Full Moon in Gemini & Venus Retrograde

Full Moon in Gemini & Venus Retrograde

Shalom People of the Most High, I want to share an Astrological Video I just finished with Predictions/Prophetic Insight for the next 4 months. What are the heavens saying about your President Biden & USA? What’s about to happen with the Economy? When will a transfer of Power most likely take place in this country? Will there be multiple shake ups & EXPOSURE in the Media? Have you ever had an Astrological Natal Chart Reading by a Mystic Prophet? SEE VIDEO LINK BELOW & NATAL CHART INFO https://youtu.be/pM9OR-Kruvw CONSIDER HAVING A NATAL CHART READING: I WANT TO EXPERIENCE AN ASTRO NATAL CHART READING Contact: risingmystics@gmail.com Over the summer I had 2 incidences where again I lost valuable information on my computer. I was developing a way of Casting & Reading Astrological Natal Charts in a more detailed and accurate way. Long story short, I have put together a method, and have been doing some powerful, accurate, Readings. Many of you are aware of my many years of posting on our website (www.atam.org) accurate predictions of world events based on my esoteric understanding of Astrology. Spirit has now moved upon me to Cast & Read Natal Charts with amazing accuracy of past, present, and future events. IF YOU WANT A NATAL CHART READING & EXPERIENCE THE POWER OF THE STARS, I AM NOW SETTING APPOINTMENTS. (First Come, first-served) Here is what you are going to get: CAST NATAL BIRTH CHART READING OF THE CHART PAST LIFE INTERPRETATION ASTRO-PSYCHOLOGY ESOTERIC & LITERAL INTERPRETATION TRANSITS & PROGRESSION (Future) 1 YEAR AHEAD FORECAST ROMANCE, FINANCE, FAMILY & HEALTH WESTERN/TROPIC & VEDIC APPROACH AND...
Psychic Fair

Psychic Fair

If you are on this page, you already know this is not your run of a mill Christian religious website with traditional messages. Never have been and never will be. Hallelujah! A few weeks or more ago, around 1:30am I was meditating while on my bed, during the 3rd Watch. Spirit begin to download some information for me to get out to our Rising Mystics Institute Initiates through our LIVE Zoom gatherings. It was information I had touched on several times, but Spirit was now leading to do an in-depth teaching. The teaching was basically correcting the erroneous traditional teachings most of Christianity hold to be true regarding the “Occult Sciences/Arts.” Further, Spirit said to do a PSYCHIC FAIR and demonstrate the abilities much of the Church call “witchcraft” or “demonic.” I wont take the time to go over the lesson here, but we dealt with all the Scripture that talked about, witchcraft, astrology, numerology, necromancy, divination, etc. What is the definition of a PSYCHIC? A person who claims to use extrasensory perception (ESP) to identify information hidden from the normal senses (prophecy, word of knowledge), involving telepathy (communicating through thought) or clairvoyance (clearly seeing visions), clairaudience (clearly hearing the voice of Spirit) or who performs acts that are apparently inexplicable by natural laws (healing, miracles)… Is this Not what the New Testament and Old Testament Believers practiced? Let’s not be Dictionary challenged. In the video from our LIVE Friday International Session (5 hours of glory), you will see and hear Psychic abilities (prophetic abilities) demonstrated. It’s October! Come to our PSYCHIC FAIR. High Priestess aka Kelli – Taught...
RAPTURE – Fact or Fable?

RAPTURE – Fact or Fable?

Due to the global events of the day, the PlanDemic, Mandatory Vaccines (assisted suicide/murder) and all the other craziness that’s been accelerating since 2020; many people are getting Rapture Fever again. I have had the privilege of talking to quite a number of ministers over the last few months who wanted to know if I believe the Rapture was happening soon, “any minute.” ARE YOU RAPTURE READY??!! Can Jesus come Any-Minute??!! (Hell to the naw, naw, naw; as the funny preacher says) Some months ago, Eye heard the Spirit say, Tell the people, “If you have run with the footmen, and they have tired you out already, then how can you contend with horses? and if in the land of peace, wherein you trusted, they wearied you, then how will you perform in the swelling of Jordan?”Jeremiah 12:5 In short, This is only rehearsal, the fire drill, what you are seeing now. If you want to “fly away” and can’t stand NOW, you will not make it when the “real” test come. By the way, there is no Special Rapture for American or Western Evangelicals who feel entitled. Just saying… Due to the subject coming up over and over again, I was motivated to search the internet for one of my archived writings from around 2 decades ago. The old website where it was posted is now defunct for many years, the server is no longer available. This means unless I know the exact web address or title of the article it is lost to me in cyberspace. I have no clue how many articles went down with that...
Prophetic Word – Shmitah 5782

Prophetic Word – Shmitah 5782

Shalom, We usually write a prophetic article at the beginning of the New Year/Rosh Hashanah and prophecy into world events. Due to the lack of time, I felt led to use our Monday evening LIVE Master Class to Teach and Prophesy the word of the LORD for year 5782. It was EX-PLO-SIVE!!! Don’t be stingy. Share this word with others. @ about 1hr & 4 mins, 52 sec. Eye started to predict – “I wouldn’t be surprised, when you wake up tomorrow you will see the Financial Markets dropping …” What did today’s morning news say? “The DOW open today and dropped 250 points. All the Cryptos are Plummeting…” Don’t worry- Cryptos will make a huge rebound soon – Experience the power of Numerology (gematria)- Astrology and the Esoteric Sciences. Sow a New Years SEED Your Prophetic Word is in this video below …Hear it and Receive it.. CLICK HERE ~~~ https://youtu.be/tn90N4FZwx4 Order of Melchizedek Ways to Donate Our CASHAPP info: $8Mystics WE ACCEPT ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS & DEBIT CARD AT THIS SECURE ACCOUNT. Sharing is...
Defeating SPION Technology & AI

Defeating SPION Technology & AI

ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE UPCOMING NEW RISING MYSTICS INSTITUTE WEBSITE PLATFORM In our LIVE Rising Mystics Institute classes/gatherings we have been covering a lot of subjects which are now banned from Youtube. In some sessions, I have shared “time-sensitive” prophecies revealing specific things and time frame. These visions, messages have been about Covid-19, Vaccine, naming a Pharmaceutical Companies before it was public they would make a vaccine, world events, etc. We will eventually get all of the recorded session the Rising Mystics Institute website. All of the deep esoteric teachings, prophecies and activations from the past 3 years will be available to the public, when we reformat the website: RISING MYSTICS INSTITUTE There will be a 1 time Donation to enter the Institute to study at your leisure. You will be have access to some of the top spiritual scientists, physicians, teachers, preachers, rabbis and prophets, etc. on the planet (in my opinion). It will start out with over 400 Recorded LIVE classroom type sessions UNEDITED with our Mystic students from around the world. We will continue to load sessions to be accessed by those who choose to attend. You will get to see the raw demonstration of the power of God, miracles, prophecy, channeling, deliverance, healing, orbs manifesting, etc. More info coming later. DEFEATING SPION TECHNOLOGY Since 2015, actually before 2015 we have been speaking about AI (Artificial Intelligence) and how it is going to play a bigger role in our lives in this new Aquarian Age. There is the positive side, if I can call it that, which I wont get into in this article here. In 2015,...