People of the Most High,
This has been such a Fun-filled Summer so far. The boys and I went to southern California, hung out with some Mystics out there, ate lots of good food, went to the beach, amusement park, museum, etc. etc.
Hmmm, I think I am ready for another vacation..
How are you all doing out there? School will be starting within a few weeks here. Yes, I am still home-schooling. My oldest is in High School now and youngest in Jr. High. I can hardly believe it.
I don’t get to write very much because of the Rising Mystics Institute, I am teaching/preaching/prophesying for literally hours of day throughout the week with our on-line International Institute. I want to share a message from the LIVE Monday evening Master Class. I believe there is a lot of relevant prophetic insight, visions, reading of the heavens, and information that could help you survive the Fall/Winter season.
Based on accurate prophetic words Eye gave last years regarding dates of the CoVid Waves/Phases – When Lock Downs and Spikes would occur, I am sure we can provide accurate Holy Spirit Intel this time. Share this video below with others. Out on line Master Class is Free.
When will the next Wave of the Plandemic hit and Spike? When will the next level of Restrictions take place? What can you do?
Is there a coming Global Food Shortage? How long will it last? What about God’s Blessings?
(Near the middle of the video – There is a Prophetic Word I shared about a coming Water Event in China and I mentioned Eye saw a Dam Failure and Flooding. Unbeknownst to me, the event was happening as I was speaking.)
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Order of Melchizedek
Thanks sooo much
greetings from Germany
Shalom, Love & Greetings to the Mystics in Germany.