Parable of the Acorn

Parable of the Acorn

In this message, we will uncover the unlimited miraculous potential of the acorn, that can be used as a parable for many things.   This potential is encoded in everything on the planet.  Several years ago, we shared a series of messages on the seed principle and the power thereof.  From the archive series of the old website, we are resurrecting this timely prophetic message.  POWER OF THE SEED Everything in the universe is made up of energy and this energy is vibrating on various frequencies all the time. Because of this Universal Truth or Law, it enables the Law of Attraction to operate. One of the very first principles introduced to us in the Bible, in the recorded creation story is; the Seed Principle – the Power of Seed. Locked within the seed is the creative power and the potential to become and multiply exponentially and unlimited. Everything in the universe is based on the Power of the Seed Principle. The seed principle can also be called, “cause and effect.” Whatever it is that comes from you must return back to you, and always more. The New Testament tells us that “whatsoever a person sows that is what he will also reap.” A modern version says, “what goes around comes around.”  The universe does not play games.  Here’s a scripture where the seed is mentioned. “Then God said, ‘Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.’  And it was so. The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing...
Prophetic Insight & Predictions 2019

Prophetic Insight & Predictions 2019

Ok, I will do it. I did it. In the past I normally have my yearly Prophetic Insight article out by now. Thanks for the boost and motivations from some of you that’s been ‘pushing me.’ I have opened my map of the heavens and pulled out my map of the world to SEE. We are given 2 eyes to look and the 3rd Eye is to SEE. Since I tend to get ‘too wordy’ explaining the heavens, in this writing I will only make mention of some of the planets, there’s a lot of activity. Deep breath (inhale), let’s go. If you are not acquainted with our work, check out last year Astro-Prophecy Predictions 2018 & events that came to pass – YEAR OF THE DOG 2018 The word ‘Prediction’ from the Latin is Praedicere – (Prae) Pray before (dicere) telling, saying; foretelling. “Yahweh allows nothing to happen before he reveals it to his servants the prophets.” Amos 3:7 As always stated, events revealed are for us to pray about, some things can be changed, delayed or impact softened. WHAT EYE SEE IN 2019 At first look in the Spirit at the numbers 2,0,1,9 and using the last two digits to divine messages from Elohim, we are brought to the number 10. 1+9=10 10 is the Power number, that reduces to 1. At the end of the day or year, you must realize it is all about the Holy One who is being revealed, despite and through the chaos of the outer world and your world. There are 10 Sefirots or Energetic Emanations of the Divine that make...
The Science of Fasting

The Science of Fasting

The Science and Art of Fasting has been lost by much of the western Evangelical Christian Church, however, there is a revival of fasting surging in the scientific and secular communities. When I speak of fasting, I mean “abstaining from food.” Unfortunately, due to the strong addiction to food and toxic material disguised as food; genuine fasting has been watered down and reduced to nothing akin to fasting. Modern religious leaders encourage their congregations to fast from social media, wine, alcohol, deserts, cigarettes and basically everything for several days, except food. The definition of ‘Fasting’ from the Old Middle English word means, Fasten, to hold fast, Strong, strengthen; observe, and abstain from food. In the definition of the word, we find that fasting actually makes one physically strong (healthy) and increases mental clarity (observe). Hippocrates, the father of Western Medicine prescribed fasting for healing of the human body. Plutarch said, “Instead of medicine, better fast a day.” Paracelsus said, “Fasting is the greatest remedy.” Throughout the Bible we are encouraged to fast, however, religious people who seek to make their belly their god, usually say that fasting is under the law. Others, distort fasting to mean that it is an effort to twist God’s arm or to achieve God’s favor. Nevertheless, in all religions we find the teachings of fasting and the wonderful benefits. Isaiah 58:6-14 clearly explains the outcome and benefits of fasting for spiritual purposes, giving us a list of what to expect: spiritual enlightenment, breaking addictions, emotional healing, physical healing, mental clarity, compassion for others, longevity and attracting wealth. To achieve these types of outcome, one...