Are We Fighting Alien Wars…??? | Atam.Org

Are We Fighting Alien Wars…???

Are We Fighting Alien Wars…???

Is Russia fighting a war against Nephilim and or aliens? What do the Russians know about aliens? The previous president of Russia in 2012, Dmitry Medvedev after his tenure did say something very interesting at the end of an interview, supposedly not realizing his mic was yet on.

Another of the journalists asked whether the president is handed secret files on aliens when receiving the briefcase needed to activate Russia’s nuclear arsenal.

“Along with the briefcase with nuclear codes, the president of the country is given a special ‘top secret’ folder. This folder in its entirety contains information about aliens who visited our planet…I will not tell you how many of them are among us because it may cause panic” he says.

After his off mic interview raised many questions in the West, he was force to retract his statement and say he was only joking. It wasn’t a joke, it was a clever disclosure. His tenure over and he had nothing to lose.


Wars are being fought across the planet continuously, but not all these wars are against other humans. Of course this would sound strange to many people today, especially Americans. These wars don’t make the news in America, or they are disguised as wars on terror. From time to time they do make foreign news, independent media outlets and Whistle Blowers leak info. If you have been following our ministry for some time or reading this website, you know we occasionally talk and write about things that seem like science fiction, but it really is fact. For example, we know that President George Bush Jr. invasion of Iraq was not just about taking Saddam Hussein’s oil, crashing his economy, geopolitics and murdering him. It was about an important little thing we commented on and wrote about in detail during that time and after. (We are yet retrieving archive articles from a defunct server…without remembering the names of the articles, it makes it difficult to find on the vast worldwide web.)

It was reported that President Saddam Hussein had let the cat out of the bag, he sort of boasted that he had recovered an ancient Star-Gate their in Babylon (Iraq). Plus, he had an open display at the Baghdad Museum of questionable ancient artifacts and alien technology that would debunk most of the Western Science that produces trillions of dollars for universities. It was circulated that President Saddam Hussein was going public with the proof of the ancient Annunaki race of aliens that history says lived in that region. Furthermore, Saddam was planning on activating the Star-Gate. By the way, this is some of the same technology Adolf Hitler and others had search for.

The Americans and British could not allow Saddam Hussein to go public with this news, many believed it would destroy all the religious lies and deceptive sciences our civilization was built on. Of course they did not state it that way, it was more like, “it would destroy everything our civilization is built upon.” Plus, the western mindset is so fragile, it had to be protected with more lies.


The Bible clearly stated that sons of the heavens (sons of God aka angels) descended on Earth and intermarried with humans in Genesis 6 and the Book of Enoch, most people don’t really believe it. Ancient Sumerian text says the same, ancient African storytelling and pictograph depict the same. Unfortunately, most pastors and religious leaders wont even touch that subject.

The West (USA & Britain) motivated by Greed and Deception felt they had to invade Iraq under the pretext of WMD’s, which President George Bush Sr had destroyed years prior. After all, a developing, predominately progressive Muslim nation, not depending on the USD, oil rich, very educated and in possession alien/angel technology could rapidly propel them to world leadership and Super Power status. So the West did what it has always done. This same story is replicated with the war and reasons behind the long war in Afghanistan.

If you study your Bible it should not be surprising that wars are being fought on the planet against non human entities. In the Bible they are called Nephilim. Nephilim are human alien/angel hybrids. Why do you think the ancient Hebrew people were told to utterly destroy the 7 nations of the Canaan (Hittites, Amorites, Girgashites, Perizzites, Hivites, Canaanites, Jebusites)? These nations were mixed with Nephilim genetics, part fallen angel/evil alien descendants. Among them were the sons of Anakim (Annunaki), Rephaim, Zuzim, Horim, Caphtorim, etc. The Amorites were tall as cedar trees. The cedars of Lebanon and that region grow to about 100 ft. This is why the Hebrew people feared they could not conquer the land of the giants. Furthermore, they were so tall, they made humans look like grasshoppers.

“And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.” Numbers 13:33

“Yet I destroyed the Amorites before them, though they were tall as the cedars and strong as the oaks.” Amos 2:9

Here is a little clue that most people reading the Bible overlook. Notice the names of these tribes, the last two letters are “im,” as in Nephilim or Cherubim or Seraphim. Why? They are descendants of the angels/aliens that descended on Earth after the Flood of Noah. “There were giants (Nephilim) in the earth in those days; AND Also After That, when the sons of God (angels/aliens) came in unto (had sex with) the daughters of men (humans), and they bare children to them, the same became mighty (giant) men which were of old, men of renown.” Genesis 6:4

The list of the 7 nations named above are used interchangeably with the 5 listed humanoid nations name ending in “im.” For example, the Hivites were also called Horim. So when Yahweh commissioned the Hebrew people to utterly destroy the 7 Canaanite nations (except for a few within some of the nations he allowed to be kept alive), it was not because he hated a different race of people. It was not because of Hebrews had racial superiority. It was simply because the gene pool of those nations occupying that land that stretched to the Euphrates (modern day Iraq) was contaminated with evil Nephilim genetics. Thus, there were giants, Scorpion-men, Lion-men and many other monstrosities mentioned in your Bible.

