Live Stream TV Interview

Live Stream TV Interview

Hopefully you all are staying safe and focused. See through the smoke screen and sleight of hands. Listen to what they do not say. For many what they thought they knew, they will find out they did not know. Don’t get distracted by promise of $$$$ I have been asked multiple times, how long did I feel this Quarantine will last. Hmm. Saturn moved into Aquarius March 21, 2020 – Mars conjuncted with Saturn March 31, 2020. Saturn will stay in Aquarius for a little over 3 months, end of June-early July. That’s about 3 months or so. Why is that important? Saturn represents Restrictions, Limitations, Dealing with Yourself, Learning lessons. Aquarius is innovation, technology, internet, non-restriction, individuality. What did the government tell you to do? “Keep Yo Butt At Home” – SATURN (Restrictions, limitations, be with yourself, family members that some of you don’t like Emoji) And spend time, lots of time on Social Media, Internet, Netflex, technology) AQUARIUS. I expect some form of Quarantine to last more than the 2-3 weeks they told you. I would not be surprise if this is not dragged out until sometime in June, at least. LIVE STREAM TV INTERVIEW – FROM MARCH 18, 2020 Order of Melchizedek WE ACCEPT ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS & DEBIT CARD AT THIS SECURE ACCOUNT. Sharing is...
Welcome To Year 0

Welcome To Year 0

I have always been drawn to end of days, sci-fi and investigative films. I suppose it is the uncertainty, unbelievable, and unknown that provokes mental stimulation that I find entertaining and actually believable. For people who do not believe the Bible or other holy books, those who control the media have been preparing us psychologically for events we are seeing manifest in what we call our real world. It is almost as if life is imitating art (film). We all had views of how we thought our world would end. When I speak of the end of the world, I don’t mean the planet blowing up. I mean the end of our way of life on this beautiful planet, Earth. I mean the end of an age or epoch. For many it has not yet dawn on them that the world, the world we had created has ended. It is gone within a twinkling of an eye, yet you are still here. Actually, the moment the virus was released in 2019 – Wuhan, China; the end began. It was not until the morning of March 18, 2020 that it finally dawned on me, although, I had stated it. It was the “stillness,” it was so eerie I actually went outside looking around in awe. There were no birds, people, noise of vehicles or machines. The stillness and quiet was so loud, it took me a few moments to adjust to it. I began to ask others on the house, “Can you hear that, can you feel that?” I bathed in the silence, stillness, did some Sun-gazing and came to...
Jade Helm 15 & Artificial Intelligence

Jade Helm 15 & Artificial Intelligence

(This article was originally Written and Published July 13, 2015. I am re-posting it because the technology in the article is now being rolled out and put in place throughout this nation and others) Over the past several months, we have received email inquiries regarding JADE HELM 15.  I had not taken the time to give it much thought and just answered according to what I felt intuitively.  Eye have shared with others that it was much more than most of us thought and also had to do with extraterrestrial and artificial intelligence.  In a few recent posts/articles, Eye hinted further at the technology behind Jade Helm 15.  Here is what Eye stated;   “Not every evil event happening is staged by the government.  There is a technology they have access to that allows them to see clearly into the future.  Many times they have the ability to stop the events, to prepare for them, or choose to use them to further their agendas.  Jade Helm 15 will serve several purposes when it is implemented beyond the ‘military exercise.’” Are you really sure you want to see how far the rabbit hole goes?  You will not only have to be able to think outside the box to fully grasp the implications of what Eye am about to share, you will have to destroy the box.  Keep in mind the quote above, Eye also made a similar statement in our recent highly controversial article “Welcome to the United States of Paranoia.” Before checking email this morning, I begin to tried to decipher hidden codes in Jade Helm 15 using gematria, numerology and the divine science of astrology.  ...
Crown of Death or Crown of Life

Crown of Death or Crown of Life

I had not been focus very much on the Corona Virus aka CoVID-19 until the last few weeks, after getting quite a number of calls and inquiries. Here are some of the things I have been hearing from the Spirit of the LORD and sharing with others. I will try to limit this to bullet points, instead of going into too much details. This esoteric interpretation & prophetic word spans from year 2020 to around 2023. “He that has an ear to hear, let him/her hear.” The Corona Virus gets its name from the 7 crown-like spikes on its surface, according to the CDC. Including the newly identified form of the virus. There are a total of 7 Corona Viruses that can infect humans, the CDC says. Other well-known Corona Viruses include SARS and MERS. (Corona is Latin for Crown, authority, that which sits on the head, the top; a halo). How does this tie in to Lady Liberty? I will tell you at the end. Here are the 7 Spikes on the top of the Crown-shaped Virus. (We wont take the time to explore all of the esoteric levels of this here. Just know, when they create these viruses, they always have deeper meanings and they knowingly distort something that’s pure, perfect and spiritual). 229E (alpha coronavirus) NL63 (alpha coronavirus) OC43 (beta coronavirus) HKU1 (beta coronavirus) MERS-CoV (the beta Corona Virus that causes Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or MERS) SARS-CoV (the beta Corona Virus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS) SARS-CoV-2 (the novel Corona Virus that causes Corona Virus disease 2019, or COVID-19) People around the...
Corona Virus aka CoVid-19

Corona Virus aka CoVid-19

A virus is a biological agent that reproduces inside the cells of living hosts. When infected by a virus, a host cell is forced to produce thousands of identical copies of the original virus at an extraordinary rate. PLANT VIRUS Plant viruses are viruses that affect plants. Like all other viruses, plant viruses are obligate intracellular parasites that do not have the molecular machinery to replicate without a host. Plant viruses can be pathogenic to higher plants. INSECT VIRUS Baculoviridae is a family of viruses. Arthropods, lepidoptera, hymenoptera, diptera, and decapoda serve as natural hosts. … Immature (larval) forms of moth species are the most common hosts, but these viruses have also been found infecting sawflies, mosquitoes, and shrimp. Viruses can infect all types of life forms, from animals and plants to microorganisms, including bacteria and archaea. Others, such as the Dengue virus, are spread by blood-sucking insects. ANIMAL VIRUS Animal viruses are viruses that infect animals. Viruses infect all cellular life and although viruses infect every animal, plant and protist species, each has its own specific range of viruses that often infect only that species. A zoonosis is an infectious disease caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites that spread from non-human animals (usually vertebrates) to humans. There are over a million viruses like the novel coronavirus out there. There have been found 500 different coronaviruses in bats alone. (Wikipedia) HUMAN VIRUS Many latent and asymptomatic viruses are present in the human body all the time. Viruses infect all life forms; therefore the bacterial, plant, and animal cells and material in our gut also carry viruses. When viruses cause...