Visions of God

Visions of God

“In the beginning of the year the hand of the LORD was upon me. In the visions of God brought he me into the land of Israel, and set me upon a very high mountain.” Ezekiel 40:1-2 Ezekiel, a prophetic priest had been taken into captivity along with many other Judahites into the land of Babylon. He had been in captivity for 25 years to the date, many of his people had become discouraged and could no longer sing the songs of Zion and some had hung their harps on the willows. It seemed like God wasn’t able to fulfill His promised and things appeared to have gone from bad to worse for many. He was surrounded by Discouragement, Distress, Depression and Discontent; however, his surroundings did not greatly affect him. While others were seeing negative things, no hope, no answer to prayers, and longing to go home; he was having Visions of God under an open heaven. Are there Unfulfilled Dreams, and Unreached Goals from years past? Are you watching how fast the days are going and wondering if you will ever fulfill the things in your heart? “Where there is no vision (prophetic insight) the people perish (become loose, uncovered, go in circles, without restraint), but he that keeps the law, happy is he.” Proverbs 29:18 VISION JOURNEY Ezekiel was far away from the ‘Promised Land’ by natural standards, however, the power of vision transported him to his promised land. I don’t know what God has promised you, or the Goals and Dreams of your heart. Nevertheless, I have been sent to tell you that if you...