There’s a Storm Coming…

There’s a Storm Coming…

March 8, 2018 Written/Published Will Stormy Daniels bring the storm? Did you ever think you’d see the day that a sitting American president would be sued by a Porn Star (sex worker)? Not to mention all the weekly and sometimes daily high-drama that we have been subjected to as a nation and the world for the past more than a year. Is this some type of “national social experiment?” Is it a well planned Psyops? Did we enter the Twilight Zone? (Realizing we yet have a large Evangelical following of our work, messages, etc. My intent is to create awareness, and wake people up, so they can prepare. There’s a Storm Coming… There are various forms or expressions of the prophetic, this is only one possibly.) Trying to discern what’s reported in the media with a prophetic Eye, I am reminded of a scene and line from Batman – the Dark Knight Rises 2012 film, “There’s a Storm Coming…” For the sake of time, I am going to share many things in hints, codes, questions and riddles; without explaining in details. The Holy Spirit within you can connect the dots, draw the parallels and prophetic implications. See with your Eye and hear with your Ear. The setting for the Batman film is in Gotham City. Gotham is the literal nickname for New York City, given about 130 years ago. The name became popularized in the early 19th century and used in D C Comics. Gotham was seen as a very dark city, on the brink of destruction, filled with criminals, and villains. Gotham is an old Anglo-Saxon word meaning...