by Order Of Melchizedek | May 18, 2021 | Uncategorized |
People of the Most High God. I want to share with you a message from May 26, 2020 our international LIVE daily Rising Mystics Institute class. The day sessions are called “Toilet Revelations.” The name was inspired by my oldest son. People were wondering how I was coming up with in-depth messages day after day, teaching/preaching sometimes for many hours. I stated, while I am in the toilet in the mornings, shaving, showering, or taking a dump (LOL) I would get downloads. My son them boldly stated, “Toilet Revelations!!” It seem to have resonated with almost everyone. Plus, the platform had evolved to a space of super transparency and people felt comfortable to share their innermost dirtiest secrets, sins, vices and struggles. We quickly moved into full-blown deliverance, casting out demons, healing, miracles, and prophecy on almost a daily basis LIVE. Toilet Revelations sessions became a place we took a dump, got cleaned up and free from addictions, religion and many other things. It became a place of FUN everyday. Experience this message from 5/26/20: “GET OUT OF YO SHIT-tim!” Share it with others that may be full of SHIT-tim. Click on the video below. VIDEO ~~~ GET OUT OF YOU SHIT-tim! To be join the daily Rising Mystics Institute LIVE Toilet Revelations session starting around 8:30 am PST or the Monday night Master Class @ 6:00 pm PST Send an email request to: In case you are wondering when COVID will end and other questions. Take a look at the Prophetic Word Eye gave March 11, 2020, just after COVID-19 was announced, outlining how this would be...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Mar 28, 2021 | Uncategorized |
Passover begins at sunset, it is a 7 day celebration. This message below is a short review of Biblical history, Yahushua (Jesus) our Passover, and revelation of the coming Cosmic Passover. This is the month Nisan/Abib on the Hebrew Calendar, it is the month of Freedom. Nisan means new day, blooming. Abib means sprouting, steps of growth. Jews, Christians, and Muslims trace their origin back to Abraham who lived about 4000 years ago in an area called Ur of Chaldea, now called Iraq. He lived amongst idolaters and practiced idolatry until Yahweh God called him. He was the first of his time to understand there is One Supreme God -Being in control of the universe. Once he came to the land of Canaan, God entered into covenants with him. Genesis 15, 17 Abraham begot Isaac, Isaac, begot Jacob (Israel), and Israel had 12 sons that later formed the 12 tribes of Israel. While Jacob (Israel) and 11 of his sons were yet in Canaan, there was a great famine and they were forced to go to Egypt and confront the long lost son Joseph, who was now prominent. This tribal family was treated well until a new Pharaoh arose that knew not Joseph. The Hebrew Israelites were enslaved for 210 years building the treasure cities of Pithom and Ramses. According to history Pharaoh had a dream of Balances/Scales (Libra). The country of Egypt was in one side, and a Lamb in the other side outweighing the country of Egypt. The royal astrologers interpret the dream accurately. They said a leader would be born amongst the Hebrew Israelites that would...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Mar 5, 2021 | Eye See, Uncategorized |
We are in such exciting times and some of the strangest things are happening on the planet. Are You Awake Yet? Have you heard of the Mountain of Gold discovered a few days ago? In the Democratic Republic of CONGO – Africa. Yes a mountain full of gold. When I first heard/read about it, I knew it was a major prophetic sign. In this article I want to share the Word of the Lord and uncovered some ancient prophecies I am sure many of you have never read or heard about. But let us first get just a bit of Congo history I am sure most of you are not aware of: THE CONGO The Democratic Republic of the Congo, also known as Congo-Kinshasa, DR Congo, the DROC, or simply either Congo or the CONGO, and historically called Zaire (the River), is a country in Central Africa. It is, by area, the largest country in sub-Saharan Africa, the second-largest in all of Africa, and the 11th-largest in the world. It has a population of around 107 million, the third most populous country on the continent of Africa and the 14th populous in the world. French is the official language spoken in the Democratic Republic of Congo & the Republic of Congo, which are separated by the Congo River. Kongo or Congo is a Bantu name or word, from the Bantu people from which most Congolese come from. Kongo/Congo in Bantu language means “mountains” (the river that flows between the mountains). Much of the landscape is mountainous. The Congo River (also known as the Zaire River) is the 2nd longest...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Jan 14, 2021 | Astrology, Eye See |
Shalom People of the Most High God. It is 2021 on the Gregorian Calendar and yet 5781 on the current Hebrew Calendar. Some of you have been inquiring when am I going to release a Prophetic Publication for the year 2021? I already did. Please check out these messages/links below and See the Word of the LORD. However, we will share more here now. (THIS HAS TURNED OUT TO BE A PROPHETIC BUFFET. EAT!! FEEL FREE TO SHARE THIS CONTROVERSIAL 401st PROPHETIC WORD IN OTHER PROPHETIC VENUES, WHERE INTERCESSORS MEET, WITH YOUR PASTORS, PROPHETS, APOSTLES & CHURCHES. THIS IS NOT FROM THE 400 PROPHETS OF THE BAAL SYSTEM WHO ALL PARROT THE SAME LIES.) PROPHETIC ASTROLOGICAL SEASON – AGE OF AQUARIUS From a LIVE Rising Mystics Class in December 2020. POST ELECTION ASTRO-PREDICTIONS 11/8/20 Usually, on Thursdays during our LIVE Zoom International Prayer Gathering, Spirit is speaking extensively and we have documented detailed prophetic words and their fulfillment and what to expect. When time allows we shall put together videos showing what was revealed and did happened. EXPLAINING HOW IT WORKS WITH ME Due to lack of time, without going into too much information Eye will share some extra Prophetic Insight here that has been shared in our LIVE Zoom Gatherings, among our Private Telegram Group & what comes as I write. Please keep in mind that dates I might mention that astrological event will be happening does not necessarily always mean the interpretation of that energy will manifest on those or that date. Nor does it mean the events are limited to those dates. It means that the...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Dec 31, 2020 | Astrology, Uncategorized |
ShalomPeople of the Most High, It is the end of 2020 Gregorian year. Did you really See (20/20) clearly what is happening and what is going to happen? Here below is a LIVE Recording from our daily International Rising Mystics Institute on Zoom (Toilet Revelations Edition)- Due to trigger words and phrases in this prophetic message, it was censored, banned on Youtube. Follow the link on Youtube and hear what they did not want you to hear. Be Blessed! Go to Youtube and follow the link on the Description Box or first comment. The DOWNLOAD SPEED IS FASTER WHEN USING GOOGLE CHROME BROWSER. Experience the Power of Astro-Prophecy. Link: Order of Melchizedek WE ACCEPT ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS & DEBIT CARD AT THIS SECURE ACCOUNT. Sharing is...
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