by Order Of Melchizedek | May 3, 2018 | Aliens & UFO's |
We don’t get to comment on this intriguing subject as much we’d like to or used to, but it is very important. We have had disclosure all year from higher levels of government than we ever had before in this country. In December 2017, the Pentagon finally admitted that they have spent tens of millions of dollars looking into UFO’s and admitted having filmed them. Of course, that was only a carrot being thrown out to appease the awakened public pushing for disclosure. In reality, there has long been a “Black Budget” for the Secret Space Program and that’s where much of the trillions of dollars have gone and yet go. Alien ships (UFO’s) are being seen more frequently than before in our skies and it will increase until it soon becomes the norm and then there will be interaction with the ones who fly these crafts. A lot of strange things are happening in our Solar System at this time, one of the most fascinated events besides the UFO’s is, a complete celestial planetary system that hasn’t been seen has come. Literally multiple giant planets, with multiple moons very close and is being seen daily. Yet the media and government is completely silent on this subject. Watch this intriguing UFO Documentary. The content of this documentary has massive implications for our entire planet. Deemed too controversial for TV, it is unlike many of the UFO “documentaries” found on network television nowadays, which contain far more speculation than fact, this film rigorously examines the officially-still-hidden history of UFO activity at nuclear weapons laboratories, test areas, storage depots and missile...
by Order Of Melchizedek | May 2, 2018 | Uncategorized |
It is very hard to awaken someone without disturbing them (interrupting and interfering with their normal function). Conscious and unconscious life experiences come in sometimes subtle and sometimes dramatic ways, to interrupt what has been accepted as normal. The unexpected currents of life happening in our sphere beacons and challenges us to, “Wake UP!” The signs will continue to manifest, interfering with the mundane, and challenging our thinking; until we are forced to awaken or choose to stay asleep. Events happening in our society, culture, politics, religion, economy, personal relationships, physical health, finances or internal dialogs are often nudges or outright violent shaking…to release us from our slumber. When one is truly awaken, it is difficult to go back to sleep. Awareness of the plight of humanity is realized as spiritual and the desire to lift humanity to a higher state becomes a passion. The supernatural aspect of awakening is birth out of love for self and others. The paranormal experiences become a benefit of being human. ‘Are miracles starting to happen for you? As you reach a more aware state of consciousness, you will realize that letting go of fear and following the love in your heart will provide a beautiful outcome. You may try to fight it (the ego doesn’t want to let go) but, in the end, you will know that all you really need to do is be at peace. The awakening is happening.’ “The world is full of people, but there is only a handful of human beings.”.. Enjoy this video and discover if you are having SYMPTOMS of Awakening. David said, “I shall...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Apr 28, 2018 | DNA & Science |
Due to the acceleration of time and consciousness, we are being propelled forward faster and deeper inward as never before. Earth is moving through space around the Sun at least 67,000 miles per hour and is rotating 1000 mph. The Solar System is revolving around the Milky Way Galaxy at 490,000 mph – this is information from several years ago. The current speed is being kept from the public as everything is speeding up. We seem to be rushing toward our ultimate Cosmic Date with destiny. The signs in the heavens are becoming clearer and clearer with each planetary alignment, eclipse and comet heralding the end of things as we know it and the beginning of a new day and consciousness. [Plus, we are seeing many new huge planets and moons very close in out solar system. Often look up, especially at sunrise and sunset; even in mid-day some can be seen through the heavy concealment of chemtrails. So far, there is the gigantic stripped tan super planet, the red dragon planet (Nibiru) with a huge debris field that looks like wings, a beautiful green planet, a blue, and one that looks multi-colored and textured.] Astronomical events are assisting in the evolution of mankind and our planet as the energies from deep space affect the energy on earth. Dormant embedded codes in the DNA of the planet, humans and every specie are being awakened and unlocked by these stellar emanations. Light energy, photon particles and unseen silent messages are traveling at unbelievable speed through space and time to find its way into our subatomic level filled with information to...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Apr 23, 2018 | DNA & Science, Uncategorized |
(This message/testimonial below was originally shared March 13, 2013 in an article on the old website. ) When I saw the article posted below called, “Shape-Shifting Jesus,” my heart leap for joy. Around the year 2000, before this published work in the article, I’d preach on this subject many times. It was not that acceptable to refer to Jesus as a “Shape-Shifter.” I am sure many would have a problem with it even today. I hosted the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) Conference in Seattle, WA 2004 called, “Shape-Shifters.” I taught and preach on the ability we have to literally shapeshift and proclaimed that Jesus was a Shape-Shifter. There were some that suggested and complained my language was a bit too “New Agey.” SHAPESHIFT – The ability to literally transform ones body, to take on another completely different form or shape. What happened in Matthew chapter 17? While Jesus and (3) of his apostles were praying on the mountain top, something supernatural happened in that prayer meeting. Jesus was Transfigured, he changed his physical form/figure into a body of brilliant white light and even his clothing, right in front of his apostles. He told them not to tell anyone. “And as they were going down the mountain, Jesus commanded them, “Do not tell anyone what you have seen until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.” Matthew 17:9 AMP After his literal resurrection from the dead, he shape-shifted many times. Mary thought he was the Gardener, because he changed his form. “When she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there; but she did...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Apr 20, 2018 | Astrology, Uncategorized |
One of the biggest celestial events of May 2018 is the planet Uranus, which means heaven, sky. It will move out of Aries where it has been for 7 years, into the sign of Taurus. It will remain there until April 2026, 7 years. Uranus or Heaven will be setting the stage of what will be happening over the next 7 years in Taurus influencing the Earth. Father created the heavens to be ruled by 12 main houses, they are also called mansions. These mansions cover about a 30 degrees arc of space each in the universe. Each is sliced out like a large pizza in this wheel with in a wheel. Each mansion has 3 smaller mansions or sub-constellations (shapes of human, animals, beast or objects).. The 12 Big Mansions or Houses of the Zodiac have at least one govern (ruler). The Rulers are the 9 planets of our Solar System, in this highly organized government of the second heaven. “And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule (govern) the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars (constellations) also.” Genesis 1:16 The Sun of Righteousness moves throughout this Zodiac (circle of animals and shapes of men) Wheel during the 12 months of the year. For example, today April 20, the Sun has moved into Taurus and is 1 degree in the Mansion (house, tabernacle) of Taurus. The Sun of Righteousness will remain mostly in Taurus, going through its many rooms for about 30 days. Each room represents a day someone was born between April 19/20 – May 20, and...
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