.

Read & Meditate on: Revelation 10:10 “Eat the prophetic Words of God”. John 10:10 “…I have come that you might have life and have it to the Full.” This is the effect of digesting truth.


Use the Access Code 10:10:10 to enter in. You are the High Priest after the Order of Melchizedek that’s been called to make At-One-Ment for yourself, your household, your community and all creation.

The Sun is in the Zodiac sign house of Libra the Scales and the Scales have been tipped in your favor. Justice and Liberty is yours, just receive it. The Zodiac Sign Libra was assigned to the Tribe of Levi, the priestly tribe positioned in the middle of the Congregation or House of Israel. According to Biblical record there were 22,000 Levites. 22 is the number of LIGHT, they were positioned to be the Light Ministers of the world, and so are you.

The Sign Libra is ruled by the planet VENUS, the Bright and Morning Star. (By the way, Jesus was a Libran, born most likely during the Feast of Tabernacles when the Sun is in Libra. Not of the tribe of Levi, but Judah-a High Priest forever after the order of Melchizedek). When the Bible says the Magi (Divine Astrologers) saw His star, it means they saw His planet, the planet Venus. Venus is the planet of LOVE, Affection, Beauty, Creativity,Passion and many other positive characteristics. Jesus was even called the Bright and Morning Star, named after his planet. Matthew 2:2, Revelation 22:16 He promised to give the Overcomers the planet Venus or Bright and Morning Star. Revelation 2:28


Just before 10:10:10 on 10:8:10 (October 8, 2010) Venus will go retrograde in the sky from 10-8-10 during the New Moon, thru 11-18-10 (November 18, 2010). The Access Codes are normally accompanied by astronomical events. Venus will appear to move backwards (retrograde) in the sky until Nov.18, 2010, ending with a Meteor Shower in LEO (Leonids Meteor Shower).

Venus goes retrograde in SCORPIO and finishes in LIBRA. What can we expect? Cycles will Be Broken, Things Will TURN AROUND, FINANCES RELEASED, and MARRIAGE RELATIONS STRENGTHEN & Relationships. However, before these wonderful things materialize you will automatically and unconsciously do lots of introspection (remember there is No Condemnation to those inChristed).

** This is also a time of accessing relationships and people in your life. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Emotional states can be volatile. Lots of deep buried “stuff” will come to the surface so you can finally deal with it and move on. Don’t take others too seriously as they are dealing with their “stuff”. It is important to laugh at yourself frequently during this phase and laugh at other, but not in their faces.

VENUS rules the Houses of Money and Relationships. The most powerful dates to see Turn Around & Broken Cycles are October 7,8,9,10 – November 17,18,19. These are also Watch Dates for the Financial Markets & also you will see major news about celebrities and famous people regarding relationships. Remember the Scales of Libra are tipped in your favor.



Well over 10 years ago it was revealed to me by the Holy Spirit that energy in space (astronomical events, alignment of planet, etc), photon energy and other light particles would be released in the days we are in to assist with the evolution and ascension of the body human and consciousness. Over the years we have posted and prophesied this.

[Excerpt from our most recent prophetic post was May 29, 2010 – Decoding 12/21/12 Publication below].

“Everything that is happening in the Solar System is for you. Now center yourself and be grounded in LOVE and prepare for the next Major Shift during the 1st week of June 2010 that will further Accelerate everything. Their will be a heighten level of consciousness as your cells in your body and brain literally expand to receive more data. This data is not just what you read, study or meditate on which is also good.

EYE see invisible data in the form of particles, electrical waves, thoughts and things EYE cannot describe that will intensify around June 5, 2010.” Spoken and Posted May 29,2010

Below is a link to a Science News article that was sent to me. 3 months after our posting the latest prophecy, scientist in some ways gave confirmation to what we have been speaking and acknowledges a “mystery particle”. In the prophetic word above I could not accurately describe the space particles I was seeing and experiencing in my vision and also the Scientist call it a “mystery particle”. Of course they have not gone out to say all I said about the particles work, but they did say it delays the decay of matter. In the article you will read their focus is mostly on radioactive matter – Carbon 14.

Did you realize that the body human is made up of 65% Oxygen, 18% CARBON and 4 lesser percentages of elements. Radionuclides are in our water, air and soil-stuff we are made of; therefore, we are naturally radioactive to some degree. (For those that can hear, this speaks of longevity and immortality among many other things we believe in). For those that need a Scripture reference try Malachi 4:1 “To those that reverence my name shall the SUN of Righteousness arise with Healing in his wings (solar rays/flares, mystery particles, unknown space stuff).”

Read the article of confirmation:


Order of Melchizedek

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  1. Shift Dates – Prophetic Calendar 2011 | Atam.Org - […] Most of the time we hear stories about people experiences of being taken to “heaven” or into space to…

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