by Order Of Melchizedek | Feb 27, 2018 | Eye See, Uncategorized |
“And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works…” Hebrews 10:24 The modern day Western Evangelical Prophetic ministry is smooth, soft, heavily diluted, and will go out of the way to Not make people uncomfortable, encourage real change, or cause their listeners to simply “Think” beyond what they are programmed to think. It’s all about “no pressure,” ignoring the elephant in the room, not addressing real relevant issues as the prophets of old did. It’s about smiles, approval rating$, aligning with the religious status quo, and how much of their BS (belief system) can be dished out and redefined as love. The main cause for increased Atheism today is the extremely weak stance of American Evangelical Christianity. The world sees the blatant hypocrisy. The writer of the book of Hebrews wrote that we should “PROVOKE” each other in such a way that would produce genuine love in action. The Greek word used for Provoke is, “paroxysmos” which means to be contentious, sharp; to incite or Irritate. The root word “para” means, beside, contrary or go against. Many have become like the back-slidden people of old, “Speak to us smooth things prophet,” while we are living in rough and challenging times. Fortunately, there are yet true prophetic voices in the land – those who are not overly concerns with numbers, fame, money, or the praise of men. Truth is provocative, it is sometimes sharp, contentious, goes against the status quo and it will irritate the hell out of you. Then, the true agape (love) can shine through, not only in empty religious words, but actions....
by Order Of Melchizedek | Feb 21, 2018 | Eye See, Uncategorized |
We are living in highly prophetic times and signs are being given all around us. Some of the signs come in what could be thought of as something positive and others come as something that generates a sense of loss. This morning when I opened my computer to get started with our Home School classes, I saw the Yahoo headlines news declaring that the great Evangelist Billy Graham has made his transition from the physical world to the other world. As I read the article, I began to rejoice. I rejoiced for the many that came to know the Christ through his ministry and I rejoiced because Eye could see this was a major prophetic sign for us, those who are spiritual. My mind began to go back to last Fall, it was Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), 40 days after AMERICA”s GREAT SOLAR ECLIPSE-of August 21, 2017. The Spirit kept repeating, “a General in the Faith was about to cross over and it would be the beginning of others crossing.” It was so intense, I had felt it might be before December 31, 2017 and had told others and even spoke of it at the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) in San Diego, California – October 2017. Eye spoke of the East and West Coast mourning, after one makes the transition, another would follow. Dr. Billy Graham was on the East Coast…. The Spirit was saying this would be a major sign of the changing of the guards. Below are a few of the written prophetic words released during last Fall 2017. “You are about to see the Systematic...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Feb 18, 2018 | Astrology, Uncategorized |
I appear to be going through a phase of less writing lately, I think this is partially due to time restraints. However, we are moving forward with our University of Divine Science of the Heavens series of teachings on our Youtube channel. The intent is to produce at least a 30 minute teaching each week. Right now we are studying the Mazzaroth. Mazzaroth is the Hebrew word for Zodiac, taken from Job 38:32. The series will divide the heavens into Three Books. Mazzaroth Book One – Part 1 is below – set forth in “present truth” but basic enough for anyone to grasp the concepts of the heavens. This Mazzaroth series lays the foundation for the deeper and moreso esoteric revelations of the heavens Eye will be sharing in the near future on Astro-biology, Astro-metaphysics, and many other subjects. We are making this knowledge available free of charge, don’t miss out on your opportunity to learn the secrets of the heavens. We are praying that free-will donations, offerings, or tithe will be sown in abundance into the ministry so that we can do this work with a greater spirit of excellence. INjoy the Books of the heavens. Click Here —> MAZZAROTH BOOK ONE – Part 1 To SUBSCRIBE To Our Youtube Channel and get the videos when they are posted, Click here —> SUBSCRIBE Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Feb 4, 2018 | Astrology, Wealth Building |
For the past 5 months we have been bombarded with ads encouraging us to buy BITCOIN or other Digital/Crypto-Currencies. The experts have been telling us that we should be investing in Cryptocurrencies. Early Fall 2017, Spirit started to move me into looking into Cryptos again and I encouraged others to also. Suddenly, for the past month the Crypto-Currency Market has been reeling. Bitcoin and all the digital Currencies seems to be crashing. (Great time to buy) The government seems to be overstepping into the Cryptosphere that’s decentralized, conducting bold cyber attacks (DDOS) against Lending Platforms and purposely crashing valid Cryptocurrencies, which are already trading on the market. Letters of Cease and Desist are being issued specifically against platforms where investors/lenders are accumulating wealth in a very short time. FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) is being spread throughout the crypto world and massive campaigns are being launched through Youtube and other means by agents of the system…even some of those one would think is all for decentralization of the currencies. Words like “SCAM” “Ponzi Scheme” “Fraud” in bold are shaking the community and creating division. Unfortunately, most can not see it is the same enemy that labeled “BITCOIN” a Scam, Fraud and Ponzi Scheme from it’s beginning 2009. Many uninformed or jealous people yet label the Bitcoin as the largest Ponzi Scheme in history. When I hear this I usually correct them by telling them that the un-Federal Reserve Bank creating money out of thin air is the biggest Fraud, Scam and Ponzi Scheme perpetrated against humanity. Then I would say, if you don’t wish to participate in the “real...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Jan 29, 2018 | Astrology, Uncategorized |
What happens on January 31, 2018 wont happen again for about 152 years. It is called a Lunar Trifecta, 3 major events at the same time with the Moon. There will be a Super Moon, a Blue Moon and Blood Red Total Lunar Eclipse…at the same time. This is rare and highly prophetic and you don’t want to miss the opportunity to align yourself and set your intent to capture the massive energy burst from this event. In the video below EYE explain the meaning of this event from an astrological, esoteric, prophetic and astro-metaphysical perspective. Experience this now. (Update: Eclipse starts at 2:51 am PST, 3:51 am, MST, etc – Totality 5:29 am PST, 6:29 am MST) Enter the portal Click Here~~~~ LUNAR TRIFECTA PROPHETIC EVENT – January 31, 2018 ————————– PROPHETICALLY THINKING OUT LOUD It was about 150 years ago (March 31, 1866) this Rare Lunar Trifecta last manifested…It was at the end of the American Civil War that lasted from 1861-1865. It served as a coma (pause) or phase of prolonged ending an old paradigm and slightly opening a new paradigm. The last shot was fired June 22, 1865, while the Sun was 2 degrees in Cancer, the astrological sign of the USA. Much blood was shed and there was a great debate over if Blacks and other people of color were actually citizens. The Civil Rights Act was passed April 9, 1866. The problems of slavery, race, gender discrimination, and human rights were at the forefront of the minds of people. Is the heavens announcing in reverse unresolved energies from the old paradigm are to...
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