May, 2014 | Atam.Org - Part 2
The Demise Of The Sorcerers

The Demise Of The Sorcerers

THE DEMISE OF THE SORCERERS I woke up this morning with this word below stirring in my spirit. It may be a bit different from what you often read, but it is yet the Word. (Eye expect as a sign, something major will be soon happening in the Pharmaceutical Industry that will make headline news). As the War of Drugs increase on the American people and the people around the world, more are becoming aware of this covert war. Fear is yet the main weapon behind the $1 trillion dollar industry, and that’s just the prescription drugs. Their propaganda of paper ads and hypnotic commercials have been carefully designed with encryption to circumvent higher brain function and common sense. Thus, appealing to the serpent brain (reptile complex) which does not think, but only acts. Drugs that takes merely pennies to produce, are over-charged hundreds of dollars. Many have succumbed to such a prescription drug induced stupor, that they can not even think. Statistics show that nearly 50% of the American people are considered “mentally ill” and are on, or have been on some type of psychotropic drugs. That could explain why we have so much violence, intolerance, weird behavior that we seem to justify and such a “superiority complex.” (Have you seen cable news recently or been in a Walmart)? Over 30% of our children are diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) and are on psychotropic drugs. (Dr. Ronald C. Kessler Archives of General Psychiatry). Actually, the majority of these children are misdiagnosed. People posing as parents today would rather put their children on drugs, than take the...


ENERGETIC JOURNEY The journey you are on is multi-dimensional and affects every aspect of human life. The Creator has designed the body human as a highly complex electrical energetic grid filled with thousands of meridians running throughout the body. These meridians are the divine highways that energy flows throughout the body. This is what trained Acupuncturist have worked with in Eastern medicine for thousands of years, to redirect energy flow in the body that creates healing. The meridians of this complex highway of energy are connected to 7 main power points in the body human, these power points are the centers for what is called in Western medicine the Endocrine system. So we see in the East what is called the Chakras (spinning wheels of energy), are the energetic (spiritual) parallel to the Western term Endocrine System. In the West symptoms are treated to cure illnesses and to enhance life. The Endocrinologist prescribes drugs, realizing most illnesses are related to at least one of the glands of the Endocrine System not functioning properly. In the East it has always been known that the root of all problems (spiritual, emotional or physical) is energetic (spiritual), therefore, the cause is treated by redirecting the energy flow and recalibrating the 7 vortices of energy-the Chakras. The Chakras are the 7 Spirits of God in the body human designed to create Whole Eye ness – Holiness. It is at this point that we know even as we are known. Share this with all you know. We accept donations for our non profit work. Sharing is...


RIVERS TURNING BLOOD RED?? Should we take the Bible literally or is it only a Book of allegories, metaphors and symbols to be interpreted spiritually? The Apostle Paul encouraged his followers to rightly divide the words of truth. Many so called “progressive or new thought” believers, seems to think that it’s just a Book of metaphors. Many of the fundamentalist tend to be literalist and fear judgment for trying to decipher mysteries in spiritual sense. Could it be that the ancient sacred text does record literal events that did happen but are used as metaphors for deeper spiritual experiences today? “Now all these things happened to the Old Testament believers as an example and for our instruction and learning at the end of the age.” 1 Corinthians 10:11 Could it be that the Prophets did prophesy actual literal events that would take place in our time, but would also have symbolic meanings? I think so, however, if we only spiritualize the Book of Revelation, we will probably miss out on the Creator’s timing of what he is doing in the earth. If we only literalize it, we’d probably miss out on the deeper levels of prophecies and how they affect our life individually. “A false weight is an abomination, but a balanced weight is his delight.” Proverbs 11:1 Here is a perfect example of a Scripture that encourages us not to be out of balance, but also deals with greed, stealing and lying. For many years, people interpreted the prophecies about the Moon turning blood red as a metaphor for something else and not to be taken literal. Now that...


APRIL PROPHECIES VALIDATION MAY 4, 2014 Starting late 2013 and into January 2014, we prophesied of some specific events in April 2014 and even gave dates to watch for them. This blog is to show the validation and accuracy of what Spirit said. The heavens are the Creators Celestial Prophets which can not lie. We only try to listen to them and interpret the Voice of Spirit through them. Thanks to those of you Watchers that alert me of event validations, otherwise, we’d sometimes forget what was revealed. MALAYASIAN FLIGHT 370 – DISAPPEAR Before we get to the April validated prophecies, let’s go back to the month of March, day 7. It was a Friday, my family and I decided to take the day off and spent the day in the East Valley, using the public transit system (bus and rail/train). This was going to be Jeremiel’s first time to ride the bus or train. Early evening, after having some good Mexican food in Tempe and buying a variety of salt water taffy, we boarded the train back to Phoenix. It was rush hour, the train was filled with students and people on their way home from work, there was very little standing room. About 10 minutes into the ride, while standing, I had an experience that only lasted seconds but seemed longer. Everything began to move in slow motion, as Eye starred toward the front of the train. Eye felt the train go through some type of portal and saw the white streak indicating the speed. Eye felt myself in this weird experience, aware but could not stop...


DaVINCI LAST SUPPER MYSTERIES Leonardo da Vinci, perhaps most noted as an artist, was also an architect, inventor and chronicler of science, among other outlets for his talents. Born on April 15, 1452, in Vinci, Italy, Leonardo da Vinci was the son of a prominent attorney notary and a young peasant girl. Born out of wedlock, he was raised by his father, Ser Piero, and several stepmothers. Leonardo di ser da Vinci became accomplished as a painter, sculptor, architect, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and writer. Leonardo’s “Last Supper,”” which he worked on from 1492 to 1498 by most accounts, was painted on the dining room wall of the of the Santa Maria delle Grazie monastery in Milan. It depicts the dramatic moment when Jesus tells the apostles that one of them will betray him soon. It was not done with the fresco technique where water-based paint is applied to fresh plaster  but Da Vinci instead chose to try to paint on the wall in layers. As a result, the masterpiece began to deteriorate during his lifetime and has undergone an extensive restoration. Did Da Vinci knowingly embed secret codes into his paintings? Was his hand guided by an unseen force in the “Last Supper” painting to unveil mysteries relevant for our time? Prophet Daniel did say that in our day knowledge would increase. Jesus told us that everything hidden would be revealed. Take a look at the video clips below. There are some fascinating revelations seems to be embedded, you decide. Could there be sacred secret music actually embedded in Da Vinci’s “Last Supper? If...