Coming Pacific Northwest Massive Earthquake | Atam.Org

Coming Pacific Northwest Massive Earthquake

Coming Pacific Northwest Massive Earthquake

For many years, even when I lived in the beautiful Pacific Northwest (Seattle, WA), I was given visions of  a major earthquake.  We did have several smaller earthquakes, which I feel, had it not been for prayer, would have been much worse.  Last year around September 2014, while engaging the Spirit, Eye started to see massive Earthquakes on the Pacific Northwest Coast again, and East Coast.

Eye gave dates and time frames, which smaller earthquakes did happen, according to the word of the Lord.  Thankfully, through the prayers, intercession and meditation, the over 8.0 did not happen.  However, throughout this year, we have felt to blow the trumpet in our prophetic articles, to encourage prayer for protection.

As I often teach, Spirit might show us a future event, but that event can be postponed, or the impact of it can be softened.  We have demonstrated this over a decade of posting events, sometimes giving the exact date and within a certain  hour range it would be taking place in that time-zone.  This article, as none of our writings are intended to bring Fear, but rather, awareness and to create prayer.

Here is an excerpt from a word Eye posted January 15, 2015 – Eye want to focus on the West Coast in this article:

“We have been able to postpone and lessen the impact of a major Earthquake far.  Eye am yet seeing tension building and feeling major movement of the earth near the coastal areas specifically in North America.   Over the next several months, those of you that understand the art of intercession, prayer or meditation; join us in covering specifically the coastal areas and other parts of the world in prayer as Spirit leads.

Eye see – Northern California, Oregon, Washington, and British Colombia are most vulnerable for the West Coast  Florida up to  Connecticut, most vulnerable for the East Coast.    (Most vulnerable to me only means, the energy appear to be more concentrated around these areas – states, but not limited to the listed area.)”

A few days ago, I watched a disturbing news interview on the internet with Shepherd Smith and renowned physicist Michio Kaku.  They named the same areas the Spirit has been telling us to pray about over the past year.  Why are they announcing it NOW??  Why do they have Michio Kaku explaining in such details?  Are they using Prognosis technology (JADE 2 type of predictive quantum software) to give us a heads up to prepare?

As I listened to Shepherd Smith, I wondered if he was giving us a season this could possibly happen, whether this year or next?  He said, “So Think of Summer Time…”  I found his choice of words interesting, it could just be my overactive mind looking for clues.  I will surely be trying to discern dates and times.

Our prayers are yet with the many people I know (friends, relatives, etc) in those regions.  Watch this news video clip and realize God is yet in control.

Eye believe that despite all the things that will be happening on the planet that Almighty God is in control.   Eye believe our Father is developing some bullet-proof, fire-proof, water-proof sons and daughters that will not be shaken in the midst of the shaking.  Do you believe that?  Shout, “Amen,” if you do.  East Coast, West Coast, dry land or sea –  He or she that dwellllss in the secret place of the Most High, shallllllll abide…. under the shadow of the Alll Mighty.  Are you dwelling?

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.  Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah.” Psalms 46:1-3

“When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.”  Isaiah 443:2

Order of Melchizedek

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  1. Well dig deep . For the NW the land stays nitted together till we have completed YHVH works . Blessings Brother . Clyde

    • Totally in agreement.


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