by Order Of Melchizedek | Jul 20, 2020 | Uncategorized |
Shalom People of the Most High. Lots of people have been asking why I have not written anything in over a month. There have been various speculations circulating and theories about my where about. I am excellent as always and having FUN. No, I have not had Corona Virus or been ill, thank God. No, I was not ordered not to make anymore prophetic post to this website. Since March 29, 2020, Monday thru Friday around 8:00 am PST until, I have been conducting a full-blown international, interfaith service/gathering on Zoom, in addition to our Rising Mystics Master Class on Monday evening @ 6:00 pm PST. Just when I thought my plate was full with ministry, parenting, home-schooling, etc., Spirit saw that I had the capacity to be stretched even more. On top of that, we are developing a Gifting Co Op within the Rising Mystics Family and those who want to experience the power of prosperity. We are successfully using ancient principles that generate $4000.00 Residual Income. This is not a wish it is a reality that’s happening now for many of us. (Could you use an extra $4000.00 a month? See the link below.) Unfortunately, this has taken time away from writing here and also getting my new book finished. I am not complaining, this is a “good busy,” doing things I already have a passion for. Despite the Plandemic, in my world the kingdom of God is flourishing. The spiritually blind are seeing, spiritually deaf are hearing and the spiritually lame are walking, leaping and praising the Most High. Because I choose to live in and...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Jun 7, 2020 | Uncategorized |
“Hear this, you elders; listen, all who live in the land. Has anything like this ever happened in your days or in the days of your ancestors? Tell it to your children, and let your children tell it to their children, and their children to the next generation.” Joel 1:2-3 What’s Going On? People are in derision, fearing and wondering what to do. In 2020, everything is being made clear. Do you have an Eye to see? Are we caught off guard? Are we surprised? If you having been following this ministry and paying attention you should not be surprised. We have been announcing, sometimes in detail what we are seeing today. Listen to this LIVE Radio Broadcast. In this broadcast I read the stars and tell what has been, is happening and some of what shall be. The heavens don’t lie. The heavens Declare. Some of these things were already written and posted on this website for the past few years. June 6, 2020 – Wake UP Radio Show. ASTROLOGICAL & PROPHETIC WORD “REVOLUTION!” (For the past 3 months, we have been doing Monday – Friday LIVE sessions of Zoom. We just finished a 3 day Camp Meeting with some of the nations’ most powerful, anointed, accurate and relevant prophets on the planet. We were blessed with, Dr. Connie Williams, Apostle Darryl Winston, Bishop Andrea Williams, Pastor Robyn Williams, Prophet Joshua Mills, Prophetess Mari Gauthier and others. We are seeing a Move of God Monday- Friday 8:05 am PST until…and Monday evenings @ 6:00 pm PST – contact: – Order of Melchizedek WE ACCEPT ALL MAJOR CREDIT...
by Order Of Melchizedek | May 7, 2020 | Uncategorized |
A few weeks ago Pastor Rob Allen in Newport News, Virginia text me a video clip of the Trump Team setting up for another CoVid-19 Press Briefing. Here’s a video of what the “hot mic” captured> Well, of course they are saying it was just a joke. Yeah right. These evil people do what they do in broad daylight, knowing that a vast majority of Americans have become so bewitched by Faux News, they don’t have to hide anymore. The Psychological Warfare and mass deception is so effective that people don’t even believe what they see with their eyes anymore. They don’t even believe what they hear with their ears and will argue that what they saw or heard did not happen. That’s a strong delusion. After the very well PlanneDemic was announced, I share with our Master Class and others that they already had the vaccine. They will wait to see how much death they could generate before making a vaccine available to the public. This is a test. (The “public vaccine” will be more deadly than the virus in the long run.) They don’t engineer and release biological weapons to use against humanity without creating a vaccine. They have to make sure they are protected from it. Didn’t you ever wonder why Trump has had close contact with several people who were CoVid-19 Positive, yet he has tested CoVid-19 negative twice? Trump, Pence and his inner circle do not wear gloves or a mask, they just tell the public “bare-face” lies. Unfortunately, the true Believers swallow them and anxiously wait for more. The vaccine was created September...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Apr 30, 2020 | Uncategorized |
Shalom, there are (2) very important videos at the end of this short message. Everyone in America needs to see them and innerstand where we are. We are only asking the question, you come to your own conclusions. Your world has drastically changed at the blink of an eye. You have come to that transitional space of the phasing out of the world as you knew it and the introduction to the New World Order. This New World Order is not really new, it is a bad re-mix of the old and what world leaders have tried many times. It has always failed and can never be permanent. Some of you flag waving patriots in the USA thought that surely by now you would not be here to see your Constitutional Right snatched from you. You have been banned from attending your favorite Church or Congregation to worship God. Pastors here in America are being arrested for assembling and threatened that if they do not comply, their Church will be shut down permanently. Hmmm, still waiting for the rapture? But weren’t you shouting just a few months ago how “free” we are compared to Muslim countries and Communist countries? The rallies were filled with chants, “Make America Great Again!” and “Keep America Great!” The stadiums are empty, there are no chants to be heard, the highways are less cluttered with vehicles, the Sports Arenas and Theatres are closed. Your restaurants are closed, shopping Malls, and many are seriously overdue for a hair appointment…and it shows. You are now restricted in your movement, and even grocery shopping, along with the...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Apr 20, 2020 | DNA & Science, Uncategorized |
(We are the Children of 5G and beyond.) It was 8 years ago after the Fukushima Nuclear disaster, I was inspire to write an article called, “Children of the Atom.” Months and up to weeks before the Massive 9.1 Earthquake & Tsunami that hit Japan on March 11, 2011, I had predicted it and posted it on the website. Just about a week or more before it hit, I was able to give the exact date and describe an earthquake of over 8.0 that would cause Crustal Displacement (land mass, islands moving out of their places), the volcanoes that would be set off and other things. The Massive Earthquake destabilized some of Japan’s Nuclear Reactors and they began to leak. They leaked into the Pacific Ocean and til this day, some say they are yet leaking. By, 2012 it was evident that radiated ghost ships displaced from the Earthquake and Tsumani were showing up on the West Coast of the USA and Canada. People were concerned about the Fish & Salmon Industry. There were mutated fish and more radioactive debris and ghost ships was showing up on our coast from Japan. Fear an panic became prevalent, especially, among the canneries in Alaska and along the Northwest Coast line. People with Geiger Counter’s were detecting high level of radiation in the water, fish and soil on the West Coast. Then, I thought, how ironic or is it Karma. Wasn’t it in 1945 that we use Nuclear weapons of mass destruction on Japan cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki, resulting in the deaths of over 200,000 humans? Plus, the long term effects that...
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