Uranus Earthquake Prophecies 3/3/11

Uranus Earthquake Prophecies 3/3/11

These Prophecies were given and recorded on March 3, 2011, they are part of a larger esoteric message. Repent, the Kingdom of Uranus is announcing an END to that. Those who oppose the order of the heavens and refuse to shift (nations, governments, religions, businesses, or individuals) Will Not be allowed to proceed further. The governmental system behind the scenes in the shadows that you cannot see that’s been operating to destroy mankind is coming to an end. The Kingdom of Uranus (heaven) is being established now to replace it. What you are seeing happening across North Africa and the Middle East is only the beginning of what is about to intensify Globally. How can we know this for sure?! The heavens are prophesying it. Here is a very important date to watch. Some Christians stuck in the muck of fear and traditions are yet wondering how these things can be and if this can be true regarding the science of the heavens. Just take a look into your own Bible. “Can you hold back the stars? Can you restrain Orion and Pleiades? Can you ensure the proper sequences of seasons or guide the constellations across the heavens? DO YOU KNOW THE LAWS OF THE UNIVERSE AND HOW THE HEAVENS INFLUENCE THE EARTH?” ]Job 38:31-33 (TLB) [WATCH FOR MAJOR WORLD EVENTS ON AND AROUND THIS DATE-March 11, 2011 – 3/11/11] WEATHER & EARTH CHANGES Eye see EARTHQUAKES (some 8.0 and above on the Richter Scale) – Causing CRUSTAL DISPLACEMENT as Islands and Continents move from their current location. MASSIVE 9.1 EARTHQUAKE & TSUNAMI HITS JAPAN – March 11,2011 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110311/ap_on_re_as/as_japan_earthquake...