10:10:10 Initiation

10:10:10 Initiation

October 6, 2010 Greetings fellow Galactic Brethren, what an extraordinary time you have chosen to manifest in. We are rapidly approaching the next Code that unlocks yet another phase of our Being and destiny. Many of these Codes are set forth in numbers that interact with the consciousness on the planet as well as the vibratory frequencies of the body human. Most of the numeric codes are accompanied with astronomical events as a double witness to the portals being opened as energy from the heavens assist in our evolution and ascension. These Universal Laws and the understanding of them is what will release you from the limitations of the body human into the body of Light that you really are. October 10, 2010 serves as an important date for all humanity. A gateway is opening filled with possibilities for those that dare to enter. Due to the vast amount of people on the planet operating on the Gregorian Calendar; mass consciousness has help to create this Gateway, vortex; a door that has to open in the heavens. 10:10:10 Prepare yourself for the next big Shift in Consciousness with the Initiation of 10:10:10. October 10, 2010. 10:10:10 is your access code to the next level of your initiation into deeper levels of Spirit. Does this mean that you will feel a dramatic change? Not necessarily, but you can. The very truth of who we are is ascending and expanding from the depths of our being as each shift takes place. Soon this human costume will not be able to contain the Light within, it will be swallowed up into Life...