Mystery of the Trees – Tabernacles Pt. 2

Mystery of the Trees – Tabernacles Pt. 2

(Originally written: October 15, 2011) “And king Solomon spoke three thousand proverbs: and his songs were a thousand and five. And he spoke of trees…And there came of all people to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all kings of the earth, which had heard of his wisdom.” 1 Kings 4:32-34 Our spiritual ancestors of every culture were taught to respect and honor the earth. All the inhabitants of the planet were realized to be an extension of the Being we call God, the Creator. Since everything that grew from the planet was realized and known as such; that meant that everything on the planet is related to humans and is sacred. Nothing was taken unless it was necessary and then it was taken with thanksgiving and full acknowledgement of the consciousness within it. Animals were not killed for sports or trophies, they were killed with dignity in full awareness that it would be extended and become a part of a higher life form. Our spiritual ancestors understood the mysteries of trees; that they have personality and intelligence. Trees were often used as a metaphor for humans. “You shall be like the tree planted by the river…” Psalms 1:3 “I saw men walking like trees.” Mark 8:24 What did king Solomon know about trees that caused dignitaries to travel for days to hear his talk about trees? Was there also a mystery about trees that Solomon could not figure out? 3500 years ago when Israel came out of Egypt into the Wilderness, they had no place to live; so they built huts or booths to live in. These Booths...
Mystical Feast of Tabernacles – Part 1

Mystical Feast of Tabernacles – Part 1

(Originally written October 12, 2011) Sukkot – The Feast of Tabernacles begins at sunset. In Leviticus Chapter 23, the Almighty gave those who follow him a list of prophetic holidays to observe. These are literally power dates. Nevertheless, they have been replaced with observing “literal satanic holidays” and ancient pagan unholy days disguised as “Biblical holy days.”   Unfortunately,  the majority of Christianity willfully and ignorantly observe these substitute dates, thus, aligning themselves unknowingly at some level with the dark side. As we often have shared, God has a highly cryptic Prophetic Calendar that’s based on divine astrology, mystical agriculture,  sacred numerology and many other esoteric technologies.  This Calendar is introduced in Leviticus 23, as the original ancient people migrated out of Africa to Canaan; but it existed before the creation of Adam.  Throughout the Bible, the prophetic science of this ancient technology is carefully hidden and disclosed.  It is strongly connected to the original ancient literal nation of peoples called Israel, to whom it was initially given, so they could know the prophetic times, seasons and what to do. The Biblical nation of Israel Should Not  be confused with the current satanic Zionists Movement and Europeans that converted to Judaism, that  moved from Europe to Palestine and have hi-jacked the name “Israel.”   Zionism is a demonic murderous political movement masquerading as a religion that has deceive the whole world; especially Christians.     The only Israel that the Almighty acknowledges are the descendants of the ancient people that yet exist today, and also now includes all that receives His Son.  They become a ‘holy nation’ royal priesthood and peculiar people; not limited to a geographic region of the world.  Yahweh’s Sacred Calendar, based on the movements of the heavens would cease to be, if the...