The Kingdom of Heaven (Videos)

The Kingdom of Heaven (Videos)

Shalom People of the Most High God, For many years people have requested an on-line class and specifically dealing with a revelation given to me of the heavens, the Zodiac. Due to “life happening” there is just not enough time to develop that in the manner I would like. However, I have decided to create a University of “free” Youtube Videos . I have started a lengthy series on the Kingdom of Heaven. I will be teaching/preaching on some of these subjects: SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL & YOU WONT MISS ANY MESSAGES. ~~ATAM YOUTUBE ASTROTHEOLOGY ASTROMETAPHYSICS ASTRONUMEROLOGY ASTROPROPHECY ASTROLOGY THE MAGI etc. etc. It’s going to be very dynamic, spiritual, powerful, educational, and liberating from old paradigms. Experience our Part 1 & Part 2 below. We will try to produce at least (1) video per week, which could be 20-40 videos of this series, possibly more. The subject is vast and one rabbit trail leads to many others. We will be providing this for FREE and expecting those who can to support, as we strive for a spirit of excellence (Better quality equipment, computers, etc.). THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN PART 1 – VIDEO THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN PART 2- VIDEO Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...
Year Of The Dog -2018

Year Of The Dog -2018

Happy New Year, again! We celebrated the biblical New Year (Rosh Hashana), that begun September 21, 2017 = Tishrei 1 – 5778 already. To review those prophecies, things to pray about and esoteric teachings, go to Year 5778 In Chinese Astrology -based on the Lunar Calendar, February 16, 2018, we are ending the YEAR Of The COCK (Rooster) and we thank God for that. The Element was Fire and there was a lot of testosterone that led to many men being caught with their “pants down” exposing their “rooster” – unending allegations of sexual harassment, sexual misbehavior, predatory and rape events that stemmed back 40 years. Although, the element was fire (masculine), it was mostly the Yin (female) energy pushing men to take full responsibility for their actions. Here is an excerpt of a prophetic reading of the heavens Eye gave January 6, 2017 regarding this, with a prophetic play on words foreshadowing male sexual issues would be major in 2017: “This year’s Element is FIRE. So it is the year of the fiery or hot Cock. The energy is YIN, which is female energy….The energy of this year is calling for men to STEP UP. Be a Man, be responsible…don’t be a D*ck.” – Year of the Cock Eye further warned in the prophecy that January – June 2017 was a time to get things in order, space to repentance of behaviors, or they would would be uncovered. In January 26, 2017 Saturn moved into SAGITTARIUS, then retrograded June 21-October 26 into SCORPIO (Scorpio is the 8th sign that controls sexual behavior, procreation, etc). When did the sexual...
Jerusalem, the Eternal Capital City of Jewish People..?

Jerusalem, the Eternal Capital City of Jewish People..?

Is there verse in the Bible that states Jerusalem is the eternal capital city of Israel or the Jewish people. or ever has been? Are the Jewish people a race, or a religion made up of many people groups (races)? Why does Evangelical Christians wholeheartedly support atheists occupying Palestine claiming to be related to the original Hebrew people of the Bible? Why do Christian ministers get angry, defensive and aggressive, when historic and scientific facts and truth about this great deception is exposed? For decades of sounding this alarm, I have been puzzled why people reject truth. Listen to a practicing Jew share it: As we have stated many times, there is the “genuine church (called out ones)” and there is “false system harlot church” that knowingly deceives the masses every Sunday. This large group of tares look, sounds and acts almost identical to the wheat. This religious-political “good ole boys club,” led by many of the big names of modern western Evangelical Christianity, are wolves in silk, denim and sheep clothing. They are the knowing supporters of the Zionist Synagogue of Satan…helping to perpetuate the deception of those who say they are Jews, but are not. They are the dumb dogs that can not or will not bark. Their egoistic lust for power, fame, $$$$ and herd mentality approval have muzzled them. They can only speak to what satisfies the itching ears of their congregations they have dumb down and made spiritually retarded. Most “Christians” are clueless and could care less about the negative impact on the world the person occupying the Oval Office has made. This is...
Are UFO’s & Aliens In the Bible?

Are UFO’s & Aliens In the Bible?

Soft Disclosure is happening in America. After the Pentagon’s admission this past week and video, there should be no more doubt that our government has known about “them” for decades. Unfortunately, in much of Christianity, everything outside the limited understanding of creation, the universe, science or technology is often relegated to being demonic. Are there positive & negative entities? Are all the flying machines Fallen Angels? Did Angels of the Most High also use them and Yahweh himself? What does the Bible say? Does the Bible actually give us an idea what these vehicles look like? Did many of the prophets have a special connection with them? Didn’t President Ronald Reagan know something? Are negative and positive alien abductions mentioned in the Bible? Experience what the Bible really says in the video...
Metaphysics Pt. 3 – Power of Manifestations

Metaphysics Pt. 3 – Power of Manifestations

What is it that you want? In this short video message Metaphysics, Eye am agreeing, prophesying, and speaking into your “inner space” to create or manifest whatever it is you need. Connect with me in Spirit & Faith and expect the miraculous to manifest instantly. It must manifest and can not be otherwise. (Share this with others that might need it) Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...