(I used to wonder, how could a loving God tell commission a people to literally slaughter innocent men, women, children and their animals, as with the Amalekites? It did not make sense, until I studied closely these nations. Just as the Flood of Noah had to cleanse the earth of Nephilim genetic, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was to cleanse the region of Nephilim contamination, so was the overthrow of Cannan’s 7 nations.)

To get back to the subject at hand, less we go down too many rabbit holes; we have been conditioned enough by Hollywood to see, to know and fully understand that we are not alone in the massive ever rapidly expandding universe and multiverse. The Western governments wont be able to suppress the truth much longer. Deceptive science, excuses and weak reasons (weather balloons, satellites, mirages, light, shadows etc) be able to quell the anxieties of the curious much longer.


The Bible does say, “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days before the coming of the Son of Man.” Aliens/angels were landing on Earth, there were literal wars. They were producing hybrids, the Nephilim. There was a technology revolution with the introduction various angel/alien technologies. There was extreme violence and mass murder was common.

Could there be wars being fought on the planet with Nephilim and alien entities today? YES!
Why has Syria been a hot spot for years, along with Jerusalem, Iraq, Afghanistan and Yemen? Without going into lengthy details, where did the Enoch 6 & Genesis 6 aliens/sons of God descend? Mt Hermon. Mt Hermon straddles the Syria/Lebanon border and has been viewed as a portal or star-gate for thousands of years. It is also believed and rumored that they travel through underground caves that lead 80 miles south to Jerusalem.

Nimrod of ancient Babylon (modern day Iraq) built a tower to reach heaven, but it was not a tower like you were taught in Sunday School. Nor, were they trying to escape the fear of another flood. It was a tower with a Star Gate on top, a portal to reach the stars, interplanetary travel. Yahweh destroyed it. Genesis 11 The Greek word Babylon in Hebrew refers to confusion (babbling in unrecognizable words), but what does it mean in the language Nimrod and the people of that region spoke. “The name Babylon is the Greek form and is derived from the Akkadian name, Babili, which translates to “Gate of God” or “Gateway of the God(s).” Babylon Encyclopedia

So when Saddam Hussein was about to make an announcement to the world that he had unearthed the same Star Gate that Nimrod the Nephilim built, that Hitler and many others were searching for, he had to be demonized and silenced…and have it taken from him. Babylon was and yet is a Gate Way (portal) to interplanetary travel to the place where the Annunaki Gods and many other being come from. Activating the Star Gate at that location makes it possible. (Did you not see the movie Stargate?)

Afghanistan is another hot spot for alien activity and their half human (Nephilim) descendants til this very day. It has been widely reported since 2002, by whistle blowers and others that US Special Forces killed a red haired giant in a cave near Kandahar, Afghanistan. Of course, as usual, Western Media and military denies it. But they can’t seem to stop the leaks. The cover story for blowing up all those caves in Afghanistan was to flush out the Taliban and Bin Laden…I wrote/spoke at that time and yet believe today, they were destroying Nephilim tribes living in those caves. Some were giants and some were probably other monstrosities.


The Persian Prophet Zoroaster was also a Magi and considered to be a powerful man of God around 1500 B C. Research show that Prophet Daniel was actually a Zoroasterian Priest, he had to be, to be appointed ‘Rag Mag’ (Chief Magus -Magi) by the King Nebuchadnezzar. Due to Prophet Zoroaster’s relationship with the Creator and interaction with holy angels/aliens, he was given a spaceship – Vimana (UFO), which he traveled in to prophesy to world leaders or where ever. (So I guess it is ok for me to keep desiring to have a vimana (spaceship), until I learn to become one.) NATO & American Special Forces found Prophet Zoroaster’s Vimana in a cave in Afghanistan late 2010.


Yemen and the Gulf of Aden have been hot spots for quite a while, the Gulf of Aden separates Ethiopia from Yemen. It is painful watching the starvation of the Yemeni children and bombing of their villages. The Gulf of Aden is reported to hold ancient technology and USO’s (Unidentified Submergeable Objects), flying saucers that fly through water. They are often seen descending and ascending from what is believed to be a very active underwater Star Gate. The US, China, Iran and other nations all have Navy Warships monitoring the Gulf of Aden. The cover story is to be protect the shipping lanes from dirt poor Somali pirates in small makeshift boats. Aden is Arabic for Eden. It appears that over the past few decades many of the ancient Star Gates around the planet are becoming very active again. Will the literal coming of Messiah with an innumerable host of holy angels/aliens descend through Star Gates?

Dmitry Medvedev Comment About Russian Alien Files

This article was sent to me our Bro Pang in Hong Kong – Before It’s New Reports This ~~~~ RUSSIAN FIGHTING ANNUNAKI FORCES IN SYRIA – US FORCES FLEE

This recent August 2019 article highlights some of the same points and references I have made regarding Iraq invasion since 2003. STORM IRAQ’S STARGATE

Look what showed up over Texas. Miles wide Motherships on the Radar?

Order of Melchizedek

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