by Order Of Melchizedek | Jul 10, 2014 | Eye See |
Warning! The prophetic word of the LORD has no respect of person, religion, nation or ethnic group. Prophetic words given by the Holy Spirit about the modern nation of Israel often upset misguided 21st Christians. They soon forget the Bible is filled with them. True prophetic words will often destroy our sacred cows so can get refocused; in this case for some, their sacred pig. Truth will not change just because someone does not agree with it or because it is uncomfortable or unpopular. Truth is often considered hate-speech in this culture. Each year and sometimes a few times in the year, Eye go before the LORD to see what shall be in the nations of the world. Usually each year, at the beginning of the year Eye write and or speak much of what Eye have been shown that shall be . Eye have had these experiences since my late teen years, when angels would appear, un-summoned before me while in meditation, giving me specific information of what would be happening in the nation they were assigned to. We have documented these events for many years. The State of Israel seems to be fulfilling a prophetic word Eye gave January 3, 2014 about the exact season we are in. While prophesying into 2014 & beyond, Here is what Eyes saw & heard from Spirit about Israel. “April will be a very dangerous month, with acceleration of current wars… The state of Israel shall enter into a new cycle – the 1st phase of its own destruction will will be played out over the next several years until it ceases to be recognized with the status it currently has....
by Order Of Melchizedek | Jul 8, 2014 | Uncategorized |
Enoch is one of my favorite Biblical characters, the man that walked with God so closely that he cheated death. “Enoch was not, for God took him.” Don’t you want to be a “was not”? Rudy Jones and I had been sharing some exciting insights about Enoch over the past month. Unbeknownst to me Spirit had also given him to start a series of writings/messages on Enoch. Herein you will find, Part 1. To get part 2-4 or however many there may be, you’ll have to email him. He will send them as he receives them. Here is his email address: Now let’s experience this teaser message from Rudy. ——————– I propose that the mystery of Enoch was concealed in cryptology thorough out our Bible; especially in Revelations 4 and 5..all the history was based on an Enoch quality of faith operation. (By faith Enoch was translated) In Jude, v.14. “And Enoch also, the 7th from Adam; prophesied of these, saying Behold the Lord cometh with ten thousands of His saints” Enoch hasn’t said (prophesied) anything as Enoch, for five thousand years. He helped his dad Jared and his son Methuselah, bury Adam, when Adam was 930 years old. At the time of Enoch’s translation, it was about 1,000 years from Adam, about 5,000 years ago. Jude used the word cometh; which is in Greek “erchomai” and was “used only in the present, imperfect tenses”) I associate the coming spoken of by Jude, ” as the Lord’s coming” , as an imperfect or incomplete coming. Later I will call your attention to Hebrews 11; where Enoch is mentioned...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Jul 2, 2014 | Astrology, Uncategorized, Wealth Building |
This video has been sent to us by various people over the past 24 hours, we decided to share it with everyone. First of all, don’t allow the word “occult” to scare you. Most of you reading our blogs practice the “occult” in the real meaning of the word. Occult only means to hide. There is hidden knowledge that will avail itself to those who seek it out. Occultism is the belief in mysteries, prophecies, numerology, miracles, message in the stars, etc. These are all the things taught in the Bible, that most spirit-filled Believers practice or believe. We do not deny that there is also negative occultism. Watch this carefully. As we often say, these people do nothing that doesn’t have occultic meanings. Are we being given a date for wealth transfer?? Published on May 24, 2014 “7” references: 1:22 – “Now I’m going to test your numerology skills by asking you to think about the magic seven” 1:34 – “Most of you will know that seven is quite a number 2:24 – “2014, you drop the zero, fourteen, two times, seven” 4:08 – “It will mark the 70th anniversary, 70th anniversary, drop the zero, seven, of the Bretton Woods Conference that actually gave birth to the IMF” (7 + 0 = 7) 4:22 – “And it will be the 25th anniversary of the fall of the berlin wall, 25th..” (2 + 5 = 7) 4:38 – “It will also mark the 7th anniversary of the financial market jietters” 5:08 – “After those seven miserable years, weak and fragile” 5:14 – “We have seven strong years” 5:43 –...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Jul 2, 2014 | Astrology |
Click here to study Birthing the Issachar Anointing – Part 1 The Sun has now moved into the Zodiac sign of Cancer, as of June 21 and will stay there until July 22. Cancer symbol is the pincher, or the CRAB. In the Egyptian records of about 2000 BC it was described as Scarabaeus (Scarab), the sacred emblem of immortality. In the Bible the tribe of Issachar was assigned to the Zodiac sign of Cancer. (The 12 Zodiac signs were assigned to the 12 tribes of ancient Israel, led by the 12 sons of Jacob. Of course, there was and is the hidden 13th Zodiac sign, which was assigned to the one daughter of Jacob- Dinah). Jacob was over 80 years old when Issachar was born. Rachel’s scheme backfired when she promised Leah that Jacob could sleep with her in exchange for Reuben’s mandrakes that he found during the wheat harvest (Pentecost-Gemini). The mandrake root in a tea serves as a natural aphrodisiac and fertility supplement, the psychoactive substances can also create hallucinations, plus, it is used in magic for casting spells. Mandrakes have been used for mainly these purposes for thousands of years. After the experiment with mandrakes, Leah bore (3) more kids with Jacob. Rachel finally bore her first son Joseph. Yet competing with her older sister, she delivered a prophetic one-two set of punches, declaring, that God would add another son= (Joseph) to her. She was correct, she did have one more son called Benjamin (son of authority-right hand), as she died in child birth. Challenges and suffering sometimes produces empowerment and authority....
by Order Of Melchizedek | Jul 1, 2014 | Astrology |
This message, Birthing the Issachar Anointing is from the Vault Archives, originally shared several years ago, but very relevant today. We share this prophetic revelation in a very contemporary form to show that the ancient prophets, patriarchs and matriarchs were very similar to us. In this 2 part message, we will show that the tribe of Issachar was assigned to the zodiac sign of Cancer. The Sun has now moved into the Zodiac sign of Cancer, as of June 21 and will stay there until July 22. Cancer symbol is the pincher, or the CRAB. In the Egyptian records of about 2000 BC it was described as Scarabaeus (Scarab), the sacred emblem of immortality. In the Bible the tribe of Issachar was assigned to the Zodiac sign of Cancer. (The 12 Zodiac signs were assigned to the 12 tribes of ancient Israel, led by the 12 sons of Jacob. Of course, there was and is the hidden 13th Zodiac sign, which was assigned to the one daughter of Jacob- Dinah). A BIT OF HISTORY OF HOW ISSACHAR CAME TO BE You might remember the story of Jacob and his (2) wives, Leah and Rachel. There was this life long rivalry between the sisters, they fought for the love and affections of Jacob. Jacob was the Mac-Daddy, con man; ultimate trickster, so he thought. He had lived a life of deception. Of course, there are those that would argue, excusing him and say, his conniving behavior was due to his love for spirituality. I don’t think so, that’s why he had to have a name change (born again experience), before allowed to go...
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