by Order Of Melchizedek | Jul 23, 2018 | Astrology, Uncategorized |
Shalom! At the time of this writing the Sun is 1 degree in the Zodiac sign house of LEO. Leo is the 5th House of the Zodiac (Mazzaroth). There are 12 Zodiac signs, the biblical Hebrew word for Zodiac is Mazzaroth. “Can you bring forth the Mazzaroth (Zodiac/Constellations) in their season…” Job 38:32 (Mazzarah – #4216 Strong’s Concordance = the Zodiac and 36 constellations) – The 12 Zodiac signs are called Houses or Mansions. There are 12 major houses, each have 3 small houses/mansions that form the Great Zodiac Wheel within a Wheel of 48 mansions above our heads in the 2nd heaven. “In my Father’s house are many mansions.” John 14:2 The 5th Zodiac house is considered to be the house of satisfaction, pleasure, enjoyment, procreation, offspring, children, creativity, literature, creative arts, party, emotional release, etc. It is also considered to be the house of royalty, rulership and relationships. It is ruled by the Sun. The element is Fire. The 5th Zodiac house correlates with the 5th month on the Hebrew Calendar, the month Av, equal to our month August. The 12 tribes of ancient Israel were assigned the 12 Zodiac signs. Joseph had a profound astrological dream that his brothers and parents evidently had some understanding of. “Then he had another dream, and he told it to his brothers. “Listen,” he said, “I had another dream, and this time the Sun and Moon and eleven stars (zodiac constellation) were bowing down to me.” Genesis 37:9 There were 12 sons of Jacob/Israel- they later developed into 12 tribes and a nation. Joseph saw the Sun (Jacob/Israel- his father),...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Jul 15, 2018 | Motivational, Uncategorized |
AWAKENING According to Webster’s Dictionary, awakening means, A revival of interest or conscience, to come alive. To excite; cease from sleep. Some time ago while in meditation, the thought “Awakening” was conceived in my spirit and later a message was formed. My purpose for writing this is to assist you in living “the awakened life.” It is difficult to wake someone up without disturbing them. “As for me, I will behold your face in righteousness. I shall be satisfied when I awake with your likeness.” Psalms 17:15 This is a very powerful verse once understood in relation to Present Truth God is revealing. You see, for so long we have been taught by religion that this AWAKENING happens after you physically die and resurrect into a spirit / glorified body. We have been told that, once you get to heaven (after death or a rapture), you will see God and be like Him. There will be no more Pain, Sorrow, Sickness, Depression, Financial Problems, and of course, no more Death. In the meantime here, struggle your way through life’s test, trials and roller coaster experiences; “because in the sweet by and by, things will get better.” My friend, this is not “the Awakened Life,” but this is a strong delusion that has the Body of Christ in a coma today, and also the secular world. We have been so programmed to expect some special event in the future, that we have forgotten to live for the moment. Many people who are suffering physically are waiting for medical science to one day discover the miracle drug that will cure all...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Jul 8, 2018 | Astrology, Uncategorized |
Shalom, this video below is filled with Astro-Prophecy. We posted it to your YouTube Channel on the 30th of June 2018. In the video we explore some of the astro-prophetic word and visions Eye shared in January 2018 about the Family Crisis and challenges with unity in the family – due to the movements of the heavens in Cancer. Cancer is the 4th house of the Zodiac that rules family matters. Eye spoke of these things months before the problem with those seeking Asylum having their children taken at the border. The heavens don’t lie, however, we may not always interpret them accurately or realize the scope or depth their prophetic language may be reaching. We had no idea there would be a problem with children separated at the border. Further, in the video, we look at the mystical meanings of why volcanoes are erupting as we speak in North America and Central America. We did announce that eruptions would manifest while the Sun was in Taurus. Plus, the heavens are shouting about the increase of extreme aggression, violence building. Enter into His Peace. Also, in the video we share about the coming INTENSE HEAT, WILD FIRES, FLOODS and Extreme weather manifesting this month. Globally, record breaking temperatures are happening. We see these things already coming to pass…the Flood in Japan,… coming Extreme Hurricane season. Why? There’s a lot of energy building. In the video you will see learn about the (3) powerful Eclipses that will start in a few day. The longest Lunar Eclipse of the 21st Century is coming this month. Align yourself with the heavens…they are...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Jun 27, 2018 | DNA & Science, Uncategorized |
“And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” Genesis 2:21-23 Did Yahweh Elohim (LORD God) take a literal “rib” from the body of Adam to create Eve? Is there scientific proof? What else could “Rib” have been foreshadowing that’s a part of our everyday scientific language? Is science catching up with the Bible? Or, is it as many are not saying, “The Bible is just an allegory.” You will know the truth and be inspired by this message. Video here~~~ADAM’S RIB – PART 1 Now that you have more understanding than possibly 90% of the world on what happened in Genesis chapter 2 with the creation of Eve, plus, scientific proof…Let’s go further. Yahushua (Jesus) was the last Adam, or 2nd Adam; who totally absorbed the 1st Adam within Himself-canceling him. Both Adams’ had a Garden, one was Eden, the other was Gethsemane. Yahushua (Jesus was also put to sleep and a surgery was performed on him. Fine out what God produce in this short video below? John 19 Video here~~ADAM’S RIB -THE LAST ADAM – PART 2 Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Jun 20, 2018 | Uncategorized |
[There is something more sinister than you realize that going on with the kidnapping of children specifically at this time. Unfortunately, most of those children will never be returned to their families. At the end of this message, I will tell you not what I think but what I know. Learn the times and seasons-you wont be deceived by the smoke and mirror, sleight of hands political, media show] Thousands of infants, toddlers and children have been and are being ripped from their parents arms at the border in our nation. STOP!! Despite laws, policies and politics – Can you imagine the trauma being inflicted on innocent children who don’t speak English…being told they are being taken to have a bath or to play, but not returned to their parents? STOP!! Think! Can you imagine the trauma experienced by these already stressed parents who have walked for days, weeks and some literally months, seeking asylum in what has been known to be the most Christian, compassionate and humane nation in the world…to have their kids literally ripped out of their arms, kidnapped and put in cages? Or, even kidnapped and put in the Hyatt Hotel…the point is having your kids taken and not knowing where they are or if you will ever see them again. Parents seeking asylum in our country, fleeing from poverty, persecution, abuse, war and extreme violence in many Latin American countries, are met with this type of extreme hostility. Donald Trump, Jeff Sessions and (undead) Stephen Miller put together this Policy in April…it is not a Law. It is called “Zero Tolerance” for people entering...
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