Prophecy of the Iran Conflict

Prophecy of the Iran Conflict

July 25, 2018 I began to interpret the heavens regarding the coming Total Solar Eclipse that would take place on July 27, 2018. In that prophetic interpretation Eye mentioned the Impeachment of Trump and the provocation of the war with Iran as a distraction. Eye also revealed the coming attacks on Iran and some of the cities Nethanyahu & the USA plan on bombing. Here is an excerpt: “They will do everything possible to force Trump to attack Iran. (This could serve as a distraction from his crimes – prolong impeachment and removal)… Eye see periods where most noise will be made and possibly provocative actions building up to events. Pray over these times and seasons which are most vulnerable for the Iranians. Most of the attacks are planned for Southwestern IRAN, near the Gulf of Persia, which would destroy or damage nuclear facilities, as well as cause loss of much life over time. See here~~ SIGNS – BLOOD RAIN, DARK SUN, WAR PROPHECY – July 25, 2018 *** Important Watch & Prayer Dates For Major Conflict, Major Loss of Life, Violence, International Event, Unrest – March 20 – April 2, 2020 TRUMP & CDC ANNOUNCED EXPECTED DEATHS IN AMERICA IN THE NEXT 2 WEEKS OVER 200,000 – March 31, 2020 — Be Aware of FALSE FLAG Events, designed to gain support for bombing another Muslim sovereign nation and taking their resources. (Remember 9/11 was an Inside Job). — As stated 1/20/2019 Predictions: This year and over the next few years or so we will see World Leaders, CEO’s of Corporations, Banks, etc. being removed. Some by Death, Assassination,...
Year of the Rat 2020 Predictions

Year of the Rat 2020 Predictions

The word ‘Prediction’ from the Latin is Praedicere – (Prae) Pray before (dicere) telling, saying; foretelling. Not everyone is fascinated by prophecy, predictions, or using various methods to access esoteric knowledge. The out of the ordinary has always fascinated me. In reality, everything that shall be has already been. We are merely reading and interpreting energetic influences from distant stars that have already shone. Sometimes, we are scanning and interpreting energy signatures of people, places or things that left an energetic imprint. Or, possibly reading the Akashic Records that’s been stored long ago in the Great Library. “Yahweh allows nothing to happen before he reveals it to his servants the prophets.” Amos 3:7 If you have not read our prophetic article, “CAPRICORN RISING EFFECT,” you might want to and it will be easier to understand some of the more detailed dynamics I will share here. Happy New Year…Again! I celebrated the biblical New Year (Rosh Hashanah – September 30-Oct. 1, 2019) The Creator has so many ways to reveal what has happened, what is happening and what shall be. He chose the heavens, the 12 Zodiac signs from ancient times to be his Eternal Prophets. They are one of the ways to broadcast His messages of warnings, blessings and comfort. I may repeat a few things from an early article for the purpose of showing that when reading the energy in space, the celestial message is the same globally. “The heavens declare (foretell, prophesy), Day after day they pour forth speech and night after night pours forth knowledge. There is no language or people where their speech is not...